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देखिए इस मौसम में जैसलमेर की ये खूबसूरत तस्वीरें, पर्यटक हो रहें आकर्षित

Photo : नए साल पर घूमना चाहते हैं राजस्थान तो खूबसूरत जगहों को जरूर करें एक्सप्लोर

नए साल पर घूमना चाहते हैं राजस्थान तो खूबसूरत जगहों को जरूर करें एक्सप्लोर

(18 Images)

Photo : न्यू ईयर के लिए तैयार हुई स्वर्णनगरी जैसलमेर, सैलानियों के लिए सजी दुकानें

न्यू ईयर के लिए तैयार हुई स्वर्णनगरी जैसलमेर, सैलानियों के लिए सजी दुकानें

Photo : पर्यटन मंत्रालय की अनूठी पहल, अब गांवों को मिलेगा बेस्ट टूरिज्म विलेज अवार्ड

पर्यटन मंत्रालय की अनूठी पहल, अब गांवों को मिलेगा बेस्ट टूरिज्म विलेज अवार्ड

Photo : दीपोत्सव पर जगमगाया जोधपुर का ऐतिहासिक तूरजी का झालरा, विदेशी सैलानियों में भी दिखा उत्साह

दीपोत्सव पर जगमगाया जोधपुर का ऐतिहासिक तूरजी का झालरा, विदेशी सैलानियों में भी दिखा उत्साह

Photo : दिपावली से पहले जगमगाएगा उदयपुर, प्रशासन द्वारा की जा रही व्यवस्था

दिपावली से पहले जगमगाएगा उदयपुर, प्रशासन द्वारा की जा रही व्यवस्था

Photo : गुब्‍बारे पर बैठकर घूमिए अंतरिक्ष! दिसंबर में भारत से उड़ेगी टेस्‍ट फ्लाइट, जानें एक टिकट की कीमत

गुब्‍बारे पर बैठकर घूमिए अंतरिक्ष! दिसंबर में भारत से उड़ेगी टेस्‍ट फ्लाइट, जानें एक टिकट की कीमत

Photo : केंद्रीय मंत्री मुख्तार अब्बास नकवी ने किया 5वें ग्लोबल फिल्म टूरिज्म कॉन्क्लेव का उद्घाटन

केंद्रीय मंत्री मुख्तार अब्बास नकवी ने किया 5वें ग्लोबल फिल्म टूरिज्म कॉन्क्लेव का उद्घाटन

Tourism से जुड़े अन्य फोटो »

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Viral Video: थमने का नाम नहीं ले रहा डॉली चायवाले का जलवा, लैम्बॉर्गिनी कार की सवारी करते आए नजर

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प्राचीन देश इथियोपिया की सैर

ये रही धरती की सबसे गर्म जगह


Chaitra Navratri 2024: विदेशों में भी हैं देवी के शक्तिपीठ, जानिए दर्शन के लिए किन देशों की करनी होगी यात्रा

समुद्री जीव विज्ञान के क्षेत्र में उनकी जीवन यात्रा काफी दिलचस्प रही है।

साक्षात्कार: समुद्री जीव विज्ञान में अपना परचम लहरा रही हैं समर अहमद


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April Travel Places: न तो अधिक सर्दी और न गर्मी, सिर्फ 5000 रुपये में अप्रैल में सफर के लिए बेस्ट हैं ये जगह

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Summer Vacation: गर्मियों में घूमने का बना रहे हैं प्लान, तो अरुणाचल प्रदेश में इन ठंडी जगहों का लें मजा

भारत के इन ठिकानों को घूमने के लिए नहीं ज्यादा पैसों की जरूरत, मात्र 5000 रूपए में कर सकते हैं यहां की सैर

भारत के इन ठिकानों को घूमने के लिए नहीं ज्यादा पैसों की जरूरत, मात्र 5000 रूपए में कर सकते हैं यहां की सैर

स्पेन का 100 साल से भी पुराना कैनफ्रैंक रेलवे स्टेशन, जो अब बन चुका है खूबसूरत लग्जरी होटल

स्पेन का 100 साल से भी पुराना कैनफ्रैंक रेलवे स्टेशन, जो अब बन चुका है खूबसूरत लग्जरी होटल

Kharai Camels: भारत में इस जगह पाए जाते हैं तैरने वाले ऊंट, खासियत जान आप भी रह जाएंगे हैरान

Kharai Camels: भारत में इस जगह पाए जाते हैं तैरने वाले ऊंट, खासियत जान आप भी रह जाएंगे हैरान

