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Riviera Maya

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Estados Unidos

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Date un vuelo sin sorpresas... y el precio final desde el inicio

Hay trenes que pasan una vez, y otra, y otra...

Elegimos el mejor ferry para tu bolsillo

Las comparaciones son odiosas, menos la nuestra

Todas las opciones de ocio: urbanas, parques, culturales, ....

¡Siente la magia de Disney!

Seis mundos fantásticos llenos de aventuras y sorpresas

Descubre los mejores destinos para tus vacaciones

viajes rainbow tours

Destacados de la semana

Escapadas de Fin de semana

Escapadas de Fin de semana

Capitales Europeas

Capitales Europeas

Caribe al mejor precio

Caribe al mejor precio

Estados Unidos

Los chollos de la semana

¿A qué destino me voy?

viajes rainbow tours

Costa Cálida

Región de Murcia

Costa Cálida, en la Región de Murcia es un destino conocido por sus hermosos paisajes naturales, experiencias inolvidables y una rica tradición gastronómica.

viajes rainbow tours

Disfruta del maravilloso arte romano en la ciudad eterna

Visita la bella capital de Italia y déjate cautivar por todas las alternativas turísticas que posee. No pierdas la oportunidad de conocer el Foro Palatino, el Coliseo Romano, la Iglesia del Gesú, el Domus Aurea, el Museo Vaticano, el Panteón, la basílica de San Pietro in Vincoli, la Fuente de Trevi ...

viajes rainbow tours

La capital de Francia posee un gran número de encantos turísticos para el deleite de los viajeros que arriban hasta su territorio

Esta ciudad es el destino perfecto para poder disfrutar de unos días de relax y confort en compañía del glamour y la cultura. Por este motivo, anímate y ven junto a la familia o los amigos, a conocer sus restaurantes, sus tiendas y sus bares.

viajes rainbow tours

¡Descubre un Brasil espectacular en cada experiencia!

En Brasil, la sostenibilidad es nuestra esencia, la cultura es nuestra identidad, la naturaleza es nuestra riqueza, el deporte es nuestra pasión, la aventura es nuestro espíritu y la gastronomía es nuestro deleite.

viajes rainbow tours

República Dominicana

Visita República Dominicana

El paraíso que lo tiene todo para hacer turismo en cada rincón. Enamórate de sus playas de arena blanca y del azul turquesa del mar, explora sus parques naturales entre cuevas, cenotes y cascadas, recorre sus ciudades coloniales y disfruta de su variada gastronomía con los sabores más típicos del Ca...

viajes rainbow tours

¿Te apetece conocer esas playas paradisíacas, templos y paisajes tropicales?

Sin lugar a dudas Tailandia es uno de los lugares más visitados de Asia, esto se debe a la combinación perfecta entre infraestructura para el turismo y su exotismo como destino para todos los occidentales.

viajes rainbow tours

Ven a visitar sus numerosos monumentos patrimonio de la Humanidad y entender su cultura local, única en el mundo.

Marrakech está dividida en dos partes, al igual que otras ciudades imperiales marroquíes. Su centro con la gran Medina, lugar conocido como la ciudad vieja, es un lugar que se encuentra rodeado por bastiones espectaculares de tierra roja, y fuera de las murallas, la ville nouvelle o ciudad nueva, ci...

viajes rainbow tours

Fuerteventura, también es conocida como “La Playa de Canarias”.

Es un destino ideal para toda la familia. Sorprende con más de tres mil horas de sol al año. Compagina zonas de actividad turística con pueblos pesqueros o rincones vírgenes en los que el tiempo se detiene. La isla es un paraíso para los amantes del surf, famosa en toda Europa. También ha sido decla...

viajes rainbow tours

Es conocida como la joya del Mediterráneo por sus magníficas costas

En Malta hay gran cantidad de playas; muchas de ellas son de roca, pero también es posible encontrar preciosas y amplias playas de arena dorada, bañadas por las aguas azules del Mediterráneo, como si de un paraíso se tratara.

viajes rainbow tours

Es la localidad más visitada de República Dominicana, situada al este de la misma

Punta Cana, que se encuentra entre los mejores destinos de golf del mundo, es la viva imagen del ocio. Algunos cursos los han diseñado golfistas profesionales, por lo que plantean al viajero un sereno desafío con el que disfrutar de este deporte en plenas vacaciones.

viajes rainbow tours

El Salvador

¡Descubre El Salvador!

Desde las olas de Oriente Salvaje hasta las vibrantes calles de Surf City. Explora nuestra historia en las rutas arqueológicas y disfruta del auténtico sabor de la Ruta del Café. ¿Listo para una aventura inolvidable?

viajes rainbow tours

La Isla reúne en su mesa los mejores ingredientes del Atlántico, marinados con excelentes vinos y malvasías

En las Islas Afortunadas, las Hespérides, o más comúnmente conocidas Islas Canarias se encuentra la volcánica isla de Lanzarote, perteneciente a la provincia de Las Palmas. Dicen que ninguna isla es igual a otra y que entre todas se conforma una paisaje variopinto.

viajes rainbow tours

Conoce todo sobre las atracciones, lugares de interés y los mejores destinos en la linda isla de Ibiza... ¡Diversión total!

¡Playa, sol y fiesta! Visita la bella isla de Ibiza, una de las más bellas islas del archipiélago balear, el destino ideal para disfrutar de las mejores celebraciones en Europa y vivir inolvidables momentos en las preciosas playas de esta maravillosa isla.

viajes rainbow tours

Puro Caribe

Riviera Maya es la joya del turismo de costa en México. Sus playas paradisíacas de arena inmaculada, los arrecifes de coral, los cenotes, la gastronomía, las imponentes ruinas de la antigua civilización maya y el buen clima hacen de esta parte del estado de Quintana Roo uno de los destinos imprescin...

viajes rainbow tours

País de contrastes

Pocas civilizaciones han logrado armonizar fascinantes y misteriosas tradiciones centenarias con la más rabiosa modernidad tecnológica como la nipona...

viajes rainbow tours

Es magia y es pasión

Disfruta de un entorno maravilloso paseando por las calles de La Habana Vieja, por el Vedado o el Malecón. Sus edificios coloniales y sus coches de época te trasladarán a un mundo de tesón y carácter. Nos adentramos en su historia visitando el monumento al Che en Santa Clara, las ciudades de Camagüe...

viajes rainbow tours

¡Descubre la magia de Berlín!

Sumérgete en la rica cultura de esta ciudad vibrante, explorando museos de renombre mundial. Saborea la deliciosa cocina alemana en acogedores restaurantes locales y disfruta de los colores cálidos del otoño en los hermosos parques de la ciudad. ¡No te pierdas los emocionantes eventos culturales y f...

viajes rainbow tours

¡Descubre el pulso de Corea del Sur!

donde la modernidad se mezcla con la tradición

Sumérgete en su belleza natural y maravíllate con sus paisajes cautivadores. Explora el legado histórico del Patrimonio de la UNESCO. Además, únete al fenómeno global de Hallyu con el electrizante K-pop, cautivadoras películas y dramas envolventes. ¡Vive la diversidad de Corea del Sur en cada experi...

viajes rainbow tours

Sumérgete en la aventura y la naturaleza de Costa Rica.

Explora selvas vírgenes, conquista cascadas ocultas y observa la vida silvestre en su hábitat natural. ¡Descubre un paraíso de aventura en cada rincón de este hermoso país!

viajes rainbow tours

Quintana Roo

En el sureste de México

Descubre un destino único que ofrece una combinación impresionante de arqueología maya, cultura, cenotes y ríos subterráneos, buceo en arrecifes de coral, pesca en alta mar y actividades ideales para viajes en familia. Además, su gastronomía yucateca te deleitará con sabores auténticos en el entorno...

viajes rainbow tours

Te sorprenderás al ver las grandes extensiones floridas del interior de la isla y de sus acantilados

Antiguamente la isla estaba cubierta por esta especie casi en su totalidad, pero los colonos portugueses prendieron fuego a las extensiones para establecer granjas y cultivos.

viajes rainbow tours

Bella isla del mediterráneo, en el archipiélago Balear

Aquí, en el afamado “centro de turismo mundial” vas a encontrar todo tipo de atracciones que harán de tus vacaciones en Mallorca una experiencia inolvidable. ¿A qué esperas para visitarla?

viajes rainbow tours

La isla tranquila del archipiélago Balear, más sencilla que sus islas vecinas ofrece maravillosas playas y calas rocosas

Menorca es un destino ideal para familias con el deseo de descansar, realizando visitas culturales y descubriendo maravillosas playas donde reina la tranquilidad. Menorca tiene sitios estupendos que visitar como Ciudadela, Fornells y Binibeca. Sin lugar a dudas se trata de un destino apto para todos...

viajes rainbow tours

Descubre su historia

Estados Unidos ofrece rutas de lo más variadas con las que conocer su historia, empaparse de su cultura, sorprenderse con la inmensidad de sus paisajes naturales, divertirse en numerosos parques temáticos y espectáculos… Un país para todo tipo de viajeros. Aquí te dejamos algunas recomendaciones, a ...

viajes rainbow tours

Un gran número de atractivos para el deleite de los turistas

Es el lugar ideal para poder disfrutar de unas vacaciones de primera en compañía de los amigos o de la familia. Por esta razón, anímate y ven a pasar los mejores de tu vida en esta ciudad inglesa. No te arrepentiras, asegurado.

viajes rainbow tours

La sorprendente Arabia es el duodécimo país más grande del mundo. Cuenta con islas idílicas en el mar Rojo y aguas cristalinas para bucear hasta cumbres montañosas y oasis en el desierto. Un país lleno de sabores, vistas y sonidos intensos que deleitarán tus sentidos de la mano de música, baile, caf...

viajes rainbow tours

La isla más visitada del Archipiélago Canario

Tenerife, ubicada en el Océano Atlántico, es conocida como “la isla de la eterna primavera”. Esta isla volcánica se presenta como un maravilloso destino reconocido internacionalmente, por sus maravillosas playas y sol casi todo el año.

viajes rainbow tours

Marruecos ¡Descúbrelo!

Marruecos fascina por su riqueza cultural y paisajista. Cuenta con playas interminables, las cumbres nevadas del Atlas, jardines, desiertos e incluso oasis. En sus Ciudades imperiales donde las calles se llenan de sonidos, colores y sabores sorprendentes, dan forma a un país mágico.

viajes rainbow tours

Viaja a las playas de la Costa Esmeralda, Capriccioli, Liscia Ruja, Spiaggia del Principe y muchas otras

El tramo de hermosa costa, conocida como la Costa Esmeralda tiene algunas hermosas playas y calas y aguas cristalinas excelentes para el buceo. Porto Cervo es el puerto principal, que resplandece con magníficos yates.

6 razones para reservar tus viajes en nuestra agencia




100% dinámico


En VIAJES RAINBOW TOURS TRAVEL , ubicada en BENIDORM te ofrecemos una amplia y completa oferta de viajes: Paquetes, Circuitos, Cruceros, Escapadas, Grandes Viajes,… y todas las opciones en hoteles y servicios de transporte (vuelos, trenes, ferries, rent a car,…). Realiza tus reservas o presupuestos on-line, y si necesitas ayuda, no dudes en contactar con nuestros agentes expertos.



De lunes a viernes: 09:30h - 14:00h/17:00h - 20:30h

Sábados: 10:00h - 13:30h

Observaciones: Whatsapp 664547748

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Agencia de viajes en BENIDORM

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Travel Agencies Management Services S.L.U.- Todos los derechos reservados

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Rainbow Mountain Trips

Rainbow mountain, embark on a colorful adventure: rainbow mountain trips with viajes speedy.

Journey to one of Peru’s most spectacular natural wonders, the Rainbow Mountain, with Viajes Speedy. Our guided trips bring you face-to-face with the stunning, multi-colored landscapes of this unique geological formation. Discover a world where vibrant hues paint the Andean skyline, creating a hiker’s paradise unlike any other.

Discover the Vibrant Beauty of Rainbow Mountain

Rainbow Mountain, known locally as Vinicunca, offers a visual feast with its striking colors and dramatic landscapes. Viajes Speedy’s expert guides lead you through breathtaking scenery, ensuring an unforgettable experience. This is more than a hike; it’s an exploration of one of Peru’s natural treasures.

Why Viajes Speedy is Your Ideal Partner for Rainbow Mountain

Viajes Speedy stands out for its commitment to providing safe, enjoyable, and informative trips to Rainbow Mountain. Our knowledgeable guides share insights into the geological and cultural significance of the area, enhancing your understanding and appreciation of this natural marvel. We ensure a comfortable journey, with attention to every detail.

Personalized Tours to Rainbow Mountain with Viajes Speedy

We believe every traveler is unique, and so should be their travel experience. Viajes Speedy offers tailor-made tours to Rainbow Mountain, catering to your pace and preferences. Whether you’re an experienced hiker seeking adventure or a casual traveler looking for stunning views, we design the trip for you.









Trek Choquequirao 5D/4N

Trek Choquequirao 5D/4N

Trek Ausangate 5D/4N

Trek Ausangate 5D/4N

Tour Puente Queswachaca Full Day

Tour Puente Queswachaca Full Day

Trek Salkantay 4D/3N

Trek Salkantay 4D/3N

Inca Jungle 3D/2N

Inca Jungle 3D/2N

Inca Trail Machu Picchu 4D/3N

Inca Trail Machu Picchu 4D/3N

Inca Trail Machu Picchu 2D/1N

Inca Trail Machu Picchu 2D/1N

Discover more experiences.





Machupicchu full day

Machupicchu full day

Itinerary 5 days 4 nights

Itinerary 5 days 4 nights

Classic Full Day Sacred Valley Tour

Classic Full Day Sacred Valley Tour

Montaña de Colores Motorcycle Tour (Zero Hiking) for Groups

Rainbow Mountain ATV Adventure (Zero Hiking)

Montaña de colores motorcycle tour (zero hiking) for groups.

Machu Picchu Full Day – Private Service

Machu Picchu Full Day – Private Service

Recent articles.

Discover the Majestic Salkantay Nevado: A Gem in the Peruvian Andes

Discover the Majestic Salkantay Nevado: A Gem in the Peruvian Andes

viajes rainbow tours

Documentation and Requirements to Enter Peru: A Comprehensive Guide for Travelers

Discover the Hidden Gem: El Fabuloso Humedal de Huasao - A Natural Sanctuary

Discover the Hidden Gem: El Fabuloso Humedal de Huasao – A Natural Sanctuary

Discover the Gateways to History: Eight Portals to Experience Cusco's Past

Discover the Gateways to History: Eight Portals to Experience Cusco’s Past

Discover Apukunaq Tianan: A Majestic New Monument Just Minutes from Cusco

Discover Apukunaq Tianan: A Majestic New Monument Just Minutes from Cusco

Discover Alpamayo: The Jewel of the Cordillera Blanca

Discover Alpamayo: The Jewel of the Cordillera Blanca

viajes rainbow tours

Kondor Path Tours

  • +51 991 391 255

Machu Picchu Tours

  • Machu Picchu Full Day Tour
  • 2 Day Tour Machu Picchu Sacred Valley
  • Machu Picchu Tour + Maras Salt Mines – 2 Days
  • Machu Picchu Tour + Sacred Valley Tour – 3 Days Valley
  • Machu Picchu Tour – 4 Days
  • Machu Picchu Tour – 5 Days
  • Machu Picchu Tour – 6 Days
  • Machu Picchu Photo Tour – 6 Days
  • Machu Picchu by Belmond Hiram Bingham Train

Machu Picchu the Lost City of the Incas

Visit this wonder of the world on these tours to machu picchu..

The tourist packages to Machu Picchu are one of the best decisions to travel through the Andes of Machu Picchu and the outstanding tourist circuits of the Cusco region, with extensions to other tourist destinations like Puno and Arequipa. Outdoor tours among Inca ruins, archeological parks, and short nature walks in the Andes are the perfect vacation for your next travel destination in Peru, South America.

