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Departure by Journey

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Departure by Journey

Following the band’s 1978 album Infinity , drummer Aynsley Dunbar was replaced by accomplished jazz drummer Steve Smith . In 1979, the group recorded the LP Evolution , which included the group’s first Top 20 single, but was less than satisfying for the band production-wise.

Former engineers Geoff Workman and Kevin Elson stepped up to assume producer duties on Departure . The band was well-stocked entering the studio, with nearly twenty new songs composed. Ultimately, they recorded a dozen songs for this album with a few excess tracks saved for other projects. These included the track “Little Girl”, which landed on the future soundtrack Dream, After Dream and the excellent song “Natural Thing”, a soulful rock/waltz co-written by bassist Ross Valory . Armed with all this compositional ammunition, the group was set to record most of the material live in the studio, which gave it and edge compared to the more refined work they did both before and after this record.

The album begins with its most popular and sustaining track, “Any Way You Want It”. The song was written by lead vocalist Steve Perry and guitarist Neal Schon and it peaked at #23 on the Billboard pop charts. More importantly, this opening track sets the pace for this album where Perry and Schon shine brightest throughout. Schon achieves this hard rock bliss through his potent and perfected rock riffs with melodic distortion, while Perry’s vocals use heavy reverb to add to the majesty. While the opener exists mainly in the stratosphere, “Walks Like a Lady” comes back to ground level while being just as entertaining. On this track, all five members of the band shine equally, from the skip-along bass of Valory to the fine drum shuffle by Smith, to the deep Hammond B3 chords by Rolie, to multiple bluesy riffs by Schon, to the fantastic melodies by Perry.

“Someday Soon” is the first of two rock duets, with Rolie and Perry trading vocal lines throughout this one. The mesmerizing rhythm carries song along at a steady pace and, after Schon’s first true guitar lead of the album, the song enters into a strong, majestic outro, led by a rich vocal chorus and more intense rock elements. “People and Places” is the closest to a prog rock track on the album, especially with the multiple voices in the intro cascade. On this second duet, Rolie takes the lead during the intense verses while Perry handles the uplifting choruses. The song has an English folk feel through its first half but then evolves into a theatrical hard rock track, closing with Rolie’s distant Hammond fading away. Filled with so many great little sound riffs, “Precious Time” starts with just Schon’s rapidly strummed electric guitar accompanying Perry’s fast-paced melodies until Rolie joins in with an impressive blues harmonica through the second verse. Eventually, the rhythm section comes in to make it a more steady hard rock song, ending with a decent blues jam led by the harmonica once again.

Journey in 1980

The short title piece begins the final progression of the album. Schon’s “Departure” is not really a true track, just some harmonics above seemingly random soundscapes. The next two short but satisfying ballads preview a vital aspect of Journey’s albums in the near future. “Good Morning Girl” is led by Schon’s finger-picked electric accompanied by a smooth Mellotron with differing strings and Perry’s melodic vocals. A very simple structure, with just verses at different rotating keys. “Stay Awhile” is like an old fashioned rock slow dance, but this one is almost completely led by the fine vocal melodies of Perry. The album closer, “Homemade Love”, contains an interesting off-beat by Smith with Perry’s nearly-scat vocals and Schon reserving one of his finest guitar leads for the album’s conclusion.

Departure went triple-platinum in sales and Journey rode this success with a major tour. This tour spawned the follow-up live album Captured , which was another major success for the group later in 1980. However, Rolie had become tired of life on the road and decided to leave the band and pursue solo projects.

Part of Classic Rock Review’s celebration 1980 albums.

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Journey's 'Departure' | RVM [Radio.Video.Music] March 14, 2023 @ 9:47 am

[…] Classic Rock ReviewArmed with all this compositional ammunition, the group was set to record most of the material live in the studio, which gave it and edge compared to the more refined work they did both before and after this record. […] […]

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Precious Time

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Precious Time is a song from the album Departure .