भारत का सबसे पुराना शहर ‘काशी’ इसलिए कहलाया ‘वाराणसी’, जानिए क्या है इसके बसने की कहानी

भारत का सबसे पुराना शहर ‘काशी’ इसलिए कहलाया ‘वाराणसी’, जानिए क्या है इसके बसने की कहानी

Odisha Day: बीच से हटके ओडिशा का ये हिल स्टेशन है गर्मियों में सैर-सपाटे के लिए बेस्ट डेस्टिनेशन

Odisha Day: बीच से हटके ओडिशा का ये हिल स्टेशन है गर्मियों में सैर-सपाटे के लिए बेस्ट डेस्टिनेशन

दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा अंडरवॉटर म्यूजियम, जहां पानी के अंदर हैं 500 से ज्यादा आदमकद मूर्तियां

दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा अंडरवॉटर म्यूजियम, जहां पानी के अंदर हैं 500 से ज्यादा आदमकद मूर्तियां

रेगिस्तान की झुलसा देने वाली गर्मी में बना है ये गर्ल्स स्कूल, बिना AC और कूलर के भी रहता है कूल-कूल

रेगिस्तान की झुलसा देने वाली गर्मी में बना है ये गर्ल्स स्कूल, बिना AC और कूलर के भी रहता है कूल-कूल

जयपुर की सुरक्षा के लिए बनवाया गया था नाहरगढ़ किला, भूत के डर से कई बार रुका था किले का काम

जयपुर की सुरक्षा के लिए बनवाया गया था नाहरगढ़ किला, भूत के डर से कई बार रुका था किले का काम

Long Weekend Destinations: गुड फ्राइडे के लंबी छुट्टी में निकल जाएं इन कम खर्चीली जगहों की सैर पर

Long Weekend Destinations: गुड फ्राइडे के लंबी छुट्टी में निकल जाएं इन कम खर्चीली जगहों की सैर पर

अप्रैल में बना लें मध्य प्रदेश को एक्सप्लोर करने का प्लान, IRCTC लेकर आया बजट में घूमने का मौका

अप्रैल में बना लें मध्य प्रदेश को एक्सप्लोर करने का प्लान, IRCTC लेकर आया बजट में घूमने का मौका

April Honeymoon Destination: दक्षिण भारत की ये जगहें हैं पार्टनर के साथ क्वॉलिटी टाइम बिताने के लिए बेस्ट

April Honeymoon Destination: दक्षिण भारत की ये जगहें हैं पार्टनर के साथ क्वॉलिटी टाइम बिताने के लिए बेस्ट

April Travel Destination: अप्रैल में बना लें इन जगहों का प्लान, देखने को मिलेगा शानदार नजारा

April Travel Destination: अप्रैल में बना लें इन जगहों का प्लान, देखने को मिलेगा शानदार नजारा

होली में अकेले बैठकर बोर होने की जगह निकल जाएं उत्तराखंड की इस नायाब जगह की सैर पर, जेब पर भी नहीं पड़ेगा भारी

होली में अकेले बैठकर बोर होने की जगह निकल जाएं उत्तराखंड की इस नायाब जगह की सैर पर, जेब पर भी नहीं पड़ेगा भारी

लग्जरी और कला का अद्भुत मेल है Grand Hyatt Kochi Bolgatty, छुट्टियों के लिए है बेस्ट डेस्टिनेशन

लग्जरी और कला का अद्भुत मेल है Grand Hyatt Kochi Bolgatty, छुट्टियों के लिए है बेस्ट डेस्टिनेशन

Holi 2024: होली के मौके पर करें देश के इन 5 मंदिरों का दीदार, जिंदगी भर भूल नहीं पाएंगे यहां मनाया त्योहार

Holi 2024: होली के मौके पर करें देश के इन 5 मंदिरों का दीदार, जिंदगी भर भूल नहीं पाएंगे यहां मनाया त्योहार

Myanmar: धार्मिक अध्ययन के लिए विश्वव्यापी केंद्र रहा है म्यांमार का ये शहर, आज मौजूद हैं कई मंदिरों के अवशेष

Myanmar: धार्मिक अध्ययन के लिए विश्वव्यापी केंद्र रहा है म्यांमार का ये शहर, आज मौजूद हैं कई मंदिरों के अवशेष

Holi 2024: पुष्कर की होली नहीं देखी, तो क्या देखा? IRCTC के स्पेशल टूर पैकेज से कर सकते हैं विजिट

Holi 2024: पुष्कर की होली नहीं देखी, तो क्या देखा? IRCTC के स्पेशल टूर पैकेज से कर सकते हैं विजिट

Holi 2024: भारत की इन 4 जगहों पर नहीं मनाया जाता होली का त्योहार, वजह जानकर सोच में पड़ जाएंगे आप

Holi 2024: भारत की इन 4 जगहों पर नहीं मनाया जाता होली का त्योहार, वजह जानकर सोच में पड़ जाएंगे आप

Holi 2024: दिल्ली में इन 5 जगहों पर मनाएं होली का त्योहार, सेलिब्रेशन में मचेगा धमाल

Holi 2024: दिल्ली में इन 5 जगहों पर मनाएं होली का त्योहार, सेलिब्रेशन में मचेगा धमाल

प्राइम खबरें.