Rainbow Mountain Tours

  • Vinicunca Rainbow Mountain by Horse 1 Day
  • Rainbow Mountain & Red Valley Tour
  • Rainbow Mountain from Cusco to Puno
  • Palccoyo Rainbow Mountain Tour
  • Rainbow Mountain by motorcycle
  • Rainbow Mountain Trek Full Day
  • Rainbow Mountain Trek – 2 Days
  • Machupicchu + Rainbow Mountain – 2 Days
  • Rainbow Mountain Travel Package – 3 Days
  • Pallay Punchu, Full Day Trek

Rainbow Mountain Treks

In the Andes Mountains, Rainbow Mountain, often called Vinicunca Mountain, soars 5,200 meters (17,100 feet) above Cusco. The mountain is well known for its vivid colors, which are brought on by various minerals. Red, yellow, orange, and green represent the hues that create a truly captivating display.

The Rainbow Mountain Trek is a once-in-a-lifetime trip. The views from the mountain’s peak make the challenging walk up there worthwhile. The views of the surrounding mountains, valleys, and glaciers are visible from the summit.

Our journeys include lunch, a professional guide, and transportation. Also, we provide a range of departure times to work with your schedule.

A breathtaking view of this incredible mountain

Cusco Day Tours

  • Cusco City Tour Half Day
  • Cusco City Tour Full Day
  • Moray & Maras Salt Mines Tour – Half Day
  • Moray Private Tour Full-Day
  • South Valley Cusco Tour
  • Full-Day Tour Tipon, Pisac, Sacsayhuaman
  • Urubamba River Rafting Cusco
  • Tour Inti Raymi 2024, Festival of the Sun

Cusco Day Hikes

  • Q’eswachaka Inca Rope Bridge Tour: Full Day Tour
  • Waqrapukara Trek Full Day Tour
  • Humantay Lake Full Day Tour
  • Condor Sightings Near Cusco
  • Sunrise at tres cruces Paucartambo

Cusco Biking Tours

  • Full Day Mountain Bike – Tour to Maras and Moray
  • Ollantaytambo-Pachar Bike Tour
  • Lares Downhill Mountain Bike Tour

Peru’s Best Sacred Valley Tours

  • Sacred Valley Private Tour, Full Day Tour
  • Super Sacred Valley Full-Day Tour
  • Sacred Valley Trip from Ollantaytambo
  • Sacred Valley Tour from Urubamba
  • Full-Day Tour Ancasmarca Ruins
  • Ñaupa Iglesia Tour Choquequilla
  • Full-Day Moonstone Tour
  • Pisac Ruins Hike 01-Day
  • Maras Moray Hike – Sightseeing views from Snow Mountains

Custom Sacred Valley Tours

  • Potato Park Pisac
  • Sacsayhuaman Megalithic Tour
  • Chinchero Ruins Full-Day Tour
  • Alternative Tour Ollantaytambo Full-Day
  • Day Trip to Pisac + Textiles + Traditional Market
  • Sacred Valley ATV Tour – Full Day
  • Chinchero textile Experience & Easy hike
  • Hike to Urquillos, 1-day hike in the Sacred Valley
  • Pumamarca Ruins Hike

BEST Inca Trail Tours

  • Short Inca Trail 2 Days
  • 2 Day Private Inca Trail Tour
  • 4 Day Private Inca Trail
  • Classic 4 Day Inca Trail
  • 4 Day Luxury Inca Trail
  • 5 Day Inca Trail
  • 3 Day Inca Trail
  • 1 Day Inca Trail

Inca Trail Enhanced Packages

  • Trek The Sacred Valley & Short Inca Trail
  • Short Inca Trail + Rainbow Mountain 3 Days
  • Salkantay Trek with Short Inca Trail – 5 Days
  • Salkantay Trek with Classic Inca Trail – 6 Days
  • Choquequirao Trek + Short Inca Trail – 7 Days
  • Ancascocha Trek with Short Inca Trail – 5 Days
  • Lares Trek + Short Inca Trail + Vinicunca 4 Days

Inca Jungle Trips

  • Inca Jungle Trek – 2 Days
  • Inca Jungle Trek – 3 Days
  • Inca Jungle Trek – 4 Days
  • Inca Jungle Trek + Short Inca Trail 4-Day

Salkantay Treks

  • Salkantay Trek 3 Days
  • Salkantay Trek 4 Days
  • Salkantay Trek 5 Days
  • Salkantay Trek + Short Inca Trail 5 Days
  • Salkantay Trek + Classic Inca Trail 6 Days
  • 2 Day Salkantay Trek With Machu Picchu
  • 2 Day Humantay Lake With Machu Picchu

Choquequirao Treks

  • Choquequirao Trek – 3 Days
  • Choquequirao Trek – 4 Days
  • Choquequirao Trek – 5 Days
  • Choquequirao Trek – 7 Days
  • Choquequirao Trek – 8 Days
  • Choquequirao Trek – 9 Days
  • Choquequirao 4-day trek in Lodge

Lares Treks

  • Lares Trek Full-Day
  • Lares Trek – 2 Days
  • Lares Trek – 3 Days
  • Lares Trek to Machu Picchu 4 Days
  • Lares Trek + Short Inca Trail 4 Days

Ancascocha Treks

  • Ancascocha Trek – 3 Days
  • Ancascocha Trek – 4 Days
  • Ancascocha Trek – 5 Days
  • Ancascocha Trek + Short Inca Trail 5 Days
  • Moonstone Trek to Machu Picchu 5 Days
  • Inca Quarry Trek to Machu Picchu 4 Days

Huchuy Qosqo Trek

  • Huchuy Qosqo Trek Full Day + Via Lamay
  • Huchuy Qosqo Full Day
  • Huchuy Qosqo Trek – 2 Days
  • Huchuy Qosqo Trek – 3 Days

Ausangate Treks

  • 7 Lagoons Ausangate Trek Full-Day
  • Ausangate Trek 5 Days
  • Ausangate Trek 6 Days

Spiritual Sessions

  • Andean Wedding Ceremony (Kasaracuy)
  • 1 Day Private Ayahuasca Retreats Cusco
  • Wachuma Ceremony Cusco 1 Day
  • Pilgrimages to Awakening Ways of Consciousness 13 Day
  • 2 Day Ayahuasca Retreat
  • 3 Day Ayahuasca Retreat
  • 4 Day Ayahuasca Retreat
  • 5 Day Ayahuasca Retreat

Spiritual Experiences in Cusco Tours

If you are interested in learning more about Andean cosmology and traditions or looking for a spiritual experience, then a spiritual tour in Cusco is a great option. Many different experiences are available, so you can find one that fits your interests and needs.

During these spiritual sessions, individuals may engage in various activities and ceremonies to establish a connection with the spiritual realm and foster personal growth and healing. These practices often draw inspiration from the natural elements, mountains, lakes, and other sacred sites that hold significance in the Andean culture.

Amazon Rainforest

  • Puerto Maldonado Amazon Tour 4-Day
  • Puerto Maldonado 3 Day Tour
  • Puerto Maldonado 2 Day Tour
  • Amazon Rainforest Peru 8-Day
  • Amazon Rainforest Peru 14 Days
  • Macaw Clay Lick Tambopata 3-Day

The Amazon of Peru is a unique and mysterious place. The diversity and fantastic flora of the Amazon rainforest have long drawn us in, and our photographer’s hearts have yearned to capture stunning images of the abundant wildlife there. Visiting the Amazon Rainforest in Peru is one of the best travel experiences, “it has something to offer everyone,” whether you’re exploring it from a lodge or on a boat.

Enjoy the diversity of nature while exploring trails, looking for caiman and river otters, and standing on platforms in the thick canopy of the Amazon rainforest.

After spending the day exploring the most biodiverse region on earth, our Amazon vacation packages include transfers, knowledgeable local guides, and a cozy jungle lodge to unwind in.

Peru and Machu Picchu Packages

  • Package Amazon Rainforest Peru 8-Day
  • Peru Highlights Tour 10-Day
  • Peru Vacation Package 14-Day
  • Christmas in Machu Picchu 2023
  • New Year’s in Machupicchu 2024
  • Archaeological & Ancient Civilizations
  • Machupicchu Women Only Tours
  • Machupicchu Senior Travel
  • Family Trip to Machu Picchu
  • Helicopter Charters – Inca land flights
  • Travel Programs for Students in Peru
  • Accessible Machupicchu Tour (Wheelchair)

Arequipa and Colca Canyon Tours

  • Colca Canyon Tour in Arequipa Full Day
  • Colca Canyon 2 Day Tour
  • Arequipa Salt Flats Full-Day
  • City Tour Arequipa
  • Arequipa Sillar Route
  • Colca Canyon 3 Day Trek
  • Colca Canyon 2 Day Trek

Ica and Nazca Lines Tours

  • Nazca Lines Flight from Pisco
  • Nazca Lines from Lima
  • Nazca Lines Flight from Ica
  • Nazca Lines Tour 2 Days
  • Nazca Lines Tour from Cusco
  • Nazca Lines Flight
  • Flight Over Palpa Lines
  • Ballestas Islands Tour
  • Paracas National Reserve
  • Huacachina Sand Buggy

Titicaca and Puno Tours

  • Cusco to Puno by Car
  • Aramu Muru Portal “Gate of the Gods”
  • Taquile Island Lake Titicaca One Day
  • Lake Titicaca Uros Floating Islands
  • Amantani Island Tour, Two Days
  • Lake Titicaca Extension 4 Days
  • Tour Temple of Fertility Peru
  • Cutimbo Inca Ruins Tour
  • Sillustani Tour
  • Tiwanaku Tour Bolivia From Puno
  • Belmond Andean Explorer Lake Titicaca

Kondor Path Tours

Rainbow Mountain by Horse 1 Day

Rainbow Mountain by Horse 1 Day

Ride a horse to Rainbow Mountain in Cusco, Peru, and take in the breathtaking scenery along the way as well as the lovely Vinicunca Mountain. On the way, we get to see some amazing Andean views.

Tour Horseback Riding Rainbow Mountain Peru: A Remarkable Adventure

Rainbow Mountain on horseback is Cusco’s second-most popular attraction after Machu Picchu! Visit Peru’s renowned Rainbow Mountain without worrying about hiking over 5,100 meters (16,732 feet). This tour offers a full-day adventure with a 1-hour uphill horse-riding experience and a 19-minute walk to the Rainbow Mountain Pass . Along the way, you will see beautiful views of the Andes and alpacas. The tour includes hotel pickup, transport, lunch, horses , entrance tickets, and a certified guide .

Getting outdoors on a horseback riding tour through the scenic terrain is the best way to explore the area. Vacationers take enough photos to fill this week’s social media feed. Realize your dream and visit the most popular new attraction in Cusco, Peru, Rainbow Mountain Vinicunca! It’s an ideal one-day trip for you. Welcome to this great experience.

Rainbow Mountain by Horse 1 Day

Rainbow   Mountain   Horse   Ride Tour : Make this trip to Peru even more special by  riding  a  horse through the beautiful terrain leading up to the incredible Rainbow   Mountain ! Explore the vibrant colors of these incredible geo-forms as you experience the wonders of nature.

Tour Horseback Riding Rainbow Mountain Overview

  • Rainbow Mountain by Horse ; Pick-up Locations: Any Cusco Hotel
  • Door-to-door pickup and return: We will pick you up and drop you off at your hotel reception.
  • The travel time from Cusco to Cusipata Llactoc is 3 hours.
  • The starting point of our R ainbow Mountain Horse Tour  is Llactoc (4,900 m/16,076 feet).
  • Tour duration: This adventure takes 3 hours.
  • Distance: 7 km/ 4.3 miles; horseback riding;  same return mileage.
  • Hike: 19 min. Challenging! The distance that must be covered on foot to reach the Pass.
  • We visit the Rainbow Mountains summit at 5,100 m (16,732 feet).
  • Difficulty: Easy-moderate and challenging!
  • Enjoy spectacular views of the Peruvian-colored mountain pass and the Ausangate Snow Summit.
  • The return to Cuzco or Cusco airport will occur between 15:30 and 16:30.

Note: It is a horse for each client plus a local muleteer.

Rainbow Mountain Horseback Full Day H ighlights

  • Visit Rainbow Mountain by horse near the Ausangate Valley in Cusco, Peru, and enjoy the beautiful Vinicunca Mountain and the spectacular landscapes on the trail.
  • Tour Rainbow Mountain by horse . Visit a remote and stunning region of colored mountains in Peru. Enjoy the spectacular Andean scenery and the massive Ausangate mountains.
  • Why you will love the Rainbow Mountain Peru horseback experience: While riding a horse in Rainbow Mountain, Peru, you can see alpacas from Cusipata, “which means a happy place,” to Llactoq. For more images from  2024 , we suggest visiting Kondor Path Tours’ Instagram .

Rainbow Mountain Peru, by horse Itinerary

Horseback riding rainbow mountain cusco.

Horseback Riding Rainbow Mountain Cusco

Pickup from the Cusco Hotel at 05:00; embark on a grand adventure as you explore the Andes on this one-day horseback tour.

  • To get to Rainbow Mountain, we must drive for three hours.
  • 55 minutes of riding a horse up to the vantage point takes approximately fifty minutes.
  • Take pictures and spend 45 minutes at the vantage point.
  • It takes about 50 minutes to ride a horse back down to the private bus.
  • It will take about 3 hours to travel back to Cusco.
  • About nine hours have passed overall—quite a long day.

We arrive at your hotel in Cusco at 16:00, as the magnificent landscape fades after a fantastic day. Looking back on the hiking we completed, the cold beer in our hands has been hard-won.

NOTE: Horseback Riding Rainbow Mountain, Peru: For this adventure, one horse is involved per client, plus a local muleteer (man or woman).

  • The horses do the most significant work from one place to another; horseback riding takes about 50 minutes of “one-way uphill horseback assistance.” Each horse has a local muleteer to pull and handle the horse.
  • Since horses cannot climb Rainbow Mountain Pass due to the slope of the mountains, the client must walk for about 19 minutes to reach it.

Recommendations of the operating agency

  • Adventure vehicles have regular technical inspections and tourist operation licenses to ensure a pleasant trip.
  • Help travelers with horseback riding
  • Help visitors pull the horse
  • The muleteers walk beside the horse
  • Our guides have work experience as “same tour guides on the Inca Trail.”
  • Alpacas are smaller than llamas
  • The ascent is 420 meters (1377 feet) from the bottom to the top.
  • Our adventure leaders are equipped with a first-aid kit and an oxygen tank, and they are trained to administer first aid in an emergency.
  • While traveling south of Cusco, several picturesque locations, including Tipon, Urcos, and Cusipata, can be seen.
  • If we continue the expedition to the Red Valley, the height of the Andes will be more favorable. We advise experienced hikers to take the path after passing Rainbow Mountain.
  • Groups and visitors should bring thermal clothing to stay warm.
  • To buy souvenirs, locals only use the soles, the national currency of Peru.”

Kondor Path Tours offers a stunning excursion to the Rainbow Mountains in Peru . This experience allows you to fully immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Andean landscape while also enjoying the thrill of riding on horseback.

Guided by Local Expertise

On the tour, you’ll be guided by experienced local horsemen who know the terrain like the back of their hands. They’ll ensure your safety and provide insights into the area’s history and culture, adding depth to your adventure.

Learn about the local culture and history.

Your guide will share stories and insights about the indigenous communities that call this region home and the significance of Rainbow Mountain in their culture and traditions. This immersive experience allows you to appreciate the area’s natural beauty and gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for its people and history.

Physical Level

3, Demanding

Walking Distance

A light walk, Mainly by horse (100 min.)

Hiking Time

36-minutes (up & down)

Starting Altitude

Llactoq: 4,900m (16,076 ft)

Minimun Altitude

Highest altitude.