I was captured by the light of a wayward smile When she said to me, "Move slowly son and touch the sky Very soon you'll see, ooh, how precious time placed it's hand on me Ooh, how precious time, how it rescued me"

See the line of sight inside your mind, but from where I don't know And the tales that are left behind, left for all to grow Ooh, precious time placed its hand on me Ooh, precious time, how it rescued me Ooh, how it rescued me, how it rescued me

Ooh, there's a place in time not far from here, a place we all can see So if you're lookin' for a better day, touch the sky and see Oh, precious time placed its hand on me Oh, precious time, how it rescued me

Be the soldiers for your lives my friends, fight for all to see It's the only way to catch the sun, it's the only way you'll see Oh, how precious time placed its hand on me, yeah precious time How it rescued me, baby, baby it rescued me

Oh, there's a place in time not far from here, a place we all can see So if you're lookin' for a better day, touch the sky and see Oh, precious time placed its hand on me Oh, precious time, ooh how it rescued me, me

  • 1 Frontiers Tour
  • 2 Journey (band)
  • 3 Arnel Pineda

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Journey - Precious Time Lyrics

Artist: Journey

Album: Miscellaneous

Genre: Rock

journey precious time

I was captured by the light of a wayward smile When she said to me, "Move slowly son and touch the sky Very soon you'll see, ooh, how precious time placed it's hand on me Ooh, how precious time, how it rescued me" See the line of sight inside your mind, but from where I don't know And the tales that are left behind, left for all to grow Ooh, precious time placed its hand on me Ooh, precious time, how it rescued me Ooh, how it rescued me, how it rescued me Ooh, there's a place in time not far from here, a place we all could see So if you're lookin' for a better day, touch the sky and see Oh, precious time placed its hand on me Oh, precious time, how it rescued me Be the soldiers for your lives my friends, fight for all to see It's the only way to catch the sun, it's the only way you'll see Oh, how precious time placed its hand on me, yeah precious time How it rescued me, baby, baby it rescued me Oh, there's a place in time not far from here, a place we all could see So if you're lookin' for a better day, touch the sky and see Oh, precious time placed its hand on me Oh, precious time, ooh how it rescued me, me

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Precious Time

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Journey is an American rock band formed in 1973 in San Francisco by former members of Santana and Frumious Bandersnatch. The band has gone through several phases; its strongest commercial success occurred between 1978 and 1987, after which it temporarily disbanded. During that period, the band released a series of hit songs, including 1981's "Don't Stop Believin'", which became in 2009 the top-selling catalog track in iTunes history. Its parent studio album, Escape, the band's eighth and most successful, reached No. 1 on the Billboard 200 and yielded another of their most popular singles, "Open Arms". Its 1983 follow-up, Frontiers, was almost as successful in the United States, reaching No. 2 and spawning several successful singles; it broadened the band's ap… more »

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journey precious time

  • #1 Any Way You Want It
  • #2 Walks Like a Lady
  • #3 Someday Soon
  • #4 People and Places
  • #5 Precious Time
  • #6 Where Were You
  • #7 I'm Cryin'
  • #8 Line of Fire
  • #9 Departure
  • #10 Good Morning Girl
  • #11 Stay Awhile
  • #12 Homemade Love
  • #13 Natural Thing [*]
  • #14 Little Girl [From Dream After Dream]
  • #14 Little Girl [From Dream After Dream][*]


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Precious Time

Lyrics submitted by raisedonradio1109

Precious Time Lyrics as written by Stephen Ray Perry Neal Joseph Schon

Lyrics © Wixen Music Publishing, Hipgnosis Songs Group

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Another song where I'm not sure what it means but like how the song sounds.

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When I first bought the Journey album ''Departure'' in early 1980 I instantly fell in love with this song...To be honest in my opinion it is years ahead of its time and I never tire of listening to it!

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Precious Time meanings

  • c + 3 Cindy Tracy 2015-08-11 16:09:05 The lyrics speak of being rescued. The emotions and how they are sung seem to fit that as well. You could insert at this point what that might be but the main idea is that time is what rescued him/her. Reaching up and touching the sky is an interesting line with that said, to touch the sky requires one to look up. If you're looking up you can see more then looking down. When we look down our vision is limited. Reaching takes effort, so I think the whole point of the song is that time heals, don't get discouraged in what ever you are going through, reach up. Reaching up for me would be looking to God, trusting that he has a plan even if I can't see it yet. Looking up is choosing to believe and trusting that something good is ahead. It's far better to have something positive in front of you and to look towards that, as you do it helps you to see, to have vision so to speak. Time becomes precious when we realize that it can relieve the pain as we travel through it looking ahead to our future. Add your reply