रिजर्व बैंक विकास को लेकर आश्वस्त पर खाद्य महंगाई की चिंता, कर्ज सस्ता करना दूसरे देशों के रुख पर भी निर्भर


जलवायु परिवर्तन से बढ़ी ह्यूमिड हीटवेव, उमस भरी गर्मी के साथ बढ़ेंगी बीमारियां


75 फीसद जिलों में जलवायु परिवर्तन का असर , वैज्ञानिकों ने सुझाई नई आहार प्लेट


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ट्रेंडिंग :

IRCTC Northeast Package गर्लफ्रेंड संग बनाएं नॉर्थ ईस्ट घूमने का प्लान आईआरसीटीसी के इस सस्ते पैकेज में घूमें ये स्वर्ग जैसी जगह

सगाई के बाद पहली बार नजर आईं Aditi Rao Hydari, फैंस बोले- 'अलग ही नूर लग रहा है..'

Shubman Gill ने ED Sheeran ने की ये खास विनती शाहरुख खान से जुड़ी थी ये खास बात

Shubman Gill ने ED Sheeran ने की ये खास विनती, शाहरुख खान से जुड़ी थी ये खास बात

Rabb Se Hai Dua के सेट पर धीरज धूपर ने टीम संग की इफ्तारी वीडियो हुआ वायरल

Rabb Se Hai Dua के सेट पर धीरज धूपर ने टीम संग की इफ्तारी, वीडियो हुआ वायरल

महज 5  महीने में बंद हुआ फरमान हैदर का शो आईना निहारिका चौकसे हुईं इमोशनल

महज 5 महीने में बंद हुआ फरमान हैदर का शो 'आईना', निहारिका चौकसे हुईं इमोशनल

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Rashmika Mandanna ने UAE में विजय देवराकोंडा संग मनाया जन्मदिन! फैंस ने पकड़ी चोरी

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Chaitra Navratri: ना केवल वैष्णो देवी, माता के ये मंदिर भी बने हैं ऊंची पहाड़ियां पर, नवरात्रि में करें दर्शन

Chaitra Navratri: ना केवल वैष्णो देवी, माता के ये मंदिर भी बने हैं ऊंची पहाड़ियां पर, नवरात्रि में करें दर्शन

भारत से थाईलैंड के लिए नहीं आएगा फ्लाइट खर्च, सड़क के रस्ते से भी पहुंच सकते हैं विदेश, बस आएगा ये खर्च

भारत से थाईलैंड के लिए नहीं आएगा फ्लाइट खर्च, सड़क के रस्ते से भी पहुंच सकते हैं विदेश, बस आएगा ये खर्च

शिमला-मनाली नहीं ये हैं दुनिया के सबसे पुराने पहाड़, जहां प्रकृति के बीच रहकर हो जाता है रोग दूर होने का एहसास

शिमला-मनाली नहीं ये हैं दुनिया के सबसे पुराने पहाड़, जहां प्रकृति के बीच रहकर हो जाता है रोग दूर होने का एहसास

कश्मीर में जमीन खरीदने वाला पहला राज्य बना महाराष्ट्र, बनेगा गेस्ट हॉउस और घूमने के लिए रुकेंगे लोग

कश्मीर में जमीन खरीदने वाला पहला राज्य बना महाराष्ट्र, बनेगा गेस्ट हॉउस और घूमने के लिए रुकेंगे लोग

इंदौर के पास की ये 5 खूबसूरत जगह भी कर देंगी स्विट्जरलैंड को फेल, घूमने के लिए इनसे बढ़िया नहीं कुछ

इंदौर के पास की ये 5 खूबसूरत जगह भी कर देंगी स्विट्जरलैंड को फेल, घूमने के लिए इनसे बढ़िया नहीं कुछ

भारत नहीं तो कोई और देश ही सही! मालदीव में पर्यटकों ने बना लिया रिकॉर्ड, तीन महीने में पहुंचे 6 लाख पर्यटक