Rainbow Pass: 5,100m (16,732 ft)

Tour Rainbow Mountain horseback INCLUSION

  • English-speaking guide: “The entire Vinicunca adventure.”
  • Rainbow Mountains, Peru, entrance fee
  • Private tour vehicle with fuel and a professional driver.
  • A local muleteer per horse
  • Meals: Lunch (Buffet)
  • Oxygen tank.
  • First aid kit.

Note: The transportation options to reach Cusco’s Rainbow Mountain are shown in the prices section’s photo.”

1 Day Rainbow Mountain by horse NO INCLUSION 

  • Hotel or Airbnb.
  • Breakfast at your hotel.
  • Taking two small bottles of 700 milliliters to the expedition is advisable.
  • Items of a personal nature

What should we bring for our rainbow mountain by horse?

It is impossible to appropriately dress for a day of horseback riding on Rainbow Mountain in Peru . When you leave Cusco at around 5:00 (05:30), you want to wear a few layers of gloves, and you’re most likely freezing.

When the bus dropped us off at the beginning of the ride, we were still shaking. When we saw people wearing shorts and T-shirts, we thought they were crazy. However, later in the day, the sun went down, bringing skin to the boil, and these travelers in shorts wore appropriate clothing. It was about our visit, but the travelers had a snowstorm the day before, so anything was possible.

  • An excellent daypack would be the Eagle Creek Afar Backpack, which is suitable for carrying your items!
  • Lighter trekking boots with good ankle support!
  • One pair of hiking pants—not jeans!
  • Be sure to carry one rain jacket.
  • One warm/winter jacket or glove, a scarf, a cold cap, and thermal clothing for the entire body— necessary : “Changing weather all the time.”
  • Bring some meds!
  • Iron tablets and pills for altitude sickness
  • Sun protection cream (SPF 45 or higher is recommended)
  • A reusable container for your water.
  • Bandages or moleskin
  • Extra money.

Travel Guide

Read faqs about rainbow mountain trip by horse .

Explore the enthralling Rainbow Mountain by horseback. This geological wonder has captivated the imaginations of adventurers and nature lovers. Imagine immersing yourself in this captivating scenery while riding on horseback—an experience that elevates your journey to a new level.

What is the Rainbow Mountain Horse Tour?

The Rainbow Mountain Horse Tour is a guided excursion to Vinicunca, commonly known as Rainbow Mountain, located in the Andes near Cusco, Peru. It offers a unique opportunity to witness the mountain’s stunning, multicolored mineral deposits.

What is the best way to explore Rainbow Mountain in Peru?

The best way to explore Rainbow Mountain in Peru is by taking a guided horse tour. This immersive experience allows you to traverse the breathtaking landscapes comfortably and enjoy the journey fully.

Can you take a horse to Rainbow Mountain?

You can circumnavigate the Ausangate on a horse to reach Rainbow Mountain. This is a popular choice for those who are uneasy about hiking or worried about altitude sickness.

Are there horse tours available for Rainbow Mountain, and how do I book one?

Yes, there are horseback tours available for Rainbow Mountain. To book a tour, visit our website,, or contact us directly at [email protected].

What is the significance of a horse tour to Rainbow Mountain in Cusco?

A horseback tour to Rainbow Mountain in Peru provides a unique perspective of the stunning scenery and a convenient way to reach higher altitudes, minimizing the impact of altitude sickness. It’s a memorable adventure suitable for all skill levels.

Is it possible to arrange a private horse tour to Rainbow Mountain?

Yes, Kondor Path Tours offers the option to arrange private horse tours for a more personalized experience. Contact us at [email protected] for details and pricing to make your Rainbow Mountain adventure memorable in Peru.

Can you go horseback riding to Rainbow Mountain?

Kondor Path Tours offers horseback riding options to Rainbow Mountain in Peru. It’s a popular alternative for those who may find the trekking route challenging.

How long does it take to reach Rainbow Mountain on horseback?

The duration of the horseback ride can vary depending on the starting point and the pace of the tour around Vinicunca. On average, it may take around 50 to 60 minutes one way.

Can beginners participate in the horse tours to Rainbow Mountain in Vinicunca?

Absolutely! Our horse tours are designed to cater to all levels of riders, including beginners. Our well-trained horses and experienced guides ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Do you need prior horseback riding experience at the Rainbow Mountain Vinicunca?

No, prior horseback riding experience is typically not required. The horses for these tours are accustomed to the terrain and well-trained.

What is the best time of the year for horseback riding to Rainbow Mountain?

From May to September, the dry season is generally the best time to visit Rainbow Mountain in Peru. During this period, the weather is more stable, and there is less chance of rain, making the journey more comfortable.

What should I wear for a horseback riding trip to Rainbow Mountain in Peru?

For a Rainbow Mountain horse tour, wear comfortable clothing suitable for the weather conditions. Layers are advisable, as temperatures can vary throughout the day. Sturdy footwear, a hat, sunscreen, and a waterproof jacket are recommended.

Should I book a tour in advance, or can I arrange one on-site?

It’s generally recommended to book in advance to ensure availability, especially during peak tourist seasons.

How can I book a horseback tour to Rainbow Mountain?

Book a horseback tour through Kondor Path Tours in Cusco or online at Read our TripAdvisor reviews and our recommended service for the horseback riding excursion to the rainbow mountains of Vinicunca in Peru.

What is the altitude of Rainbow Mountain in Vinicunca, and are there any precautions for altitude sickness?

Rainbow Mountain is located at a high altitude, around 5,200 meters (17,060 feet). Altitude sickness can be a concern, so spending a few days acclimatizing in Cusco is advisable before attempting the journey.

How long does the tour typically last?

The tour duration can vary, but it usually takes a full day, starting early in the morning and returning in the afternoon.

Are horses provided for the entire journey, or is it a hiking tour with the option of horseback riding?

Typically, both options are available. Some people hike the entire way, while others opt for hiking and horseback riding.

What is the level of difficulty for the Rainbow Mountain Horse Tour?

The difficulty can vary, but it’s generally considered a moderate-to-challenging trek, especially if you choose to hike rather than ride horses. Altitude can also be a factor, as Rainbow Mountain is over 5,000 meters (16,404 feet) above sea level.

What measures are in place to ensure the safety of participants during the horse tour?

Safety is our top priority. Our experienced guides provide thorough instructions, and our horses are well-trained. We also equip participants with safety gear, ensuring a secure and enjoyable journey to Rainbow Mountain in Peru.

Capturing the Perfect Shot by Horse: Photography Tips?

It takes more than just a camera to capture the beauty of Peru’s Rainbow Mountain ; you also need an artistic eye and a grasp of the subtleties of the surrounding environment. To help you capture your adventure forever, consider the following photography advice:

  • Golden Hours : Use soft, warm tones that highlight the mountain’s colors to your advantage by taking advantage of early morning or late afternoon light.
  • Leading Lines : Utilize the natural lines and curves of the landscape to lead the viewer’s eye and create depth in your photos.
  • Foreground Interest : Use foreground elements, like a grazing llama or a wildflower, to give your pictures depth and context.
  • Focus on Details : Although the entire mountain is magnificent, don’t forget to take pictures of the intricate textures and patterns created by the mineral deposits.
  • Tell a Story : Use your photography to describe the experience by capturing the surroundings, feelings, and interactions as you go.

Is the horse tour appropriate for older adults and children?

Children over seven can participate in the family-friendly Rainbow Mountain by Horse Tour in Cusco, Peru. However, it’s crucial to consider older participants’ high altitude and physical demands.

What is the best way to avoid altitude sickness during the horse tour?

Pre-acclimatize in Cusco before the horse tour, stay hydrated, and avoid overexertion during the hike to reduce the likelihood of altitude sickness on the Rainbow Mountain Tour on horseback in Peru.

What dangers exist when traveling to Rainbow Mountain on a horse?

The main danger of horseback riding on Rainbow Mountain in Peru is altitude sickness. You could experience headaches, nausea, and dizziness if you are unfamiliar with high altitudes. You should stop and take a break if you experience these signs.

What guidelines must be followed when riding a horse to Rainbow Mountain?

The following guidelines should be followed when riding a horse to Rainbow Mountain in Peru:

  • Always wear a helmet.
  • Obey the instructions of your guide.
  • Do not feed or touch the horses.
  • Do not litter.

Do I need prior horseback riding experience for the Rainbow Mountain by Horse Tour?

Joining the Rainbow Mountain by Horse Tour in Peru does not require any prior horseback riding experience. These tours use well-mannered horses accustomed to pulling riders of all abilities.

What’s it like?

  • Explore Peru’s stunning Rainbow Mountain from a new perspective—horseback riding!
  • Our knowledgeable guides will show you all the highlights of this fantastic landscape in one day as you discover the beauty of Peru’s breathtaking Rainbow Mountain on an exclusive horse tour.
  • Enjoy breathtaking scenery while getting closer to nature on a horse as you embark on an unforgettable horseback ride to Peru’s majestic Rainbow Mountain.
  • Our horseback tours are the perfect way to explore this incredible landscape and take in the scenery!

Rainbow Mountain by Horse New Map

Rainbow Mountain by Horse New Map

Pricing Breakdown

Tour rainbow mountain by horse, 1 day cost.


With our special horseback riding tour, you can ride to Rainbow Mountain in Peru and enjoy the breathtaking scenery, clean air, and unforgettable views.

Rainbow Mountain by Horse and Cars

Rainbow Mountain by Horse and Cars

* Kondor Path Tours offers horseback riding on Rainbow Mountain.


Join us for an exhilarating ride through breathtaking landscapes and rich history as you enjoy a unique perspective of this magical location. Trip Rainbow Mountain by Horse 1 Day : Explore the vibrant colors of Rainbow Mountain in Peru on horseback.

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Rainbow Mountain by Horse

Rainbow Mountain by Horse

Rainbow Mountain by Horse

Rainbow Mountain by Horse Video

Rainbow Mountains in Peru

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Tour Valle Sagrado con Moray y Machu Picchu 2Dias/1Noche

Rainbow mountain & red valley tour: full day, hike to the stunning viewpoints of rainbow mountain and red valley.

The hike to Rainbow Mountain is one of the most breathtaking day tours we offer in Cusco.

In this once in a lifetime trek, you’ll be treated to the striking shades of red, orange, yellow, green, and blue that make up the Mountain of 7 colors . Aswell as the snow capped peaks of Vinicunca , you’ll also encounter the local Quechua inhabitants of the mountains, herds of alpacas, and birds of prey like the Andean condor. If your feet will carry you the extra distance, your guide will also accompany you along the trail to the much quieter, Red Valley viewpoint , a further 30 minutes away.

Reserve your space now for one of the most famous viewpoints in all of Peru!

Places to visit :

  • Rainbow Mountain
  • Mountain of 7 Colors

viajes rainbow tours

Need Help To Book?

Our dedicated team of travel experts is here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring a seamless and unforgettable journey.

  • It Includes

Price and Options

  • 5am : Pick up from your hotel in Cusco
  • 7am : Breakfast in a restaurant in Cusipata
  • 9am : Begin the 90 minute hike (or horse ride) to the Rainbow Mountain viewpoint
  • 11am : Continue the extra 30 minute hike to the Red Valley viewpoint (optional)
  • Midday : Return walk for 1-hour back to the transportation
  • 1-2pm : Buffet lunch at a restaurant in Cusipata
  • 4-5pm : Arrival in Cusco – return to Hotel


The  Rainbow Mountain and Red Valley  tour starts with pick up at 5am from your hotel in Cusco.

Your private transportation will take you on a 2-hour drive through the picturesque towns and valleys of the Peruvian Andes until we reach the town of  Cusipata . Here we will stop for a delicious breakfast in a local restaurant amidst the stunning backdrop of the surrounding mountain range.

After breakfast, your driver will transport you a further 90 minutes up the valley to the start of the hike. Accompanied by your guide, you will begin at elevation 4,650 m / 15,255 ft. If you do not wish to hike the 90 minute trail to the first viewpoint, our  Rainbow mountain tour includes the optional use of a horse. The horse will happily carry you for 1-hour to the first viewpoint, but if you wish to reach the highest viewpoint, you will need to hike the final 20 minutes on foot, to the summit at 5,040 m / 16,535 ft.

Once you have arrived at the viewpoint, you will be treated to the beautiful views of  Vinicunca  and its natural formation of mineral rich striking colors, including vibrant shades of red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. 

The mountains surrounding Vinicunca comprise the breathtaking hills of the  Red Valley . The mountains get their name from the distinct presence of iron oxide in the rock, giving visitors a unique viewpoint of a deep red mountain range. Should you wish to view the valley from the  Mirador del Valle Rojo , your guide will accompany you along the trail for an additional 30 minutes to enable you to get some even more astonishing photos. Thankfully, the red valley is much quieter than the trails of Rainbow mountain, treating you to an exclusive experience amongst the Cordillera de los Andes.

Once you have taken in your surroundings and bagged as many photos as you can carry, you will descend back down the mountain with your guide. Your driver will be waiting for you to return at the end of the hike, ready to transport you back to the restaurant in  Cusipata  for a well deserved rest and lunch.

The final leg of the tour will be the 2-hour drive back to  Cusco . Arrival at your hotel is approximately 4pm.

maras moray aguascalientes machupicchuviajesperu

  • Pick up from your hotel in Cusco
  • Professional English/Spanish speaking tour guide
  • Private transport to and from Rainbow mountain
  • Food : 1 Breakfast and 1 Lunch
  • Entrance ticket to Rainbow Mountain
  • Trekking poles – 2 per person
  • Emergency horse to carry you up the trail
  • First aid kit and oxygen bottle

Not Included

  • Tips for the tour guide and driver (optional)
  • Snacks and drinks

Recommendations to bring

  • Original passport – expiration date no less than 7 months
  • Walking shoes or light shoes or tennis shoes
  • Canteen water bottle as you should drink plenty of fluid on the tour
  • Raincoat or long poncho during the rainy season
  • Long sleeve shirts
  • Insect repellent
  • Wide-brimmed hat – UPV is strong at altitude
  • Medicines and / or personal effects
  • A small light backpack
  • Camera or phone camera
  • Cash/coins – small denominations – soles & dollars
  • Face mask and face shield (if preferred)
  • Bottle of water and snacks

(Groups or Families of 2 to 3 people)

(Groups or Families of 4 to 5 people)

(Groups or Families of 6 to 8 people)

Additional Information

Extra options.

  • The hotel reservation is subject to space availability.
  • The cost of the tour packages is based on a double or matrimonial room. For an individual room, an additional payment must be made.
  • We can also organize a travel itinerary according to your requirements and the places you want to visit. These can be with category 3, * 4 *, and 5 * hotels.
  • For more queries and information write to us by email:​[email protected]


  • We are a local tour operator based in Cusco with 15 years of experience as a Tour operator 100% Cusquenian Company.
  • We have all the Authorizations and licensed by the Peruvian government as proof that we are an official tour operator.
  • We have the Best Tour guides (Fluent in English and Spanish): We are so proud of our guides! They are highly professional, licensed and degrees by the Peruvian government and speak fluent English and Spanish. They are very knowledgeable and passionate about Incan heritage and history.  Our guides are dedicated to continuous personal and professional development. They do research to ensure that you receive accurately and recognized theories in Incan and Andean cultures.
  • Small groups & Personalized and High-quality service (Customized Private Tour), This fact alone sets us apart from other companies that operate departures with bigger groups.
  • No hidden prices or Surprises/ We Never Pass you onto another operator as most travel agencies do here. We will depart even if you are a group of 02 persons (Departure of tours is 100% guaranteed).
  • We never share services with other companies as most travel agencies do here to Minimize cost
  • We are a Sustainable and eco-friendly tour company, Machu Picchu Viajes Peru has always believed that we should “give back” to the communities we pass through on our treks. Therefore, as part of our commitment to responsible tourism, we socially support and employ these communities.
  • We are committed to social projects and improving living conditions for the children of Peru.
  • Our dream as a locally based company is to create small personalized tours & treks strictly and only operated by local professional staff catering to Personalized and High-quality service.
  • We treat our team of porters the best with a HOUSE for them to sleep in and proper equipment, wages, and health insurance for everyone
  • Master Chefs The best in the Cusco region
  • The food provided on our treks is the best( buffet Style and plenty of food)
  • The best Camping Equipment for the Inca Trail and alternative treks (spacious tents 4 season aluminum poles tents, Eating & Cooking tents, Portable table & chairs, comfortable mattresses, and more…)
  • Our tourist transports are exclusively for our services, which are completely reliable, comfortable, safe and with all the necessary authorizations.