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  • c + 3 Cindy Tracy The lyrics speak of being rescued. The emotions and how they are sung seem to fit that as well. You... Read more →

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Jennifer Love Hewitt Reveals Kids' Faces for 1st Time [Photo]

Jennifer Love Hewitt Reveals Faces of All 3 Kids for the 1st Time in Magical Memoir Photo

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Jennifer Love Hewitt shared the first image of her three kids on the cover of her upcoming memoir, Inheriting Magic: My Journey Through Grief, Joy, Celebration, and Making Every Day Magical .

“​​Here it is! My new baby! This incredible cover was done by an angel @the_life_of_aivax I can’t believe how lucky I was to get her for this book!” Jennifer, 45, wrote via Instagram on Wednesday, April 17. “Moms who create magic are special! And she is a magic maker for sure. Can’t wait for you guys to read it! @benbellabooks.”

The Ghost Whisperer actress shares children Autumn James, 10, Atticus James, 8, and Aidan James, 2, with husband Brian Hallisay .

In the enchanted photo, Jennifer and her kids used their own form of magic. The family matriarch stood in the middle as she held a wand in one hand and a rainbow-lit book in the other. Autumn looked precious as she wore a green jumpsuit and reading glasses while she balanced a stack of items on a wooden board. Atticus looked amazed as he whipped up a potion filled with liquid. All the while, Aiden was dressed in an elf outfit as he held his wand to the title of the book. Each major holiday was represented in the book cover image as a basket of Easter eggs, candy cane, ​jack-o’-lantern and birthday hat were scattered around the family.

Jennifer Love Hewitt Reveals Kids Faces 898

Jennifer opened up about including her little ones on the book cover and gave props to her husband for pushing her to step out of her comfort zone.

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“It was the most stressful decision to show our kids or not show them. But my husband and I felt like we couldn’t really tell our story without knowing who they are and how they have made our lives so full and magical,” Jennifer told E! News in a story published on April 17. “My kids also saved me in grief. They are gifts from my mom and have filled our hearts in such an incredible way. This book is for them!”

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The Heartbreakers star’s mother, Patricia Hewitt, died in 2012 after battling cancer . Jennifer wrote Inheriting Magic , which is set to release on December 10, after she grieved the loss of her mom.

“I also have seen how creating little bits of magic for my kids and friends makes our memories and everyday lives special,” Jennifer continued to the publication. “I wanted to honor my mom and how much being a mom means to me and this felt like the best way.”

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  1. Precious Time

    Provided to YouTube by Columbia/LegacyPrecious Time · JourneyDeparture℗ 1980 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENTReleased on: 1980-02-29Engineer, Mixing Engineer, P...

  2. Journey

    Artist: JourneyAlbum: DepartureTrack: 05Released: 1980Official site: http://www.journeymusic.comiTunes:

  3. Journey "Precious Time"

    From of 1980 "Departure" Album"Precious Time" LyricsI was captured by the light of a wayward smileWhen she said to me,"Move slowly son and touch the sky,Very...

  4. Journey

    Placed its hand on me. Oo, precious time. How it rescued me. [Verse Three] Be the soldiers for your lives, my friends. Fight for all to see. It's the only way to catch the sun. It's the only way ...

  5. Precious Time

    Provided to YouTube by Columbia/Legacy Precious Time · Journey Departure ℗ 1980 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT Released on: 1980-02-29 Engineer, Mixing E...

  6. The Meaning Behind The Song: Precious Time by Journey

    Journey's live performances of Precious Time have always been highly anticipated by fans. One standout performance occurred during the band's "Escape" tour in 1981. The emotional delivery of Steve Perry's vocals and the raw energy of the band created an unforgettable experience for both the audience and the musicians themselves.

  7. Precious Time

    Journey. 2,285,672 listeners. classic rock. rock. 80s. Journey is an American rock band formed in San Francisco, California in 1973. The band has gone through several phases since its inception by former members of Santana. The band's grea… read more. View full artist profile.

  8. Journey

    Precious Time Lyrics. 6. Where Were You Lyrics. 7. I'm Cryin Lyrics. 8. Line Of Fire ... Departure is the 6th studio album by the classic rock band Journey.