भारत नहीं तो कोई और देश ही सही! मालदीव में पर्यटकों ने बना लिया रिकॉर्ड, तीन महीने में पहुंचे 6 लाख पर्यटक

IRCTC दे रहा पुण्य कमाने का मौका, सिर्फ इतने बजट में कीजिए काशी, पुरी, अयोध्या की यात्रा, ऐसे करें बुकिंग

IRCTC दे रहा पुण्य कमाने का मौका, सिर्फ इतने बजट में कीजिए काशी, पुरी, अयोध्या की यात्रा, ऐसे करें बुकिंग

इन 5 देशों से मिल रहा है वीजा, बस चलना चाहिए नेट बाकि नहीं पड़ेगी किसी डॉक्युमेंट की जरूरत

इन 5 देशों से मिल रहा है वीजा, बस चलना चाहिए नेट बाकि नहीं पड़ेगी किसी डॉक्युमेंट की जरूरत

आखिर किसके कहने पर जयपुर को रंग दिया गया था गुलाबी? आज जिंदा होते तो शायद चूम लेते उनका हाथ

आखिर किसके कहने पर जयपुर को रंग दिया गया था गुलाबी? आज जिंदा होते तो शायद चूम लेते उनका हाथ

Navratri पर बना लें वैष्णो देवी जाने का प्‍लान, माता रानी बरसाएंगी कृपा, देख लें IRCTC का खास पैकेज

Navratri पर बना लें वैष्णो देवी जाने का प्‍लान, माता रानी बरसाएंगी कृपा, देख लें IRCTC का खास पैकेज

भारत के रहने लायक शहरों की आई लिस्ट, बेंगलुरु रहा सबसे टॉप पर, मुंबई है सबसे आखिर में

भारत के रहने लायक शहरों की आई लिस्ट, बेंगलुरु रहा सबसे टॉप पर, मुंबई है सबसे आखिर में

विदेश में रहने और काम करने का आया मौका, ये 5 देश बुला रहे हैं भारतीयों को अपने यहां, बिना रुलाए देंगे वीजा

विदेश में रहने और काम करने का आया मौका, ये 5 देश बुला रहे हैं भारतीयों को अपने यहां, बिना रुलाए देंगे वीजा

टूरिस्ट डेस्टिनेशंस.

इंदौर के पास की ये 5 खूबसूरत जगह भी कर देंगी स्विट्जरलैंड को फेल, घूमने के लिए इनसे बढ़िया नहीं कुछ

जल्द पड़ने वाली है भयंकर गर्मी…तो बस अब नैनीताल से 45 किमी दूर ये हिल स्टेशन ही आएगा काम, साफ दिखता है हिमालय

इन देशों में पहाड़ों पर लटकाए जाते हैं शव, देखकर घूम जाएगा आपका भी दिमाग, जानें क्‍या है इसका सच, वीकेंड यात्रा.

शनिवार जा रहे हैं IPL मैच देखने? जयपुर की ये 4 धर्मशाला पड़ेंगी टिकट से भी सस्ती, मिलेगी लग्जरी सुविधा

शनिवार जा रहे हैं IPL मैच देखने? जयपुर की ये 4 धर्मशाला पड़ेंगी टिकट से भी सस्ती, मिलेगी लग्जरी सुविधा

पुरानी दिल्ली रेलवे स्टेशन के पास अगर घूम ली ये जगह, तो समझ लीजिए छान मार ली पूरी दिल्ली

पुरानी दिल्ली रेलवे स्टेशन के पास अगर घूम ली ये जगह, तो समझ लीजिए छान मार ली पूरी दिल्ली

दिल्ली-देहरादून एक्सप्रेसवे पर जल्द रफ्तार से दौड़ेंगी गाड़ियां, दो महीने बाद मात्र 2 घंटे में पहुंच जाएंगे

दिल्ली-देहरादून एक्सप्रेसवे पर जल्द रफ्तार से दौड़ेंगी गाड़ियां, दो महीने बाद मात्र 2 घंटे में पहुंच जाएंगे

जामा मस्जिद की इन दुकानों का खा लिया अगर खाना, भूल जाएंगे महंगे रेस्तरां की विदेशी और महंगी चीजें

जामा मस्जिद की इन दुकानों का खा लिया अगर खाना, भूल जाएंगे महंगे रेस्तरां की विदेशी और महंगी चीजें