“Machu Picchu Viajes Perú”  We know how important it is to trust a trustworthy honest operator to create the adventure of a lifetime while in Peru. Take a look at our reviews and certificates of excellence in  Tripadvisor

Frequently Questions

Where does the tour start and end.

  • All ours tours begins with the pick up to the tourists at the door of their hotels “We pick up to our clients from any hotel located in the city of Cusco”, We recommend to stay close to the historical center of the city of Cusco, it will make it easier to find your hotel.
  • All our tours ends at the door of the hotels, it means the tours will finish with transfer to your respective hotel located in Cusco.

How to prevent altitude sickness?

  • The altitude sickness or soroche can cause you some discomfort during your visit such as dizziness, fatigue or nausea. Try to avoid alcoholic beverages and fatty foods before the visit.
  • To reduce symptoms, try to acclimatize yourself one day before to the altitude of the city of Cusco. We recommend to drink infusions of coca leaf (natural plant used by the Incas) is an excellent option to avoid the actitude sickness.

How is the accommodation?

  • For all the tours which include hotels. We offer hotels of 3* and 4* category, it has spacious and comfortable rooms, bathrooms, hot showers and bueffet breakfast. If the tourist like, you can change the accommodation to a better service. You just have to request it via email for an additional cost.

Which season is the best time to visit Cusco and Machu Picchu?

  • The dry season months between April to December are the best time to come and visit Cusco. During those days the possibility of rain is very little, so the roads are not swampy and the landscapes can be better to enjoy and takes the best pictures. On the other hand, the months with the most rain are January, February and March.

What are the coldest months in Cusco Peru?

  • The coldest season in Cusco are in the months from May to July. During this time the sun is strong in the day, but once it goes down or you spend much time in the shade, it can get very cold. It can go below zero at night, so warm clothes and Jackets are necessary to bring during these months.

How long in advance can I request the tour?

  • We recommend to purchase the tours weeks or months in advance, this because the train and Machu Picchu tickets has a limit of spaces, dont wait until the lust minute to book your tour, other ways you will not be able to find spaces.

During the trip to Machu Picchu, where the big luggages will stay?

The train company that operates to Machu Picchu does not allow the traveler to carry a suitcase that weighs more than 7 kilograms. To go up and visit the city of Machu Picchu, it is recommended to carry a light and small backpack for your convenience; the rest of the luggages you can leave them without any problem at the storage of your hotel in Cusco, or you can also leave at our office in Cusco city, we have an storage too.

Very Important in case you want to book the Inca trail to Machu Picchu:

  • CLASSIC INCA TRAIL 4 DAYS: If you want to book the Classic Inca Trail 4 days, you must to book early to get your desired date. Depending on the month you prefer to do the hike, you may need to book 6 months or more in advance, the limit of spaces for the inca trail 4 days is 400 people per each day.
  • SHORT INCA TRAIL: If you are booking the 1 or 2 day Inca Trail, it is preferred that you also book in advance, however 2 to 4 month in advance would be good, the limit of spaces for the short inca trail is 200 people per each day.

When is the best season to hike the Inca Trail?

  • The best time of year to do the inca trail is between May to October, with August and September being the best months of all. The trail is dry and the weather is lovely. During the rainy season between November to April  the trail will be wet and can make it more difficult.

What will you live with the Rainbow Mountain Tour, Red Valley 1 Day

  • We will have the opportunity to observe beautiful high Andean landscapes with extensive snow-covered mountains and large glaciers.
  • You will have the best shots of the lagoons, snow-capped peaks near the Vinicunca Mountain.
  • We will be able to discover the traditions and customs of the towns near the mountain of 7 colors.
  • You will be part of an unforgettable experience in one of the little-seen natural wonders in the world.
  • You will be together with local people who are mostly alpacas breeders that will make this tour an unforgettable experience.

What Our Clients Say In Tripadvisor

At Machu Picchu Viajes Perú our goal is to create the best possible experience for all our clients. Proof of our effort are our recommendations.

Cameron C

Why choose "Machu Picchu Viajes Peru"?

Recommended on tripadvisor.

We are a highly recommended company in Tripadvisor, rated as one of the best tourism companies tour operator nationwide, Winners of the 2023 Excellence Award.

turismo responsable machupicchu viajes peru

Sustainable and Responsible

We have the highest social and environmental standards in the market of tour operators, which means that we practice a sustainable and responsible tourism with the environment.

certificados legales

Certificates and Authorizations

We are a tour operator company, which has all the authorizations from the Peruvian government, authorizations that certify us as a legally constituted company .

viajes rainbow tours

Certificate in TourCert

We are one of the few companies in Peru certified by TourCert, European certifier with a management system oriented to work on aspects of Business Social Responsibility (BSR).

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Hola all over the world!

viajes rainbow tours

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viajes rainbow tours


Waqrapukara Stargazing Tour


2 Days - 1 Night


  • 18:30 hrs. Prompt arrival at your accommodation near Cusco’s main square
  • 21:30 hrs. Journey south of Cusco, spanning approximately three hours, Stargazing session begins.


  • 06:00 hrs. Dawn breaks on the second day.
  • 15:30 hrs. Arrival in Cusco.

Machu Picchu Full Day Trip from Cusco – Machu Picchu 1 Day


  • 08:20 hrs. Pick up from your hotel.
  • 11:15 hrs. Take the train from Ollantaytambo.
  • 12:50 hrs. Arrival to Machupicchu.
  • 13:30 hrs. Guided tour in Machupicchu.
  • 19:00 hrs. Train back to Cusco.
  • 22:30 hrs. Arrival in Cusco.

Machupicchu 2 Days tour

Tour Machupicchu


  • 18:10 hrs. Arrival in Machupicchu and overnight.
  • 07:30 hrs. Guided tour in Machupicchu.

Maras Moray and Salineras

Maras, Moray y Salineras

  • 08:20 hrs. Pick up from your hotel or meeting point.
  • 10:30 hrs. Arrival in Maras town.
  • 11:00 hrs. Visit of the Moray archaeological complex.
  • 12:30 p.m. Visit of Salineras.
  • 15:00 hrs. Arrival in Cusco.

Queswachaca Tour

Queswachaka Tour

  • 04:30 hrs. Pick up from your hotel.
  • 06:40 hrs. Arrival at the restaurant to have breakfast.
  • 12:30 p.m. Arrival at Queswachaca.
  • 13:30 hrs . Lunch.
  • 17:00 hrs. arrival in Cusco.

Sacred Valley tour

Sacred Valley of the Incas

  • 10:30 hrs. Arrival in Pisac.
  • 13:00 hrs. Lunch in Urubamba.
  • 15:00 hrs. Visit of Ollantaytambo.
  • 16:30 hrs. Visit of Chinchero.
  • 18:30 hrs. Arrival in Cusco.

Cusco City Night Tour

  • Cusco City Night Tour
  • 18:00 Hrs. Pick up from your accommodation.
  • 18:30 hrs. visit of the most important points of Cusco.
  • 20:00 Hrs. Tasting of Pisco Sour and end of the tour.

Welcome to Machupicchu Luna Tours

We welcome those who visit our website, we are Machupicchu Luna Tours, a friendly company and concerned about its clients, we have more than 7 years of experience in the tourism sector of Cusco.


Why choose Machupicchu Luna Tours

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We have the best professionals fully trained to provide an improved quality of service.

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Our prices are completely competitive according to the market, that’s why we assure you that you can count on fair prices.

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Every day we strive to improve and give an excellent service, punctuality in the tours is one of our characteristics.


Cusco Culinary Tour

  • Cusco Culinary Tour
  • 11:30 hrs. Pick up from your hotel.
  • 11:45 hrs. Visit to the local San Pedro Market (place where we can find organic products from the Cusco region).
  • 12:15 hrs. We start the cooking class with our Chef.
  • 13:40 hrs. Tasting of prepared dishes and try the pisco sour.

Hot Air Ballon Flight in Cusco

Hat Air Ballon Flight in Cusco

  • 05:00 am pick up from your hotel.
  • 01 hour drive.
  • 15 fly minutes
  • 10:00 am arrive to Cusco.

Rainbow Mountain on ATV

  • Rainbow Mountain on ATV
  • 03:20 hrs. Pick up from your hotel or the meeting point.
  • 06:30 hrs. Breakfast in Japura.
  • 08:30 hrs. start to drive the ATVs.
  • 09:30 hrs. Arrive to the rainbow mountain.
  • 12:30 hrs. Lunch.
  • 16:30 hrs. Arrive to Cusco.

Humantay Lake

  • Humantay Lake
  • 04:30 hrs. Pick up from your hotel or meeting point.
  • 08:00 hrs. Breakfast in Mollepata.
  • 09:30 hrs. We start the walk.
  • 11:00 hrs. Arrival at the Humantay lagoon.
  • 14:00 hrs. Lunch.

Palcoyo rainbow mountain tour

Tour Palcoyo

  • 05:00 hrs. Pick up from your hotel or meeting point.
  • 08:00 hrs. Breakfast in Cusipata.
  • 09:00 hrs. We start the walk.
  • 09:40 hrs. Arrival to Palcoyo rainbow mountain.
  • 17:30 hrs. Arrival in Cusco.

Vinicunca Rainbow Mountain Cusco – Peru Rainbow Mountain Tour

Rainbow Mountain

  • 04:00 hrs. Pick up from your hotel or meeting point.
  • 07:00 hrs. Breakfast in Cusipata.
  • 10:40 hrs. Arrival at the Mountain of 7 colors.
  • 17:00 hrs. Arrival in Cusco.

Waqrapukara Full Day

  • 04:00 hrs. Pick up from your hotel.
  • 06:00 hrs. Breakfast in Sangarara.
  • 08:00 hrs. Start the walk for 2 hours and 30 minutes.
  • 10:30 hrs. arrival to Waqrapukara.
  • 15:00 hrs. Lunch in Sangarara.


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  • City Tour in Cusco
  • Sacred Valley tour
  • Maras Moray and Salineras
  • South Inca Valley Tour
  • Queswachaca Tour
  • Waqrapukara Full Day
  • Vinicunca Rainbow Mountain Cusco – Peru Rainbow Mountain Tour
  • Palcoyo rainbow mountain tour
  • Hot Air Ballon Flight in Cusco
  • Machu Picchu Full Day Trip from Cusco – Machu Picchu 1 Day
  • Machupicchu 2 Days tour
  • Cusco a Cultural City 4 Days / 3 Nights
  • Salinas Lagoon + Uzu単a
  • City Tour Aqp (Walking)
  • Sillar Route And Culebrillas
  • Colca Canyon
  • Nazca Lines Tour
  • Nazca Lines Overflight + Huacachina
  • Ballestas Islands + Overflight In Nazca
  • Paracas (Ballestas Island) And Ica (Huacachina) Full Day
  • Ballestas Islands + Huacachina 2D/1N
  • Ballestas Islands + Huacachina + Overflight in Nazca
  • Colonial City Tour in Lima
  • Night City Tour + Dinner Show
  • Cusco 3 days tour
  • Lovely Cusco 5 Days / 4 Nights
  • Amazing Cusco 6 Days / 5 Nights
  • Amazing Cusco 7 Days / 6 Nights
  • Inca trail 2 Days
  • Inca Trail 4 Days / 3 Nights
  • Choquequirao trek 4 days
  • Salkantay Trek 5 Days

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  • Amazon Rainforest
  • 7-Day. Tour to Titicaca Lake & Machu Picchu Top!
  • 8-Day Peru Tours. Lima, Ica, Cusco & Puno
  • 8-Day Peru Expeditions. Lima, Arequipa and Cusco
  • 12-Day Peru Tours: Lima, Ica, Arequipa, Puno & Cusco

Peru is a fascinating destination for travel enthusiasts. With its rich history and beautiful landscapes, it offers unique experiences. From the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu to the mysterious Amazon, there is something for everyone. Lima, the capital, captivates with its vibrant culinary scene and colonial architecture. Cusco, the ancient Inca capital, immerses you in indigenous culture and allows you to explore impressive archaeological sites.

Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world, offers panoramic views and encounters with local communities.

Don’t forget to try delicious Peruvian cuisine, such as ceviche and pisco sour. Peru awaits you with open arms!

  • 1 Day. Machu Picchu Full Day Top!
  • 1 Day. Luxury Tour to Machu Picchu Top!
  • 2 Day. Machu Picchu by Car 2 Day Tour
  • 2 Day. Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu
  • 3 Day. Huayna Picchu & Machupicchu City
  • 3 Day. Basic Tour Cusco – Machupicchu
  • 4 Day. Machu Picchu & Rainbow Mountain
  • 4 Day. Tour Cusco Classic & Machupicchu 4-Day Top!
  • 4 Day. Exploring Cusco 4-day Tour
  • 5 Day. Magical Cusco Tours 5 Days – Machu Picchu
  • 6 Day. Imperial Cusco 6-Day – Cusco Expedition
  • 6 Day. Cusco Expedition Tour – Machu Picchu
  • Half-Day. City Tour Cusco
  • 1-Day. Sacred Valley of the Incas Top!
  • Half-Day. Tour Maras Moray & Chinchero Top!
  • Half-Day. Tour South Valley
  • 1 Day Inca Trail Tour to Machupicchu Top!
  • 1 Day Vinicunca Rainbow Mountain Tour Top!
  • 1 Day Palcoyo Rainbow Mountain Tour
  • 1 Day Humantay Lagoon Tour Top!
  • 1 Day Ausangate 7 Lakes Trek
  • 1 Day Salkantay trek – Private Tour Top!
  • 1 Day Andean Condor Watching – Chonta Cusco – Private Tour
  • 1 Day Q’eswachaka Inca Bridge & 4 Lagoons Tour Top!

Cusco, in Peru, is a prominent destination for tours and exploring the fascinating history and Inca culture. Tours in Cusco offer a wide range of exciting experiences. You can start by visiting the famous citadel of Machu Picchu, considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

You can also explore the Sacred Valley, which houses impressive Inca ruins and picturesque villages. Additionally, you can venture on the Inca Trail, a multi-day hike to Machu Picchu, which allows you to enjoy spectacular views and get close to nature.

Other popular tours include a visit to the salt mines of Maras, the archaeological complex of Sacsayhuamán, and the Pisac market. Cusco offers a unique blend of history, breathtaking landscapes, and cultural experiences, making tours an exciting option for travelers.

  • 1 Day Inca Trail to Machu Picchu Top!
  • 2 Day Inca Trail Hike to Machupicchu Top!
  • 4 Day Classic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.
  • 6 Day Salkantay Inca Trail Trek to Machu Picchu
  • 3 Day Ausangate trek & Rainbow Mountain Top!
  • 4 Day Ausangate Trek & Rainbow Mountain
  • 5 Day Ausangate Trek & Rainbow Mountain Top!
  • 1 Day Salkantay Trek – Private Tour
  • 4 Day Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu
  • 5 Day Salkantay Classic Trek to Machu Picchu Top!
  • 3 Day Huchuy Qosqo Trek to Machupicchu Top!
  • 4 Day Classic Lares trek to Machu Picchu Top!
  • 4 Day Inca Jungle Trek – Total Adventure Top!
  • 4 Day Choquequirao Hiking Tour

viajes rainbow tours

Rainbow Mountain Peru 2023

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Table of Contents

Until a few years ago, most people didn’t know about the existence of Rainbow Mountain in Peru. It was in the year 2015 when it was discovered and only from the year 2016 they started offering day tours to visit it.