  9. Journey

    Precious Time Lyrics by Journey from the Departure album- including song video, artist biography, translations and more: I was captured by the light of a wayward smile When she said to me, "Move slowly son and touch the sky, Very soon you'l…

  10. Departure by Journey

    Journey continued their climb to rock superstardom with 1980's Departure, ... "Precious Time" starts with just Schon's rapidly strummed electric guitar accompanying Perry's fast-paced melodies until Rolie joins in with an impressive blues harmonica through the second verse. Eventually, the rhythm section comes in to make it a more ...

  11. Precious Time

    Precious Time is a song from the album Departure. I was captured by the light of a wayward smile When she said to me, "Move slowly son and touch the sky Very soon you'll see, ooh, how precious time placed it's hand on me Ooh, how precious time, how it rescued me" See the line of sight inside your mind, but from where I don't know And the tales that are left behind, left for all to grow Ooh ...

  12. Journey

    Journey - Precious time. Fifth song from the album "Departure" (1980). With lyrics.Journey "Departure" (1980) album:


    Oh, precious time, how it rescued me. Be the soldiers for your lives my friends, fight for all to see. It's the only way to catch the sun, it's the only way you'll see. Oh, how precious time placed its hand on me, yeah precious time. How it rescued me, baby, baby it rescued me. Oh, there's a place in time not far from here, a place we all could ...

  14. Journey

    Oh, there's a place in time not far from here, A place we all could see; So if you're lookin' for a better day, Touch the sky and see. Oh, precious time placed it's hand on me; Oh, precious time, how it rescued me. Be the soldiers for your lives my friends, Fight for all to see. It's the only way to catch the sun; It's the only way you'll see ...

  15. Journey

    Oh how precious time placed it's hand on me, Yeah precious time. How it rescued me, baby, baby it rescued me. Oh, there's a place in time not far from here, A place we all could see; So if you're lookin' for a better day, Touch the sky and see. Oh, precious time placed it's hand on me; Oh, precious time, how it rescued me.

  16. Journey

    It's the only way you'll see, Oh how precious time placed it's hand on me, Yeah precious time. How it rescued me, baby, baby it rescued me. Oh, there's a place in time not far from here, A place we all could see; So if you're lookin' for a better day, Touch the sky and see. Oh, precious time placed it's hand on me;

  17. Precious Time lyrics by Journey, 1 meaning, official 2024 song lyrics

    Oo, how precious time placed it's hand on me; Oo, how precious time, how it rescued me. See the line of sight in side your mind, But from where I don't know. And the tales that are left behind, Left for all to grow. Oo, precious time placed it's hand on me; Oo, precious time, how it rescued me. Oo, how it rescued me, how it rescued me.

  18. Journey

    Another great song from the Departure album.I will no longer be posting any more songs because You Tube yanked four Steve Perrysongs off of my channel due to...

  19. PRECIOUS TIME CHORDS by Journey @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

    Create and get +5 IQ. I'm not 100% sure on the key [Intro] A D G X2 [Verse One] A D G A I was captured by the light of a wayward smile D G A When she said to me D G A "Move slowly son and touch the sky D G Very soon you'll see" [ChoruS] G A Oo, how precious time G A Placed it's hand on me G A Oo, how precious time G How it rescued me A D G A D ...

  20. Precious Time Chords, Guitar Tab, & Lyrics by Journey

    A D G A. Be the soldiers for your lives my friends. D G A. Fight for all to see. D G A. It's the only way to catch the sun. D G. It's the only way you'll see.

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    Jennifer Love Hewitt shared the first image of her three kids on the cover of her upcoming memoir, Inheriting Magic: My Journey Through Grief, Joy, Celebration, and Making Every Day Magical. ...

  23. Journey

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

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    "Time Journey" is a thought-provoking exploration and puzzle-solving game set against a science fiction backdrop. As players navigate through the alien laboratory, they will encounter various NPCs, each with their own stories and information that can aid in piecing together the player's past and the lab's mysteries. Time manipulation plays a ...

  25. Journey-Precious Time(Departure)

    Disclaimer:I do not own anything in this video all rights go to its rightful owner.