दिल्ली की मिल गई वो जगह जहां मिलती हैं जींस 250 रुपए में और शर्ट 150 रुपए में, आज ही संडे को कर लें शॉपिंग, aaj ki raat: दिल्ली के वो 5 रेस्तरां जहां मिलती है टेस्टी बंगाली मछली, आज रात बना लें इन्हें चखने का प्लान, गर्मियों के लिए लेने हैं हल्के कपड़े, तो चले जाए दिल्ली की ये 4 मार्केट, मिलेगा 400 रुपए में सब कुछ, मसूरी को एक बार इस ‘नाम’ से भी पुकार लें, चहक जाएंगे यहां के लोग, ऊपर से घूमने के लिए बताएंगे 100 जगह, वृंदावन की ये 6 जगह हैं बड़ी रहस्यमयी, देखने वाले को भी नहीं होता आंखों पर यकीन, रास्ते में पड़ें तो डाल लें नजर, दिल्लीवाले ध्यान दें इतने बजे तक घर में ही खेलें होली, बंद रहेंगी मेट्रो सेवा, नहीं हो पाएगा आना जाना, ट्रैवल फोटो.

इंदौर के पास की ये 5 खूबसूरत जगह भी कर देंगी स्विट्जरलैंड को फेल, घूमने के लिए इनसे बढ़िया नहीं कुछ

राजपूतों की शान है ये महल, फतेहपुर जाए तो एक बार जरूर कर लें दीदार

Vande Bharat ट्रेन में ऐसे कर सकते हैं खाना बुक, बस फटाफट करनी होंगी ये 5 चीजें और फौरन सीट पर आ जाएगा खाना

Vande Bharat ट्रेन में ऐसे कर सकते हैं खाना बुक, बस फटाफट करनी होंगी ये 5 चीजें और फौरन सीट पर आ जाएगा खाना

ये 5 जगह देखते ही चढ़ जाएगा ग्वालियर का नशा, एक दिन में आराम से घूम सकते हैं पूरी जगह

ये 5 जगह देखते ही चढ़ जाएगा ग्वालियर का नशा, एक दिन में आराम से घूम सकते हैं पूरी जगह

अंतरिक्ष में मिला करेगा दुनिया का सबसे महंगा डिनर, कीमत इतनी इंसान को लेना पड़ जाए लोन

अंतरिक्ष में मिला करेगा दुनिया का सबसे महंगा डिनर, कीमत इतनी इंसान को लेना पड़ जाए लोन

नर्क के दरवाजे का खुला रहस्य, जानिए अंदर जाते ही क्यों मर जाते हैं लोग, बड़ी ही अनोखी है यहां की कहानी

नर्क के दरवाजे का खुला रहस्य, जानिए अंदर जाते ही क्यों मर जाते हैं लोग, बड़ी ही अनोखी है यहां की कहानी

ये हैं भारत के सबसे बड़े रेलवे स्टेशन, एक में तो है 23 प्लेटफॉर्म, कहीं इन स्टेशनों से आपका आना-जाना तो नहीं

ये हैं भारत के सबसे बड़े रेलवे स्टेशन, एक में तो है 23 प्लेटफॉर्म, कहीं इन स्टेशनों से आपका आना-जाना तो नहीं

धरती के बीचोंबीच बसा है ये देश, कभी बिखरा रहता था यहां सोना ही सोना, जानिए क्यों है रहस्यमयी देश

धरती के बीचोंबीच बसा है ये देश, कभी बिखरा रहता था यहां सोना ही सोना, जानिए क्यों है रहस्यमयी देश

रोमांस यात्रा.

नोएडा में रहने वाले हस्बैंड वाइफ बना लें इन 4 जगहों पर घूमने का प्लान, पहुंचते ही याद आ जाएगा अपना हनीमून

नोएडा में रहने वाले हस्बैंड वाइफ बना लें इन 4 जगहों पर घूमने का प्लान, पहुंचते ही याद आ जाएगा अपना हनीमून

अप्रैल में घूमने वालों की होने वाली है चांदी, IRCTC लाया बच्चों और पत्नी के लिए सस्ता-मुस्ता पैकेज

अप्रैल में घूमने वालों की होने वाली है चांदी, IRCTC लाया बच्चों और पत्नी के लिए सस्ता-मुस्ता पैकेज

हनीमून के लिए जा रहे हैं बाली, तो ट्रेवल कंपनी के न रहे भरोसे, इन खूबसूरत गांवों को भी अपनी लिस्ट में करें ऐड

हनीमून के लिए जा रहे हैं बाली, तो ट्रेवल कंपनी के न रहे भरोसे, इन खूबसूरत गांवों को भी अपनी लिस्ट में करें ऐड

30 हजार रुपए में कर सकते हैं बाली में रोमांटिक हनीमून की प्लानिंग, वो भी बस इन दो तरीकों से...