It’s hard to believe that not long ago no one knew about this place, but now Rainbow Mountain has become a very popular destination for hikers visiting Peru. No doubt, Instagram has contributed to its popularity and many backpackers flock to this full day tour from Cusco to take photos of its iconic rainbow colored capes in hues of yellow, red and orange.

Rainbow Mountain, also known as Mountain Vinicunca or Mountain of Seven Colors, formed from melting ice and mixing with iron sulfide, oxide and other minerals in the soil, creating a rainbow-colored mountainous landscape. When the snow melted 5 years ago due to climate change, it instantly became one of the most picturesque places to visit in Peru.

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General description of Vinicunca

Turquoise, scarlet and mustard-colored sediments extend through Rainbow Mountain, or Vinicunca, and give it its striking appearance. These different colored layers represent different mineral contents and were formed over millions of years before being exposed by tectonic movements and intense wind erosion in the high Andes. The mountain used to be covered by a glacier which has melted due to the effects of global warming. Subsequently, it became a popular excursion on the Ausangate Trek before shorter routes of 1 or 2 days were developed in recent years.

With an elevation of 5,200 meters above sea level (17,060 feet), Rainbow Mountain’s elevation is more than half that of Mount Everest. Those who wish to see this beautiful place for themselves should be prepared for a grueling 3-hour trek at great altitude. Weather conditions can also complicate travel, with extremely cold temperatures and intense UV rays due to elevation. But although getting there can be a bit tricky, the extraordinary view once you reach the top will make it worth it.

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  • Altitude: 5,200 meters (17,060 feet) above sea level.
  • Duration: 3-4 hours, depending on pace.
  • Distance: 7 km.
  • Difficulty: Moderate to difficult, depending on fitness level.

Rainbow Mountain

All excursions to Rainbow Mountain depart from the city of Cusco, the ancient capital of the Inca Empire and the closest city to Machu Picchu and many of Peru’s most famous attractions. After leaving Cusco , your excursion will take you on a 2-hour journey south of the city to the village of Pitumarca. Not far from here is where you will find the Rainbow Mountain trail starting point to begin your hike.

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History of Vinicunca

The story of how the mountain of colors was discovered is not very old. Earlier, snow covered the colorful lines of Vinicunca, however, due to climate change, the snow covering the hills melted slowly. Locals say the mountain was discovered in 2013 and since then, thousands of visitors who wish to have a glimpse of the multicolored mountain make the arduous trek to see the place.

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Hike to Rainbow Mountain

The hike to Rainbow Mountain will generally take around 3 hours, depending on your speed and fitness level. The trail itself is mostly flat until the final ascent, but the great elevation is what makes it challenging. Due to the exertion that great altitude can cause on the body, it is generally recommended to walk at a relaxed pace (which anyway you will want to do in order to enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds you). For those who prefer not to hike, there are generally horses available to rent along the trail. However, they can only take you to the end of the flat part of the trail, where you will have to dismount and climb the final part on foot to reach the top.

The local people surrounding Rainbow Mountain also raise herds of llamas and alpacas, so you will have the chance to see many of these adorable creatures along the way. Once you reach the summit lookout, you will have breathtaking panoramic views of not only Rainbow Mountain, but also the nearby Red Valley (some extended hikes also walk through the Red Valley itself via an alternative trail to the mountain).

Don’t forget to take lots of pictures of this incredible landscape! Around the mountain, you will also have the chance to see other rainbow hills. Thanks to the interesting geography and geology of the place, there are many colorful mountains, although Rainbow Mountain is the most picturesque.

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When is the best time to visit Rainbow Mountain?

The Peruvian Andes are subject to two distinct seasons: the dry season, which lasts roughly from April to October, and the rainy season, which lasts from November to March (January and February being the months of highest precipitation). April and October are also nice, as they are generally transition periods between seasons.

Due to its high altitude and frigid air, the rainy season in the region often turns into snow at Rainbow Mountain. Visitors to Rainbow Mountain should come prepared with clothing for all types of weather, as conditions can also change rapidly. For more information on when to visit, be sure to consult our blog on the best time to visit Peru.

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What to take to the Colors Mountain tour:

  • A water bottle with enough water.
  • Snacks for the hike (be sure to take any junk with you). There are also locals selling candy, water, soft drinks and small snacks near the starting point of the trail.
  • Peruvian soles in lower denomination notes (S/.20 and S/.40) if you wish to pay for a horse ride.
  • Comfortable walking shoes with good traction.
  • A warm cap.
  • Multiple layers of clothing to be prepared/for all weather conditions.
  • Sunscreen and sunglasses. This is important not to forget, as the sun’s UV rays are very intense at high altitude.
  • A camera to capture all the beauty of the Mountain of the 7 colors (Rainbow Mountain).

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Additional things you should bring to the Rainbow Mountain hike

  • Waterproof gear we had for hiking in Huayna Picchu (the stunning mountain right next to Machu Picchu).
  • Our cameras.
  • Water (2 liters per person).
  • Chocolates (and other appetizers).
  • Winter clothing: caps, fleece, sweaters, gloves, etc. (it gets cool in the morning, but warms up considerably in the afternoon).
  • Sunscreen and lip balm.
  • Toilet paper and wet wipes.
  • Any personal medication.
  • Shoes for hiking.

At what altitude is Rainbow Mountain? And what about the evil of height?

The possibility of experiencing altitude misconduct is one of the most common concerns for Rainbow Mountain visitors. The altitude evil is due to lack of oxygen at higher altitudes and can present at altitudes above 2,500 meters above sea level, which places the altitude of Rainbow Mountain at 5,200 meters, well above the minimum elevation where can occur.

viajes rainbow tours

Symptoms of altitude sickness (known as “soroche” in Peru) can include headache, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue and difficulty breathing. In rare cases, these symptoms can develop into more serious diseases. Due to the effort the heart makes with lower oxygen levels, people with a history of heart problems should not hike Rainbow Mountain. If you are unsure if you should hike Rainbow Mountain, be sure to discuss your concerns with a doctor before coming to Peru.

After you have discussed any health issues with your doctor and have decided that hiking Rainbow Mountain is safe for you, be sure to keep the following tips for your trip in mind:

  • Always take the necessary time to acclimate to the altitude for a day or two before attempting to hike Rainbow Mountain or undertake any other strenuous physical activity.
  • Check with your home doctor if there is any medication you can take to facilitate your acclimatization to high altitudes.
  • Drink coca tea, an herbal remedy for altitude sickness used by locals for thousands of years.
  • Avoid heavy meals, alcoholic beverages and smoking.
  • Be sure to keep well hydrated.

To get more information about height sickness and how to manage its symptoms, be sure to consult our blog on height sickness in Peru.

How to dress appropriately for the Rainbow Mountain hike

To dress appropriately at Rainbow Mountain, it is important to take into account temperature fluctuations due to altitude. Sometimes, during hiking, the sun can be extremely intense, which can cause skin burns.

Due to this, it is necessary to apply high protection sunscreen generously. However, even with intense sunshine, a light breeze can cause temperatures to drop quickly, turning cold. That’s why, it’s important to have a jacket or two on hand to keep warm.

The key to dressing appropriately at Rainbow Mountain is to dress in layers. This will allow her to adjust her clothes according to temperature changes along the trek. You can start with a light t-shirt or blouse, then add a sweatshirt or light jacket and, if necessary, put a warmer jacket on top. It is also recommended to wear a cap and gloves to protect yourself from the cold.

In addition, wear comfortable and resilient hiking clothing, such as sport pants or leggings and hiking shoes with good grip. Don’t forget to bring enough water, lip balm and sunglasses to protect yourself from both the sun and dehydration.

In summary, the key is to dress in layers, be prepared to protect yourself from the intense sun and wear clothing that can be adjusted according to the changing temperature conditions at Rainbow Mountain.

viajes rainbow tours

Here are the essential items recommended to take with you:

  • Hiking shoes or comfortable boots. The sandals will not serve!
  • Windproof and waterproof jacket.
  • A base layer other than cotton.
  • A wide-brimmed hat.
  • Bottle of water.
  • A sweater or intermediate coat to wear on the lookout.
  • A small daypack to carry everything.

Being prepared for all types of weather is key to enjoying this hike. If you desire more tips, be sure to read our guide on how to dress in layers for the cold weather.

viajes rainbow tours

A horse can be rented

For the truly exhausted, there was another option. The vendors followed the group, kindly offering horseback rides to the top for only 70 soles ($20 USD) per person, only one way. If you decide to do this, make sure you choose a healthy horse.

I know this is the way the local indigenous community gets revenue, but it is also our responsibility to make sure it is done humanely. For me, hiring a horse would have been like letting the mountain win, so I went ahead.

The famous viewpoint of Mount Vinicunca

Rainbow Mountain is a slab of changing colors: pinks, greens, grays and yellows embedded in a bank of rock rising from the Earth. It is known as the Mountain of the Seven Colors for a good reason. You can see all the colors in layers, forming a rainbow pattern.

The best time to visit Seven Colors Mountain is generally during the dry season, which runs from March to November. This period offers a higher probability of good weather conditions. However, it is important to check the weather forecast before your visit, as unexpected rain can lead to unfavorable hiking conditions.

If rain is forecast and you have little time in the Cusco area, it may be recommended to omit the Seven Colors Mountain to avoid a tedious and unpleasant experience.

In terms of difficulty, scaling Seven Colors Mountain depends on your level of fitness and how acclimated you are to altitude. The hike is approximately 2.5 miles (4 km) one way, with a round trip of approximately 4.5-5 miles (7-8 km) and an ascent of around 3937 feet (1200 meters).

If you are already acclimatized and in good physical shape, the hike is not too difficult. Although it’s possible to get breathless and tired, most of the trail is relatively flat. The steep section begins in the last 1000 feet (300 meters) of ascent. Take your time, watch slowly and enjoy the views. The descent is usually easier and takes around 45 minutes to an hour.

It’s crucial to be prepared for altitude, as it can significantly affect your experience. The Seven Colors Mountain lookout is located at 17,060 feet (5200 meters) above sea level, and the hike starts around 13,779 feet (4200 meters). In comparison, the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa, which is significantly higher, takes several days to ascend.

Bad altitude is a real concern and many people have difficulties during this hike. It is essential to follow the advice to acclimate to the altitude in Cusco and make sure you are in good physical shape. Give yourself a few days to adjust to the elevation by exploring other attractions such as Machu Picchu and the Sacred Valley before attempting the hike to the Seven Colors Mountain. This will enhance your experience and make it more enjoyable.

Frequently asked questions

Below, you’ll find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about hiking to Peru’s most colorful mountain.


The trail begins with a gradual and uniform incline through a valley until you reach a steeper climb towards Seven Colors Mountain.

To get the classic view, you must climb up a steep slope of compact, hard earth that faces the Mountain of the Seven Colors. Due to the slope being abrupt, the terrain can become slippery when wet. From the summit, you will be able to watch the colors glide down the mountain and enjoy stunning views of lush green landscapes fading into snowy mountain peaks.


Many people don’t realize in advance that Seven Colors Mountain is a high altitude hike. The altitude, more than the incline of the trail, increases the challenge level of the hike. The starting point of the trail is located around 4,300 meters (14,000 feet) and reaches just over 5,000 meters (16,400 feet). Many people have difficulties and end up paying for a horse ride offered by one of the locals walking along the trail.


The climate at Seven Colors Mountain is very unpredictable and changes with frequency and rapidity. You can experience a warm climate and clear skies one moment, and the next, overcast and snowy skies. The best thing is to make sure you are prepared for any weather by wearing layers of clothes.


There are very basic toilet facilities along the way. These bathrooms are very rustic, but are the only option available in such a remote area. Be sure to carry a roll of toilet paper with you, just in case.


A 1 day tour to the Seven Colors Mountain turns out to be a very long day. The pick-up in Cusco is very early, at 3 am, then there is a 3-hour journey to the starting point of the trail, and after several hours of walking, the return journey takes place.

This can be very exhausting even for those in excellent physical shape, so for those who have time, taking a 2-day tour can be a good idea. The itinerary of the 2 day tours is more slow and pleasant.

Not only does it split up the long round trip to Cusco, but camping closer to the Seven Colors Mountain allows you to better adapt to the altitude than in Cusco, which makes you feel better during the trek.

Why is the mountain of the seven colors in Peru colorful?

The mountain’s colors come from rich mineral deposits compressed into layers over millions of years. The red layers contain iron oxide, while the oxidized limoncello gives some layers a brown tone. The chlorite provides a greenish hue in other layers, and finally, iron sulphide is what makes the yellow layers of the Seven Colors Mountain yellow.

Tips for visitors:

  • Once you reach the base of Seven Colors Mountain, where most tourists take pictures, try climbing the hill behind the first viewpoint to have less crowded views.
  • Be sure to leave early to avoid the larger crowds; the earliest tours leave between 2am and 3am.
  • The weather at the top of Seven Colors Mountain can be unpredictable, so be sure to bring a windbreaker and sunscreen in case conditions change.
  • Feel free to rest and listen to your body while completing the hike. The height of the Mountain of the Seven Colors is above the altitude of Cusco.

How to get to Rainbow Mountain?

To reach the starting point of the Mountain of the Rainbow Trail in Qesoyuno, you must drive for three hours from Cusco. From there, you will start a trek that will take approximately three hours. Due to the difficult terrain and altitude, the hike is expected to be challenging, so traveling with a guide is recommended. If you don’t spend a few days in Cusco getting used to the altitude, you run the risk of suffering altitude sickness during the trek, which can be dangerous.

What is the best time to visit Rainbow Mountain?

The colors will present rain or make sun, but the photos you get on a sunny day will always be better, as the colors will look more defined under direct light. You can increase your chances of finding the mountain on a good day if you plan your trip during the warmer months, between November and March. During this period, it is less likely that there will be snow and rain, which also makes travel to the site easier.

How to get the best image of Rainbow Mountain?

While the mountain is undoubtedly beautiful, it rarely compares to the exaggerations seen online or in travel brochures. The colors will be much softer than the most popular social media posts

For the best photo, start your trek in the early hours of the morning or dusk. Not only will the temperatures be pleasant

What colors are found in the mountains of the Rainbow in Peru?

  • Pink: The mixture of red clay, clay and sand produces a beautiful smiling color.
  • White : This rich and clayey layer is rich in calcium carbonate like quartz and sandstone.
  • Greens and blues (turquoise): Iron and magnesium rocks and phyllites, a fine-grained metamorphic rock, are responsible for some of the most striking colors.
  • Creepy browns: eroded rocks and magnesium add depth to the color palette.
  • Yellows: Sandstones and limestones, enriched with sulfides, form striking gilt bands.

When was the Rainbow Mountain discovered in Peru?

The colors of the Mountain of the Rainbow in Peru were discovered about ten years ago; The exact date is unknown, but most agree it was between 2012 and 2015 when it caught international attention. Climate change caused more snow to melt in the high parts of the Peruvian Andes, revealing Vinicunca’s full color repertoire to the world.

The Mountain of the Rainbow is located at a very high altitude, approximately 5,200 meters above sea level, and is a three-hour drive southeast of Cusco. The lack of vegetation helps showcase their colors to the world.

Do people adore Peru’s Rainbow Mountain?

Vinicunca is located in the heart of Ausangate and Cusco.

Before climate change melted the snow, people carved ice from mountain glaciers and transported it for use in Cusco. Today, the inhabitants of the area offer offerings to the Apu and other mountains in the area.

What is the weather like in the Rainbow Mountains in Peru ?

The high altitude of the Rainbow Mountain means visitors should be prepared for the four seasons in a day and for any weather eventuality.

Morning and evening temperatures can drop rapidly below freezing point. Conditions can change quickly from a strong Andean sun to rain or snow.

The dry season is the best time to visit the Peruvian Andes. The months of April to October are the best, with clear and blue skies very likely. The intervening months of March and November can also be good. You can consult the weather forecast for more information.

December, January and February are the wettest months. In addition, you should be prepared for changing mountain weather, low clouds, rain and even snow, no matter when you visit. And most importantly, don’t forget sunscreen, as the Andean sun is strong.

Do I need to acclimatize to visit Peru’s Rainbow Mountain ?

Yes, it is necessary to properly acclimate to the altitude before visiting Peru’s Rainbow Mountain. This is due to the fact that the lookout is located at about 4,954 m above sea level, which is very high.

We recommend spending at least four nights in Cusco or a similar location just before visiting the mountain, ideally with excursions to altitudes higher than those in Cusco. Drink plenty of water, eat light meals, avoid caffeine and alcohol, and drink coca tea.

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3 Day Huayna Picchu and Machu Picchu Tour

3 Day Huayna Picchu and Machu Picchu Tour

Q’eswachaka Bridge Tour & 4 Lagoons 1 Day

6 Day Cusco Expedition Tour

4 Day Ausangate Hike Tour & Rainbow Mountain

4 Day Ausangate Hike Tour & Rainbow Mountain

Palcoyo Rainbow Mountain 1 Day Tour

Palcoyo Rainbow Mountain 1 Day Tour

1 Day Luxury Tour to Machu Picchu – Deluxe Train Trip.

3 Day Trek Ausangate and Rainbow Mountain

4 Day Exploring Cusco Tour, Q’eswachaka & Machu Picchu

Exclusive 4 Day Salkantay to Machu Picchu

Tour South Valley – Half Day

Tour South Valley – Half Day

Our travel destinations.


pioneers in the andes




March - December

5 days / 4 nights



March - October

7 days / 6 nights





April - October

6 days / 5 nights


We prioritize sustainability since our inception, we offer big adventures with a small footprint.

Perú boasts over 30,000 kilometers of ancient Incan roads, known as the Qapac Ñan, which are traversable to this day!

Four of the “50´s world Best Restaurants” Including No.1, are located in Lima, Perú.

Perú contains the second largest number of bird species in the world!

From the 32 existing climates in the world, Peru has 27; according to the Climate Classification of Thornwaite (SENAMHI, 1988)

Peru is home to over 55 ethnic groups with diverse beliefs and 47 different languages

peru destinations


Arequipa is Peru’s second-largest city, after Lima. Known as the White City, many of Arequipa’s walls and buildings are constructed from white lava rock, or “sillar.” This material was emitted from the three volcanoes that guard the city: Misti, Chachani, and Pichu Pichu. The nearby Colca Canyon is one of the world’s deepest canyons and is a wonderful place for viewing the majestic Andean Condor and other wildlife.


Cusco, the Inca capital, is an amazing city where the ancient and modern coexist and thrive. Set amidst a backdrop of snow-capped Andean peaks, the city is replete with Inca stone architecture, known for its precision and beauty. Cusqueñans in colorful authentic dress can be seen leading alpacas and burros over its cobblestone streets. Famous for its Plaza de Armas and colonial buildings dating to antiquity, Cusco is the gateway to the Machu Picchu citadel.


Capital of Peru’s Ancash Department, Huaraz city is situated more than 3,000 meters (9842 feet) above sea level. The stupendous snow-capped peaks of the Cordillera Blanca, the world’s tallest tropical mountain range looms over its eastern horizon. Huarascán National Park in the Cordillera Blanca encompasses areas of pristine wilderness including spectacular views, glacial lakes, rugged mountains, and abundant wildlife, including spectacled bears, Andean condors, and the ruthless jaguar.


Iquitos, located in the Peruvian Amazon, is the largest non-island city in the world that is accessible only by boat or air. Inhabited by indigenous peoples for thousands of years, it became a center of the rubber boom in the late 19thcentury. Today, it’s the starting point for boat expeditions to some of the most species-rich places on earth, including the Pacaya-Samiria Reserve, which is home to over 1000 animal species!


Founded in the mid-16th century, the coastal city of Lima is the capital of Peru. It is one of South America’s largest cities and is the center for Peruvian culture and world-class cuisine. Lima’s boasts an astonishing number of award-winning restaurants as well as several museums whose stunning collections trace Peru’s ancient civilizations. Ruins of some of the earliest civilizations known to man have been found near Lima.


Puerto Maldonado

Puerto Maldonado, founded in 1902, is located in the Madre de Dios region of Peru’s southeast. It is officially named the “Capital of Biodiversity in Peru” for the amazing variety of flora and fauna to be found in the wilderness areas surrounding the city. Most visitors come to stay in one of several eco-touristic lodges that offer access to jungle adventures focused on wildlife observation and bird-watching.


viajes rainbow tours

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Machu Picchu Day Trip from Cusco

Lima's vibrant heritage: exploring the city's landmarks, vinicunca rainbow mountain full-day tour from cusco, pisac inca town, artisan market and ollantaytambo full-day tour from cusco, hiram bingham round trip luxury train to machu picchu, 2-day enchanted inca towns of sacred valley from cusco, machu picchu private guided tour from aguas calientes, nasca lines full day trip from lima, 2-day flight of condor on colca canyon from arequipa, cusco city sightseeing, san pedro market, cathedral and qorikancha temple, sacsayhuaman inca´s temple, tambomachay, puca pucara and q'enqo half-day tour, lord of sipan royal tombs museum tour from chiclayo, machu picchu day trip from sacred valley, palccoyo rainbow mountain range and q’eswachaka last inca bridge, experience lima: gastronomic evening and guided tour at larco museum, 2-day machu picchu citadel & huayna picchu mountain private tour, 2-day sacred valley & machu picchu private tour, 2-day pisco tasting adventure at queirolo vineyard in ica from lima, 3-day northern empires private experience: chiclayo & trujillo., gocta waterfalls full-day experience from chachapoyas, arequipa, historic and colonial city and santa catalina monastery, batan grande archeological site and sicán national museum tour from chiclayo, buggies & sandboard from paracas, buggies & sandboard from paracas private tour, chachapoyas revash mausoleums and museum of leymebamba full-day tour, chiclayo in a day: huaca rajada, tucume and sipan royal tomb museum with lunch, dinner show: pride, passion and magic featuring the peruvian paso horse, port of callao: historic downtown & real felipe spanish fortress from lima, pachacamac temple, peruvian paso horse & artisan store private tour from lima, traditional culinary & gastronomy roots of lima, churches, old houses and balconies of lima private half day tour, cusco night vibrant tour, titicaca lake excursion: visit uros floating islands & taquile community island full-day tour from puno, nasca lines & ballestas islands private full day tour from lima, full-day karajia sarcophagi and caverns of quiocta tour from chachapoyas, half-day tombs "chullpas" of sillustani from puno, the land of the yachaqs – decoding the andean texitle from sacred valley, cusco, iquitos transfer: cruise port to iquitos hotels or viceversa, palomino islands sightseeing boat from lima, kuelap, citadel of the cloud warriors day trip from chachapoyas, lima city tour, chatedral, convent of santo domingo and larco museum half day, lima in a day: city sightseeing tour, larco museum and magic water circuit with lunch, larco museum, pisco tavern & magic water circuit evening tour, larco museum tour & gastronomic experience with rountrip transfer, lima by night and magic water circuit tour, lima market tour, cooking class and pisco sour lesson, lima, historical & culinary: market, chinatown, center & barranco, machu picchu with observatory train & private tour guide from cusco, lima mujica gallo's private gold collection and weapons of the world museum, one-way touristic scenic bus from cusco to puno, one-way transfer from sacred valley hotels to ollantaytambo railway station, pachacamac temple, pedro de osma museum & artisan store private tour from lima, peruvian home cooking in cusco, cusco pre-columbian art museum tour with dinner, lima private departure transfer, trujillo private full day: temple of the dragon, chan chan chimu citadel & huanchaco beach, machu picchu day trip first class train option from cusco, machu picchu at noon day trip from cusco, lake titicaca and sun island catamaran cruise from puno, private experience vinicunca rainbow mountain full day tour from cusco, 2-day sacred valley & machu picchu private tour from cusco, arequipa countryside, sabandia mill and founder's mansion private tour, arequipa colonial city, recoleta convent and casa del moral private tour, lima, art & tradition private half-day tour, temple of pachacamac half-day tour from lima, private walking tour lima heritage downtown half day, sandboarding and offroad 4x4 in lima, private tour shopping in lima and inca markets., lima art and numismatic museum private half-day tour, lima city sightseeing & gold museum private half day tour, cusco city sightseeing & sacsayhuaman archeological park half day tour, inca terraces of moray & salt mines of maras private tour with lunch from cusco, tunupa cusco restaurant folk show with dinner menu, private puno arrival transfer from juliaca airport to hotel, puno arrival private transfer from bus or train station to your hotel, temple of the moon and site museum half day private tour from trujillo, trujillo the best private tour: downtown, museum, sun & moon temples, chan chan chimu city and huanchaco beach., chan chan, huanchaco, sun and moon temples, & dragon temple full-day tour from trujlllo, half-day via ferrata climbing sacred valley adventure from cusco, 3-day iquitos amazon jungle adventure at muyuna lodge, 3-day iquitos amazon jungle adventure at heliconia lodge, 4-day delfin ii amazon river luxury cruise to pacaya samiria from iquitos, 4-day iquitos amazon jungle adventure at heliconia lodge, 2-day one-day inca trail & machu picchu lost citadel private tour, skylodge sacred valley overnight, via ferrata & zip line adventure from cusco, sacred valley chinchero inca town, moray terraces & ollantaytambo full day from cusco, 2-day la caravedo pisco vineyard, huacachina, paracas & nasca lines from lima private tour, 2-day iquitos amazon jungle tour at avatar lodge, 3-day iquitos amazon jungle at amak lodge, 3-day nasca lines & paracas nature reserve by bus from lima, 3-day tambopata amazon jungle journey at inkaterra hacienda concepción from puerto maldonado, 3-day iquitos amazon jungle tour at avatar amazon lodge, brüning national archaeological museum private tour: from chiclayo, cusco airport private transfer with large van, ancient salt mines of maras and inca terraces of moray half-day from cusco, el brujo archaeological site & lady of cao complex from trujillo, 4-day cusco capital of the inca empire, sacred valley & machu picchu, 3-day cusco express: city sightseeing, sacsayhuaman and machu picchu, palccoyo rainbow mountain range & stone forest, chinchero inca town, maras salt mines, moray terraces & ollantaytambo from sacred valley, park of sacsayhuaman and cusco city full day tour with lunch from sacred valley, huilloc community and ollantaytambo town, herds of inca traditions from cusco, 3-day tambopata amazon jungle at refugio amazonas lodge from puerto maldonado, 3-day tambopata amazon jungle tour at posada amazonas lodge from puerto maldonado, 3-days active sacred valley: stand-up paddle at piuray lagoon, ollantaytambo inca town, pumamarca & las qolqas lodge from cusco, barranco private sightseeing tour: bridge of sighs, pedro de osma museum and handicraft store from lima, sanctuaries of lima private half-day tour, tipon inca gardens, huaro church and inca sacred stones museum private tour from cusco, iquitos private arrival transfer, humantay lagoon from cusco, arequipa airport arrival transfer, arequipa airport departure transfer, lima airport arrival transfer, lima airport arrival transfer for small groups, lima airport departure transfer, paracas, ballestas islands, oasis of huacachina, pisco vineyard in ica full-day trip from lima, museum of the lord of sican from chiclayo, túcume pyramids & museum of the royal tombs of sipan private tour from chiclayo, private experience q'eswachaka community & last inca bridge day trip from cusco, private tour: chachapoyas city, sonche canyon & huancas handcrafted pottery, seminar of artesanal textiles and workshop of pablo seminario in sacred valley, cusco, 4-day tambopata amazon jungle tour at inkaterra hacienda concepción from puerto maldonado, 4-day tambopata amazon jungle tour at posada amazonas lodge from puerto maldonado, 3-day belmond andean explorer train to titicaca lake and arequipa from cusco, 4-day huaraz: cordillera blanca mountain range, lagoons and chavin pre inca culture, 3-day iquitos amazon jungle adventure at ceiba tops lodge, 4-day iquitos amazon jungle adventure with canopy walk at ceiba tops lodge, 5-day peru within your reach: lima, cusco, sacred valley & machu picchu, 3-day iquitos amazon tour at explorama lodge, 3-day pacaya samiria amazon nature reserve from iquitos, caral, the oldest city in america from lima private tour, lima airport luxury arrival or departure transfer, cusco airport arrival transfer, cusco airport departure transfer, cusco private transfer to poroy railway station, chachapoyas arrival transfer (jaen airport), chachapoyas departure transfer (jaen airport), chiclayo private departure transfer, chiclayo private arrival transfer, trujillo private departure transfer, trujillo private arrival transfer, 4-day delfin iii amazon river cruise to pacaya samiria from iquitos, 5-day delfin ii amazon river cruise to pacaya samiria from iquitos, 5-day delfin iii amazon river cruise to pacaya samiria from iquitos, 4-day aqua nera amazon river cruise high water route, 5-day aqua nera amazon river cruise high water route, 8-day aqua nera amazon river cruise pacaya samiria, ucayali and marañon river high water route, 10-day exploring southern peru with belmond, hiram bingham and andean explorer trains, 6-day celebrating in the andes private journey: lima, cusco, sacred valley & machu picchu, 8-day luxury private journey with belmond hiram bingham train: lima, cusco, sacred valley & macchu picchu, 8-day peru private journey in belmond style: lima, cusco, sacred valley & machu picchu, 6-day cusco private journey: sacsayhuaman, sacred valley, ollantaytambo & machu picchu, 7-day peru private journey: lima, cusco, sacred valley & machu picchu, 9-day aqua nera amazon river cruise & the inca empire luxury journey, 4-day lima, mosaic of flavors, 4-day iquitos amazon jungle adventure at muyuna lodge, 8-day inca lands and tambopata rainforest jungle: lima, cusco, sacred valley, machu picchu & puerto maldonado, 4-day iquitos amazon tour & canopy walkway at explorama lodge, 4-day inka trail to machu picchu from cusco, 7-day peru, inca land: lima, cusco, sacred valley & sunrise at machu picchu, 7-day new dawn in machu picchu: lima, cusco & sacred valley, 7-day peru, a story to tell: lima, cusco, sacred valley, machu picchu & vinicunca rainbow mountain, 7-day peru, a great adventure: lima, cusco, machu picchu, vinicunca rainbow mountain & humantay lagoon, 8-day best of the inca empire: lima, cusco, sacred valley & machu picchu, 8-day ancient altars of the incas: mysticim, esoteric, rural communities & machu picchu, 8-day route of the ancestral energies: lima, cusco, sacred valley, machu picchu, puno & titicaca lake, 8-day great wonders of cusco: sacsayhuaman, sacred valley, machu picchu & vinicunca rainbow mountain., 8-day peru, from the enigmas to the incas: lima, nasca, cusco, sacred valley & machu picchu, 8-day peru, empire of the senses: lima, cusco, sacred valley & machu picchu, 8-day peru, revival the empire: lima, cusco, sacred valley, machu picchu, puno & titicaca lake, 9-day peru & bolivia: lima, cusco, machu picchu, puno, titicaca & la paz, 5-day best of cusco: sacred valley, machu picchu & vinicunca rainbow mountain, 5-day cusco adventure: machu picchu, vinicunca rainbow mountain & humantay lagoon., 8-day peru, southern route: arequipa, colca, puno, titicaca, nasca & paracas, 5-day kingdom of chachapoyas: kuelap, karajía sarcophagus & leymebamba mummies, 5-day the empire of mochicas journey: trujillo & chiclayo, 6-day cusco ancient treasures: q'eswachaca inca bridge, vinicunca rainbow mountain, sacred valley & machu picchu, 6-day peru, connect your energies: lima, cusco & machu picchu, 6-day exploring cusco, sacsayhuaman, sacred valley & machu picchu, 10-day discover peru: lima, arequipa, colca, puno, cusco, sacred valley & machu picchu, 16-day great inca expedition: lima, nasca, paracas, arequipa, colca, puno, titicaca, cusco, sacred valley and machu picchu, 10-day taste peru experience: lima, nasca, pisco route, cusco, sacred valley, & machu picchu, 12-day the best of peru: lima, nasca, colca, puno, titicaca, cusco & machu picchu, 5-day the empire of incas private journey: cusco, sacred valley & machu picchu, 16-day ancient cultures of peru: lima, nasca, chiclayo, cusco, sacred valley & machu picchu, 7-day peru, andean splendor: arequipa, colca, titicaca lake & lima, 7-day peru, treasures of the coast: lima, nasca, paracas, trujillo & chiclayo, 8-day peru, the kingdom of the cloud warriors: chachapoyas, kuelap, gocta, karajía sarcophagus & leymebamba mummies, 8-day choquequirao, inca citadel of apurimac river, 5-day salkantay snow-peak trek to machu picchu from cusco, 4-day huascaran national park & chavin pre inca temple from lima, 4-day chachapoyas history and nature: kuelap and gocta private tour, 5-day empire of the incas: cusco, sacsayhuaman, sacred valley & machu picchu, 4-day surf in piura máncora beach from lima, 4-day relaxation at punta sal, zorritos or playa hermosa beaches of tumbes, 4-day arequipa city sightseeing & colca canyon adventure, 4-day tambopata amazon jungle at refugio amazonas lodge from puerto maldonado.