30 हजार रुपए में कर सकते हैं बाली में रोमांटिक हनीमून की प्लानिंग, वो भी बस इन दो तरीकों से...

डेस्टिनेशन वेडिंग के लिए कपल्स को बेहद पसंद आ रहे हैं ये मंदिर, खर्चा बचाने के लिए यही कर रहे हैं शादी, शादी के बाद हनीमून के लिए मुन्नार ही क्यों जाना पसंद करते हैं कपल वजह कहीं आपको भी न कर दे घूमने पर मजबूर, शादी करने के लिए लोगों को कुछ और ही जगह आ रही हैं पसंद, इनके आगे विदेश भी लग रहा है इन्हें फीका, बढ़िया तरीके से मनाना है वैलेंटाइन वीक, ऑफिस से छुट्टी लेकर पहुंच जाए पत्नी संग ये जगह, हनीमून के लिए फरवरी से अच्छा महीना नहीं कोई…सस्ते में घूमना है, तो पहुंच जाएं इन देशों में, पति ने हनीमून पर करने लगा गुजरात जाने की जिद, तो मुंह मत सिकोड़िए यहां की ये जगहें आपका मन मोह लेंगी, धर्म यात्रा.

Navratri पर बना लें वैष्णो देवी जाने का प्‍लान, माता रानी बरसाएंगी कृपा,  देख लें IRCTC का खास पैकेज

Sheetla Ashtami: गुरुग्राम में शीतला माता का वो मंदिर जहां धागा बांधते ही पूरी होती है इच्छा, रोग भी दूर

खुशखबरी! बाबा खाटू श्याम के दर्शन के लिए अब नहीं खाने पड़ेंगे धक्के, चलाई जाएगी स्पेशल ट्रेन, जानिए टाइम टेबल

खुशखबरी! बाबा खाटू श्याम के दर्शन के लिए अब नहीं खाने पड़ेंगे धक्के, चलाई जाएगी स्पेशल ट्रेन, जानिए टाइम टेबल

Aditi Rao Hydari ने तेलंगना के इस मंदिर में लिए सिद्धार्थ संग सात फेरे, बड़ी ही दिलचस्प है इस जगह की कहानी

Aditi Rao Hydari ने तेलंगना के इस मंदिर में लिए सिद्धार्थ संग सात फेरे, बड़ी ही दिलचस्प है इस जगह की कहानी

माता वैष्णो देवी का आया बुलावा, दर्शन करने वालों को बस लेना पड़ेगा irctc का ये शानदार पैकेज, 3 दिन तक नहीं जा सकेंगे खाटूश्याम जी के दरबार, जानिए ऐसा क्यों किया जा रहा है भक्तों के साथ, दो महीने बाद भी नहीं शामिल हो पा रहे हैं राम लला की आरती में तो बस इन तरीकों से घर बैठे कर सकते हैं बुकिंग, kedarnath dham: शिवरात्रि के दिन हुआ केदारनाथ धाम खुलने का एलान, इस दिन से देने वाले हैं भोले दर्शन, mahashivratri 2024: भारत के इस मंदिर में हैं 1 करोड़ शिवलिंग, मन्‍नत पूरी होते ही लोग स्‍थापित करते हैं अपना शिवलिंग, mahashivratri 2024: यहां है दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा शिवलिंग, महाशिवरात्रि पर बना सकते हैं प्लान, रोमांच यात्रा, यात्रा टिप्स.

अगर आप भी घूमने का शौक रखते हैं या इस जूनून को देश से दुनिया तक बढ़ाना चाहते हैं, तो पढ़ें नवभारत टाइम्स ऑनलाइन का NBT Travel सेक्शन। जहां मिलेंगे आपको भारत के टूरिस्ट डेस्टिनेशन (Destination), दिल्ली के आसपास अगर एक दिन घूमने का मन करें तो पढ़ लें वीकेंड गेटवे (Weekend Getaway), धार्मिक जगहों पर घूमने वाले लोगों के लिए यहां धर्म यात्रा (Religious Trip) भी है, पार्टनर के साथ हनीमून पर कहां और कितने पैसों में जाएं या रोमांटिक डेट पर कहां लेकर जाएं इसके लिए रोमांस यात्रा (Honeymoon Destination) बनाया गया है, ऊंचाई से कूदने वालों के लिए, पानी से खेलने वाली जैसी एक्टिविटीज के लिए यहां रोमांच यात्रा (Adventure Trip) भी है, आखिर में ट्रैवल टिप्स (Travel Tips) है, जहां आपको पासपोर्ट, वीजा, घूमने से जुड़े हर तरह की जानकारी दी जाएगी। तो देर किस बात की ट्रैवलिंग के जोश को बढ़ाइए और एक्सप्लोर करिए NBT ट्रैवल सेक्शन।

Currency Note Press in India : भारत में सुरक्षा कागजात, नोट्स और ढलाई की छपाई कहां होती है?