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VIPAC travel is a trademark registered by VIAJES PACIFICO LLC, incorporated under the laws of Florida State, USA.

Inka Explorer Viajes

Rainbow Mountain ATV Tour

viajes rainbow tours

  • Amenities 5

Discover the vibrant beauty of the Peruvian Andes on our exhilarating Rainbow Mountain ATV Tour from Cusco. This unforgettable adventure offers a unique and thrilling way to explore the stunning landscape of the region. It is famous for its colorful stratifications and breathtaking vistas. Our experienced guides will accompany you on this action-packed day trip. We will be ensuring your safety and enjoyment as you navigate the picturesque trails leading to the magnificent Rainbow Mountain.

Rainbow Mountain ATV Tour from Cusco:

Your Rainbow Mountain ATV Tour begins with a comfortable journey from Cusco to the starting point of the excursion. The drive coves approximately 62 miles (100 kilometers). Upon arrival, our knowledgeable guides will provide a comprehensive safety briefing and an introduction to operating the ATVs. They will be ensuring you feel confident and prepared for the adventure ahead. With helmets secured and engines revving, you’ll set off on your adrenaline-pumping ride through the pristine Andean landscape.

As you traverse the rugged terrain, you’ll be treated to incredible views of snow-capped peaks and crystal-clear lagoons. Additionally, you’ll see grazing alpacas and llamas in their natural habitat. The vibrant hues of the Rainbow Mountain , caused by the unique mineral composition of the area, will leave you in awe. The journey to the mountain covers a distance of approximately 6.2 miles (10 kilometers). It takes around 1.5 hours, offering plenty of opportunities to capture stunning photos and marvel at the unparalleled beauty of the region.

Upon reaching Rainbow Mountain, you’ll have ample time to explore the area on foot and take in the awe-inspiring panoramas. Our knowledgeable guides will be on hand to share fascinating facts about the geological formations and the local culture. This will enhance your understanding and appreciation of this natural wonder. After a memorable experience at the summit, you’ll return to the ATVs for an exhilarating ride back to the starting point.

Why do Rainbow Mountain ATV Tour with us?

Choose the Rainbow Mountain ATV Tour from Cusco with Inka Explorer Viajes. We are a leading tour company specializing in this adventure and offer a truly unforgettable experience. Our expertise and commitment to excellence set us apart, ensuring that you enjoy a safe, well-organized, and informative journey.

With Inka Explorer Viajes, you’ll benefit from our experienced guides, high-quality equipment, and in-depth knowledge of the region’s geological formations and local culture. Trust in our proven track record and dedication to customer satisfaction, and embark on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure through the vibrant beauty of the Peruvian Andes.

The Rainbow Mountain ATV Tour from Cusco is a one-of-a-kind adventure that combines the excitement of off-roading with the captivating allure of one of Peru’s most extraordinary natural wonders. With the guidance of our experienced team, you’ll create unforgettable memories and gain a newfound appreciation for the beauty and diversity of the Andean landscape. Book your tour today and prepare to be amazed by the astonishing colors and vistas of the Peruvian Andes.

Do take a moment to check our reviews on Tripadvisor .


  • Specialized bilingual guide
  • Private Transport
  • Buffet Lunch
  • Kawasaki Brute Force 300 Quad Bike
  • Fuel for Quad Bikes
  • First Aid Kit
  • Entrance fees
  • Any private expenses

Rainbow Mountain on Quad Bike

This full-day adventure tour starts with an early morning pickup from your hotel in Cusco. We will then embark on our tourist transport for two hours and 40 minutes drive to Japura. It is an Andean town at 4200 meters above sea level. 

Here we will be serving you a delicious traditional and delicious breakfast. After breakfast, the tour guide will be giving you a safety briefing. We will then go to the base camp. 

All set! We will be riding the ATVs to Qosqo Pata. It nestles at 4900 meters above sea level. It normally takes about 35 minutes to an hour to cover the distance of 1.5 kilometers. 

Qosqo Pata is a viewpoint closer to the top of the mountain. It will be a short and easy hike to reach the summit. You will get to see the mighty Ausangate and witness the enormity of the valley below. 

Once you have had your fill of this mystical place, we will hike down to Qosqo Pata. It normally takes 30 minutes to get there. We will take the ATVs and return to the base camp in Japura. 

We will be serving you a traditional meal for lunch. After lunch, we will be driving you back to Cusco arriving by 0500 PM.

Calendar & Prices

Rainbow mountain atv, you may like.

Maras Moray Tour

Rainbow mountain by ATV was the best highlight of our week long trip to Lima and Cusco. The views are stunning and worth doing! Perhaps even better than Machu Picchu. We went in October and had great weather. The last bit of hiking is very tiring but renting the horse helps. We went as a double on one motorcycle. The guides were fun and tell you what you need to bring by the time you are picked up. Was probably 15 of us in our group. Arturo our contact was easy to communicate with leading up to the trip. Keep in mind the bathrooms available at the ATV base camp are only 2 rural stalls without running water or toilet paper, and everyone needed to use them, so if you can use the toilets at the breakfast restaurant!

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Wooooow it’s all I can say! Such a beautiful experience…. It’s truly beautiful… very challenged but the atvs make it very fun and special…. Highly recommend…Rogelio was very attentive and knowledgeable in the area….

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The tour was extremely enjoyable. It was a really easy way to get up to Rainbow mountain. The ATV road was fun, it was nice scenery all the way up, warm clothes recommended. The tour guides were very helpful and were very aware of their group on the tour

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Everything was great! Our tour guide & having the ATV’s made the hike so much easier. The views during the ATV were so beautiful. We got there in good timing and there wasn’t too many people there.

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This was such a fun way to explore one of Peru’s greatest sites. I would highly recommend going on this excursion for the following reasons:

1. Guide was incredibly knowledgeable, friendly and fun. Arturo is the best!

2. It’s a smaller group & we all felt like family by the time the excursion ended.

3. The entrance fees go to the locals instead of the government

4. There were local Incas at trail head & top of the mountain. Walking at such a high altitude is difficult for some people so you can opt to pay for a ride on a horse or a motorbike. The motorcycle brings you all the way to the top of the mountain but the horse drops you off 90% of the way; the last portion is too steep for the horse. There were llama’s at the top dressed in bright Inca necklaces which made for a great photo opportunity.

5. Rainbow Mountain is stunning! We thought the photos we saw were filtered. Nope, it’s just that vibrant.

6. FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!!

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Myself and three friends has such a great time on this tour. Arturo was a great guide, the food was good, ATVs were fun and the scenery was amazing! It’s a long day but definitely worth it.

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Calendar & Prices

Calendar & prices, last minute deals.

Sacred Valley Tour from Cusco

If you have a story to share or a question that has not been answered on our website, please get in touch with us.

Inka Explorer Viajes

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  • +51 946 459 491
  • +51 979 858 544
  • 2 Day Short Inca Trail to Machupicchu – Group Service
  • 02 Day Short Inca Trail to Machupicchu – Private Service
  • 4 Day Classic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu – Group Service
  • 04 Day Inca Trail to Machu Picchu – Private Service
  • 05 Day Inca Trail to Machu Picchu – Private Service
  • 05 Day Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu – Group Service
  • 05 Day Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu – Private Service
  • 04 Day Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu – Group Service
  • 04 Day Inca Jungle Trail to Machu Picchu – Group Service
  • 03 Day Inca Jungle Trail to Machu Picchu
  • Inca Jungle Machu Picchu and Rainbow Mountain 7D/6N
  • 4 Day Lares Trek to Machu Picchu
  • Lares Trek and Short Inca Trail to Machu Picchu 5D/4N
  • 03 Day Huchuy Qosqo Trek to Machu Picchu
  • Sacred Valley Tour – Group & Private Service
  • Maras & Moray Biking Tour – Private Service
  • Tour to Chinchero, Maras & Moray – Private Service
  • City Tour in Cusco – half day
  • Fly of the Condor in Chonta Canyon – Full Day Tour
  • Tour to the Inca Bridge of Qeswachaka – Private Service
  • Zipline Cusco Adventure Tour
  • Cusco at Night: Cusco Planetarium Tour, Dinner with Pisco Sour
  • Quad Bike ATV Maras Moray
  • Horseback Riding Tours – Outdoor Activity
  • Waqrapukara Tour Full Day - Group Service
  • Southern Valley Tour – Group and Private Service
  • Humantay Lake Tour Full Day - Group Service
  • Rainbow Mountain Tour Full Day - Vinincunca Tour - Group Service
  • Rural Community Tourism in the Potato Park
  • 02 Days of Uros – Amantani & Taquile Islands
  • 03 Days Cusco – Machu Picchu – Cusco
  • 04 Day Cusco – Sacred Valley – Machu Picchu
  • 05 Day Cusco – Sacred Valley – Machu Picchu – Rainbow Mountain
  • 05 Day Cusco – Sacred Valley – Machu Picchu – Humantay Lake
  • 05 Day Cusco and Machu Picchu «The Andean Journey»
  • 06 Day Cusco: Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu & Rainbow Mountain
  • 06 Day Cusco – Sacred Valley – Machu Picchu – Titicaca Lake (Puno)
  • 06 Day Cusco – Machu Picchu – Rainbow Mountain – Titicaca Lake (Puno)
  • 06 Day Machu Picchu and Cusco «The Puma City»
  • 06 Day Cusco – Machu Picchu – Humantay Lake – Rainbow Mountain
  • 7 Day Cusco – Machu Picchu – Rainbow Mountain – Lake Humantay – Titicaca Lake (Puno)
  • 8 Day Cusco – Machu Picchu- Rainbow Mountain – Humantay Lake – Puno
  • 07 Day Inca Adventure – Lima, Ica & Cusco
  • 07 Day Inca Adventure – Lima, Ica & Cusco with Flights
  • 10 Days Perú Express – Lima, Ica, Cusco & Puno
  • 10 Days Peru Express – Lima, Ica, Cusco & Puno with Flights
  • 10 Day Millenary Peru – Coast, Andes & Jungle
  • 11 Day Magic Perú – Lima, Ica, Cusco & Puno
  • Full Day – «Exploring» Machu Picchu
  • 02 Day «Exploring» the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu
  • 02 Day Trip to Machu Picchu from Cusco with Machu Picchu Mountain (Circuit 5)
  • Multiday Tours

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In Waman Adventures we bring you the best experiences to make your trip the best memory of your life.

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100% dedicated to provide you the best service.

  • Feel the joy of traveling, we are a team of travel experts committed to organize unique and unforgettable experiences.
  • You will find tours exclusively designed for travelers like you, which will allow you to save time and money.
  • Always travel safely. Don't worry, because before, during and after your trip you will have 24/7 assistance from our team.


Experience the best, the best tours to machu picchu.

The Inca Jungle Trail to Machu Picchu

07 Dias / 06 noches

Inca jungle machu picchu and rainbow mountain 07 days.

  • Málaga Pass
  • Santa María
  • Santa Teresa
  • Hydroelectric
  • Aguas Calientes
  • Machu Picchu

viajes rainbow tours

03 Dias / 02 noches

03 days cusco – machu picchu – cusco.

  • Saqsayhuaman

viajes rainbow tours

04 Dias / 03 noches

04 day royal iquitos.

  • Kingdom of the Giant Trees
  • Ethnobotanical farmhouse

viajes rainbow tours

07 Day Inca Adventure – Lima, Ica & Cusco

  • Huacachina Oasis
  • Humantay Lake
  • Rainbow Mountain

viajes rainbow tours

10 Dias / 09 noches

10 day millenary peru – coast, andes & jungle.

  • Caiman Cocha

viajes rainbow tours

10 Days Perú Express – Lima, Ica, Cusco & Puno

  • Lima City tour
  • Titicaca Lake


viajes rainbow tours


WAMAN ADVENTURES is a company committed to provide you with the trip of your dreams. Our services are oriented to exceed your complete satisfaction.

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With WAMAN ADVENTURES you get more options and experiences at convenient prices.

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We offer personalized, quality services with small groups of no more than 16 people

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+ 5000 customers, and hundreds of verified comments, guarantee the quality of our service.

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Book with a couple of clics, it won't take more than 5 minutes.

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Book your tour with only 30% of the price. No extra charges for booking or use of credit cards.


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La Islas de Los Uros en el impresionante en impresionante Lago Titicaca. Ciertamente, reconocido como «Reserva Nacional del Lago Titicaca» y conocido como «el lago navegable más alto del mundo»

View Activities

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Puerto maldonado.

Puerto Maldonado es la capital de la región de Madre de Dios en el sureste de Perú. También es conocida como la vía de acceso al sur de la selva del Amazonas. La torre central del Obelisco tiene vista desde lo alto a la ciudad, junto con exhibiciones de historia local.

viajes rainbow tours

Conoce y descubre la arquitectura colonial del Centro Histórico, su exquisita gastronomía, distritos modernos y el legado de las culturas prehispánicas.

Lima tiene magia y sus calles son un museo abierto.

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Iquitos es una ciudad puerto peruana y una vía de acceso a los alojamientos en la selva y las villas del norte del Amazonas. El distrito de Belén es conocido por su enorme mercado callejero al aire libre y los palafitos rústicos sobre pilotes que bordean el río Itaya.


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Tour Rainbow Mountain 1 Día

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1 día de tour mas trekking

La Caminata o tour Montaña 7 Colores: La aventura empieza muy temprano a las 04:30 am iniciaremos el recojo por sus diferentes hospedajes hasta las 05:00 am, para luego dirigirnos  al  pintoresco centro poblado  Chirihuani del distrito Cusipata (Quispicanchi) al sur de la ciudad de Cusco , lugar donde realizaremos una parada para proveernos de algunas cosas necesarias para iniciar el tour como por ejemplo agua o bebidas energizantes, snack, Cereales, etc.

Finalizando esta corta parada, continuaremos nuestro viaje donde observaremos los  paisajes multicolores y cultivos que se mezclan entre las misteriosas montañas y nevados, animales andinos como la llama, alpaca, ovejas, vicuñas y  los profundos valles. Llegaremos a las 07:30 am al pintoresco poblado de Chirihuani, aquí disfrutaremos de un riquísimo desayuno andino preparado por nuestro Chef.

Luego volvermos a nuestro minuibus para dirigirnos hasta Fula wasi . Punto de inicio de nuestra caminata, Emprenderemos nuestra caminata por 1 HORA Y 30 MINUTOS , montaña arriba hasta llegar a las faldas del VALLE ROJO (cerro Vinicunca ) ,  lugar de acceso a este místico lugar.

Caminaremos por un sendero que poco a poco ira cambiando el panorama entre montañas de colores intensos y pequeños arroyos de agua helada que alimentan y dan vida a este valle, a medida vayamos caminando observaremos cómo los colores de nuestro alrededor irán cambiando por el clima, llegaremos a una altura de 5200 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Cima de la misteriosa montaña de 7 colores ( Vinicunca ).

Este será el punto donde tendremos tiempo suficiente para poder realizar la toma de fotos, vídeos, etc. A la vez será el lugar donde disfrutaremos de nuestro refrigerio mientras nuestra vista se deleita con la magia que encierran las montañas tras su velo de nubes y picos nevados, luego de tan exquisita experiencia emprenderemos la caminata de retorno a Chirihuani,  donde nos estara esperando nuestro minibus para luego dirigirnos al poblado de   Fulawasi,  donde tendremos un riquisimo almuerzo buffet preparado por nuestro cocinero, posteriormente retornaremos a Cusco llegando a un alrededor de las 17:00.00 horas , así culminamos la caminata a la montaña de 7 colores.

Reservas via email o WhatsApp

Reunion Holidays

CAA protected

Discover our Holidays to Reunion

This petite French island remains unknown to many travellers as most are drawn to the wildlife of neighbouring Madagascar or the famed golden beaches of Mauritius sitting just above. However, Reunion holidays have so much to offer the discerning traveller savvy enough to visit this speck of an island. Enjoy a true feeling of discovery and idyllic isolation surrounded by the warm tropical Indian Ocean as you experience an island paradise filled with so much more than a pretty coastline.

Reunion map

Some of our Reunion holiday ideas

Reunion Island - Self Drive image 1

Reunion Island - Self Drive

16 nights from £2,950 p/p

Indian Ocean contrast – Reunion & Mauritius image 1

Indian Ocean contrast – Reunion & Mauritius

10 nights from £3,150 p/p

Reunion Island Walking Holiday image 1

Reunion Island Walking Holiday

9 nights from £2,550 p/p

Our expertise in Reunion

Helen Kennedy

I’d love to create your perfect destination experience to Reunion . Give me a call and I’ll share my first-hand expertise so you get the most from your trip.

Helen's review

The flight from Paris to Roland Garros airport is the longest domestic flight in the world. Reunion is like Mauritius’s rugged sister. Self-driving is incredibly easy, with great infrastructure. Most areas are easily accessible, apart from the Cirque De Mafate which is only accessible by hiking and helicopter (definitely worth a visit!). Start on the east coast of the island and work your way around visiting all the many sights along the way and then end with a relax on the beautiful beaches on the west. The volcano (Piton de la Fournaise) is currently one of the most active in the world.

Helen's Top Tips

  • Do a helicopter flight for an incredible experience. It’s like something out of Jurassic park!
  • Whale watching from the terrace of the Palm Hotel. They have a bell that rings whenever a whale is sighted!
  • Aqua hiking in Langevin waterfall. Not for the faint hearted but so much fun!

Best Time To Visit Reunion

Average time

Quick Country Facts

Time Zone: GMT +4 hours

Captial: Saint-Denis

Currency: Euro

Temperature: 20-25°

Reunion travel guides

Travel Expert Q&A: Reunion

Travel Expert Q&A: Reunion

We caught up with africa product manager, Candice Buchan, to find out more about her recent trip to reunion.

3 Minute read

Travel Specialist Trips: Laura visits Reunion Island

Travel Specialist Trips: Laura visits Reunion Island

Most people envisage the Indian Ocean islands to be along the lines of overwater bungalows and lazy days by the beach.

4 Minute read

Stay the night: Diana Dea Lodge, Reunion

Stay the night: Diana Dea Lodge, Reunion

Travel specialist Laura shares her experiences of the four-star Diana Dea Lodge, tucked away on a hillside in Sainte Anne.

Top 10 things to do in Reunion

Top 10 things to do in Reunion

Rainbow Tours Sales Specialist Laura Brander Visited the French Island of Réunion, in the Indian Ocean.

6 Minute read

Why visit Reunion?

The ideal destination for those who to want to use their annual leave for adrenaline rushes rather than sun burn, Reunion is the perfect destination for intrepid adventurers. With over 1,000 km of trails taking you through the island’s geographical diversity, the looming mountains and dramatic landscape is the perfect venue for walking and hiking fans .

The blend of Chinese, Indian and African cultures with a rich French Creole heritage creates for a unique atmosphere and a delicious array of cuisine. Throw in the gorgeous beaches of the west coast surrounded by tropical coral reefs and cascading waterfalls into pristine natural rock pools and you have the perfect alternative island hideaway. We advise you visit before the masses catch on to Reunion’s magic.  

Helen Kennedy

Travel Specialist

A rumbling volcano

Reunion is home to one of the world’s most active volcanoes, the Piton de la Fournaise which has erupted 180 times since records began in 1640. The 700,000 natives have learnt to live their life around the flow of lava that erupts from this bubbling magma chamber, sometimes rebuilding highways two or three times a year. The Piton de la Fournaise is a truly phenomenal demonstration of the power of nature. Trek the 13km to the volcano rim to view the dramatic lunar landscape, devoid of vegetation but filled with the striking colours of burnt umber, smoky topaz and jet black.

A relatively easy walk but one you need to be prepared for, the views of the volcano and the panoramic scenes of the island is definitely worth the legwork. No trip to Reunion would be complete without a close up look of Furnace Peak.

Reunion beach holidays

Due to the island’s small number of visitors compared to Mauritius and Seychelles, the beaches aren’t overshadowed with colossal skyscraper resorts. Instead the accommodation offering is beautiful and charming with most of our carefully selected collection of hotels and lodges only housing an intimate 15 suites.

Follow the twisting turning roads up to the Diana Dea Lodge and Spa which blends perfectly into the hillside, overlooking the village of Sainte Anne Village and out over the east coast. The interiors, a mix of precious wood, mineral stone and tropical flowers, work harmoniously with the surrounding nature. Enjoy a dinner of local, fresh ingredients in the restaurant while admiring the sweeping views of the Indian Ocean.

If you have the urge to get back to nature and want to immerse yourself in Reunion’s beautiful offering, choose the Ferme Auberge du Pommeau . Simple and comfortable, this lodge is a haven of peace located amongst the verdant high plains of the island, a place for you to enjoy the pleasures of outdoor life and get back to nature.

Where to go in Reunion

Reunion Island Beaches

Reunion Island Beaches

The Wild South

The Wild South

The Cirques & Surrounds

The Cirques & Surrounds

Volcano & Plaine des Cafres

Volcano & Plaine des Cafres

Reunion holiday types.

Whether you want to explore the natural world with the whole family or encounter rare species with just a few other travellers.

Choose the tailor-made itinerary that's right for you.

Family Holidays

Family Holidays




Looking for inspiration?

You'll find expert travel guides, holiday ideas and insider tips now on the Rainbow blog

Stay the night: Diana Dea Lodge, Réunion

Stay the night: Diana Dea Lodge, Réunion

Travel Expert Q&A: Reunion

Travel Specialist Trips: Laura visits Réunion Island

Why choose us, passionate travel experts.

  • We've been leading wildlife travel since our first South Africa tours over 25 years ago
  • Our Travel Specialists have lived in their specialist area for years
  • We work with local guides to immerse you deeper in our diverse range of experiences

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  • We'll make your itinerary seamless with 24/7 emergency contact available
  • Your Travel Specialist will listen to ensure you have the best chance of seeing the wildlife you love

Responsible by nature

  • We take care to actively contribute to the conservation of environments we visit
  • For select countries, we make a charitable donation on your behalf when you make your booking
  • We've partnered with conservation experts and NGOs to curate responsible tours

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Rainbow Tours is part of ITC travel group and is a trading name of International Travel Connections Limited, Bridgetown House, 80 Lower Bridge Street, Chester, CH1 1RU Registered in England No. 01030986 Vat No. GB 203 9167 24

Candice Buchan

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Lonicera Premium Obrázek

Lonicera Premium

Ubytování EGF Obrázek

Egypt - síla jihu z Marsa Alam light s českým průvodcem

Tsampika Obrázek

Indie Express

Leopard Beach Resort & SPA Obrázek

Leopard Beach Resort & SPA

Playa Bachata Resort Obrázek

Dominikánská republika

Playa bachata resort, nejnovější nabídka zájezdů.

Lonicera Premium-obr

Rainbow Novinky

Předprodej Exotika 2024/25 Obrázek

Předprodej Exotika 2024/25

Odlety z Prahy a Brna v prodeji! Obrázek

Odlety z Prahy a Brna v prodeji!

Nová pobočka v NC Géčko Ostrava Obrázek

Nová pobočka v NC Géčko Ostrava

Kontaktujte nás.

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  1. Viajes Rainbow Tours Travel

    En VIAJES RAINBOW TOURS TRAVEL , ubicada en BENIDORM te ofrecemos una amplia y completa oferta de viajes: Paquetes, Circuitos, Cruceros, Escapadas, Grandes Viajes,… y todas las opciones en hoteles y servicios de transporte (vuelos, trenes, ferries, rent a car,…). Realiza tus reservas o presupuestos on-line, y si necesitas ayuda, no dudes en ...

  2. Viajes & Turísmo

    Viajes & Turísmo - Peruvian Rainbow Tours, Cusco, Peru. 2,023 likes · 1 was here. ...viaja por la ruta de los Incas!!! Viajes & Turísmo - Peruvian Rainbow Tours | Cusco

  3. Viajes Speedy Tour Operator

    Tours and Tickets by Viajes Speedy Tour Operator. Rainbow Mountain with ATVs. 186. 4WD Tours. 12-13 hours. Adventure tour unique in the place, the tour can be done with a little experience on ATVs or similar, you can enjoy unique…. Free cancellation. from. $85.

  4. 2024 Rainbow Mountain with ATVs

    Discover and book Rainbow Mountain with ATVs on Tripadvisor. Help. If you have questions about this tour or need help making your booking, we'd be happy to help. Just call the number below and reference the product code: 173630P1. +1 855 275 5071.

  5. ️ Rainbow Mountain Tours with Viajes Speedy

    Personalized Tours to Rainbow Mountain with Viajes Speedy. We believe every traveler is unique, and so should be their travel experience. Viajes Speedy offers tailor-made tours to Rainbow Mountain, catering to your pace and preferences. Whether you're an experienced hiker seeking adventure or a casual traveler looking for stunning views, we ...

  6. Rainbow Mountain by Horse 1 Day

    The travel time from Cusco to Cusipata Llactoc is 3 hours. The starting point of our R ainbow Mountain Horse Tour is Llactoc (4,900 m/16,076 feet). Tour duration: This adventure takes 3 hours. Distance: 7 km/4.3 miles (55 minutes); horseback riding. Hike the rest of the way uphill for 19 minutes.

  7. Rainbow Mountain Tour + Red Valley 1 Day

    7am : Breakfast in a restaurant in Cusipata. 9am : Begin the 90 minute hike (or horse ride) to the Rainbow Mountain viewpoint. 11am : Continue the extra 30 minute hike to the Red Valley viewpoint (optional) Midday : Return walk for 1-hour back to the transportation. 1-2pm : Buffet lunch at a restaurant in Cusipata.

  8. Machupicchu Luna Tours

    Travel Agency in Cusco with more than 7 years of experience, specialists in personalized tours in Cusco, tourist packages Cusco, Machupicchu Luna Tours (+51) 964 195 640 [email protected]

  9. Rainbow Travel Tours Perú

    Rainbow Travel Tours Perú. 1,115 likes · 8 talking about this. Explora el mundo con nuestra agencia de viajes LGBTIQ+. ¡Aventuras inolvidables te esperan! ️ #ViajaConOrgullo

  10. 2024 Rainbow Mountain In Quad Bike provided by Inka Explorer Viajes

    Thrilling Adventure with Stunning Scenary. The Rainbow Mountain Quad Bile Tour with Inkas Explorer Viajes was a truly exhiliriating experience! It was an amazing blend of adventure, spectacular landscapes, and professional guidance. The bikes were top notch, and our guideensured a safe and exciting journey.

  11. Rainbow Mountain Peru 2023

    The 4 Day Ausangate Hike Tour and Rainbow Mountain. It is a spectacular hike along an ancestral Inca trail that will allow you to trek around the highest mountain in the Cusco region (Ausangate, 6,385m/20,948ft) and visit the famous rainbow mountain. 4 Days. Intense (4/5) 5,210m/17,093ft. Camping.

  12. Peru Adventures Specialist

    OUR PHILOSOPHY: We prioritize sustainability since our inception, we offer big adventures with a small footprint. Perú boasts over 30,000 kilometers of ancient Incan roads, known as the Qapac Ñan, which are traversable to this day! Four of the "50´s world Best Restaurants" Including No.1, are located in Lima, Perú.

  13. Viajes Rainbow Tours Travel : Official Murcia Region tourist site

    Cuisine. Rich vegetables, good selection of meats, and treasures from the sea.

  14. VIPAC Experiences

    VIPAC Travel with almost 50 years of experience in the tourism industry, is a leading tour operator in South America. Our great team design each travel experience with passion, attention to detail and authentic flavor. Our customers recognize our quality in each review. In 2023, we received the TripAdvisor Travelers´ Choice reward.


    VIAJES RAINBOW TOURS TRAVEL SL is a leisure, travel & tourism company based out Calle Ruzafa 14, Local 4 in Benidorm, Alicante, Spain. We are associated to VIAJES CARREFOUR. We own and manage 3 ...

  16. ATV Tour Rainbow Mountain

    The Rainbow Mountain ATV Tour from Cusco is a one-of-a-kind adventure that combines the excitement of off-roading with the captivating allure of one of Peru's most extraordinary natural wonders. With the guidance of our experienced team, you'll create unforgettable memories and gain a newfound appreciation for the beauty and diversity of ...

  17. Waman Adventures Classic Inca Trail Tours

    Waman Adventures organizes all authentic Peru tours and Treks to Machu Picchu. Book your Classic Inca Trail, Salkantay Trek, Lares and personalized tours. Weekly offers: offers are up to ... Rainbow Mountain Tour Full Day - Vinincunca Tour - Group Service; RAINBOW MOUNTAIN 2 DAY TREK | VINICUNCA - GROUP SERVICE; Rural Community Tourism in the ...

  18. Tour Rainbow Mountain 1 Día

    La Caminata o tour Montaña 7 Colores: La aventura empieza muy temprano a las 04:30 am iniciaremos el recojo por sus diferentes hospedajes hasta las 05:00 am, para luego dirigirnos al pintoresco centro poblado Chirihuani del distrito Cusipata (Quispicanchi) al sur de la ciudad de Cusco. ... 2022 (+51) 984 695213. Tour Rainbow Mountain 1 Día ...

  19. Viajes Rainbow Tours Travel

    Viajes Rainbow Tours Travel Sl is a company that operates in the Leisure, Travel & Tourism industry. It employs 21-50 people and has $1M-$5M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Spain.


    VIAJES RAINBOW TOURS TRAVEL SL Company Profile | BENIDORM, Spain | Competitors, Financials & Contacts - Dun & Bradstreet

  21. La Reunion Island Holiday Packages & Tours

    Rainbow Tours is part of ITC travel group and is a trading name of International Travel Connections Limited, Bridgetown House, 80 Lower Bridge Street, Chester, CH1 1RU Registered in England No. 01030986 Vat No. GB 203 9167 24. 0203 131 5311 | [email protected]. Make an Enquiry.

  22. Rainbow Tours Carrefour

    Rainbow Tours Carrefour, Benidorm, Spain. 1,420 likes · 79 were here. Agencia física y on-line especializada en todo tipo de viajes y servicios sueltos, incluidos paquet Rainbow Tours Carrefour | Benidorm

  23. Last, first minute 2023-2024

    Rainbow Novinky. Předprodej Exotika 2024/25. 14:41 29.02.2024. Přečíst novinku. Odlety z Prahy a Brna v prodeji! 20:03 20.10.2023. Přečíst novinku. Nová pobočka v NC Géčko Ostrava. 10:10 21.08.2023. Přečíst novinku. Kontaktujte nás. tel.: 595 540 934 e-mail: [email protected].