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ट्रैवल के पहले ही इन बातों का रखें ख्याल, ट्रिप का मजा नहीं होगा किरकिरा

ट्रैवल के पहले ही इन बातों का रखें ख्याल, ट्रिप का मजा नहीं होगा किरकिरा

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ये हैं बेस्ट Honeymoon Destination, 10 हजार में बना सकते हैं प्लान, ट्रिप का मजा भी होगा शानदार

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भारत का सबसे पॉपुलर Hill Station, अप्रैल में आप भी बना लें जाने का प्लान, नजारा देख खुश हो जाएगा मन

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Cheap Markets In Delhi: दिल्ली में सस्ती शॉपिंग करने के लिए ये 5 बाजार हैं बेस्ट 

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Dehradun Famous Food Place: आए है मसूरी घूमने लेकिन क्या खाए कन्फ्यूज है, यहां देखें खाने के लिए अच्छा ऑप्शन

Dehradun famous food place: पहाड़ों की मंत्रमुग्ध कर देने वाली सुंदरता और बर्फीली ठंडी हवाओं के साथ, मसूरी का यह आकर्षक....

Rishikesh Beautiful Places: ऋषिकेश में भीड़ से बच कर उठाना है घूमने का लुत्फ, बिलकुल न करे ये मिस

Rishikesh Beautiful Places: ऋषिकेश में भीड़ से बच कर उठाना है घूमने का लुत्फ, बिलकुल न करे ये मिस

Unknown Fact About Badrinath Temple

Badrinath Dham Ka Rahasya: बद्रीनाथ धाम के बारे में कुछ रहस्यमयी तथ्य

Maa Mundeshwari Devi Mandir ( Photo: Social Media)

Maa Mundeshwari Devi Mandir: कैसे पहुंचे मां मुंडेश्वरी मंदिर, आइये जाने सारी जानकारी

Top 5 Bakery in Delhi

Top 5 Bakery in Delhi: ये है राजधानी दिल्ली की बेस्ट बेकरी, यहां मिलेगा लाजवाब स्वाद

Couples Friendly Places In Mumbai

Mumbai Couples Friendly Places: मुंबई में हनीमून के लिए कपल फ्रेंडली जगह, यहां जाने सब कुछ

Low Budged Goa Trip

Low Budged Goa Trip: कम पैसे में ऐसे करे गोवा घूमने का प्लान

Maharshatra Famous Mandir: महाराष्ट्र का ऐसा मंदिर, जिसके होने से है दुनिया का अस्तित्व

Maharshatra Famous Mandir: महाराष्ट्र का ऐसा मंदिर, जिसके होने से है दुनिया का अस्तित्व

Jabalpur Famous Sweet Shop

Jabalpur Famous Sweet Shop: एक बार जरूर चखें जबलपुर के राजा रसगुल्ले का स्वाद, लाजवाब टेस्ट के हो जाएंगे दीवाने

Lucknow Janpath Market Details

Lucknow Janpath Market: राजधानी का जनपथ मार्केट, यहां की ये बात नहीं जानते होंगे आप

Lucknow Best Unlimited Food Shop

Lucknow Best Food Shop: लखनऊ में यहां खाइए 150 में अनलिमिटेड खाना, वेज और नॉनवेज दोनों ऑप्शन

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Thinking about flying? The price is only going up, up, up

With crimped supply and growing demand, something’s got to give. and that will most likely be the price consumers pay for a ticket..

World demand for air travel has surpassed 2019 levels with few new aircraft to accommodate it, which means fares are headed up. (REUTERS)

Disconnect to reconnect: Allure of silent travel and its health benefits

From zen retreats to silent walks, travellers are embracing the power of quiet. here are the health benefits of the trend of silent retreats in travel.

Disconnect to reconnect: Allure of silent travel and its health benefits (Photo by Jonathan Forage on Unsplash)

Eid-ul-Fitr 2024 travel: 7 top destinations to experience festive vibes

Eid al-Fitr is a joyous and festive occasion that marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. It's a time when friends and family come together to pray, give gifts and eat together. It's also a great opportunity to spend an entire weekend exploring, relaxing and creating lifelong memories. Check out the best places to go for an enjoyable Eid holiday to make sure your long weekend is one to remember.(Unsplash)

A guide to planning a last-minute long weekend road trip

From a historical tour in kurukshetra to clay therapy in a sleepy village in rajasthan, explore these five destinations to escape the metropolitan hubbub..

Neemrana, located 116 km away from Jaipur, is renowned for its Neemrana Fort Palace, a heritage hotel.

Slow travel experiment: A reporter's 36-hour journey from Berlin to Helsinki

A journalist's 36-hour journey from berlin to helsinki reveals the challenges and serendipity of rail, buses, and ferries as alternatives to flying..

The journey started with a 6-hour train ride from Berlin to Warsaw on a sunny winter morning.(DW/B. Bathke)

Sydney, Australia: Torrential rains trigger flood warnings, travel caution

New south wales and sydney on flood alert as torrential rains damage rail equipment at a major train station, delaying morning commuters.

Flood water is seen flowing through the Parramatta wharf in Sydney on April 5, 2024, after heavy rain lashed eastern Australia, causing flash flooding and a string of emergency warnings up and down the Pacific coast. (Photo by Saeed KHAN / AFP)

Venice introduces access fee to tackle tourist overcrowding in historic centre

Venice introduces a new access fee to manage tourist crowds starting april 25, promising smooth implementation and a lighter touch for visitors..

Venice gears up for a groundbreaking solution to combat overtourism with the introduction of a new access fee. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno, File)

Discover the colourful Chaitra Navratri festivities: An itinerary for tourists

Get ready to immerse yourself in the kaleidoscope of chaitra navratri celebrations across india with our curated itinerary..

Dive into India's vibrant Chaitra Navratri celebrations with our curated itinerary.(Unsplash)

Alvida 2024 getaways: 5 serene destinations for reflection and relaxation

Check out destinations that offer a perfect blend of natural beauty, spiritual serenity and cultural richness, making them ideal choices for alvida 2024 travel..

Embark on a journey of tranquillity and reflection with our curated selection of Alvida 2024 getaways.(Unsplash)

Tokyo sakura splendor: Tourists revel in late-blooming cherry blossoms

The cherry blossoms, known as sakura in japanese, spill over the moat of the imperial palace, where tokyo residents and tourists gather for photos.

People use boats on Chidorigafuchi, one of the moats around the Imperial Palace, with cherry blossoms in Tokyo on April 4, 2024. Tokyo sakura splendor: Tourists flock to Japan capital's top spots to revel in late-blooming cherry blossoms (Photo by Kazuhiro NOGI / AFP)

Japan introduces e-Visa for Indian tourists: Here's how you can apply

Japan has streamlined its visa process for indian travellers with the introduction of evisas. here's your quick guide to the hassle-free application process..

Indian passport holders can now travel to Japan with an eVisa instead of a physical visa sticker. (Pixabay)

Buckingham Palace's East Wing and Balmoral Castle to open for public tours

British monarchy opens up buckingham palace's east wing and parts of balmoral castle to visitors for the summer, offering guided tours for the first time..

Royal Collection Trust to offer public tours of Buckingham Palace's East Wing and interior rooms of Balmoral Castle this summer(REUTERS)

Kerala: Beach tourism activities banned in Kannur due to rough seas

In the wake of the rough seas, kerala's kannur has temporarily banned beach tourism activities at various tourist centres in the district..

Kerala: Beach tourism activities banned in Kannur due to rough seas (File Photo by Twitter/surajkrishna4u)

Travelling to USA for baseball game? 5 best hotels near major league stadiums

Ultimate guide to baseball-themed hotels for your next trip: check out these 5 hotels where baseball fans can score cool perks, save some money.

Travelling to the USA for baseball game? Check these 5 best hotels near major league stadiums that can save your money. (Photo by David Becker / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP)

Devlok Manali: A cultural theme park redefining tourism in Himachal Pradesh

Devlok manali is a cultural theme park revolutionising tourism in himachal pradesh through a unique blend of tradition, luxury, and entertainment..

Maya Digital Media and Himachal Pradesh Government collaborate on Devlok Manali, a unique cultural theme park promoting sustainable tourism.

Madhya Pradesh travel guide: Top destinations for every traveller's bucket list

Explore madhya pradesh's top destinations in our special travel guide. from ancient temples to scenic landscapes, discover the essence of central india's allure.

Madhya Pradesh is a state where culture, cuisine, and nature converge to enchant travellers.(Unsplash)

Port Blair: Inter-island flight connectivity to Shibpur, Car Nicobar in Andaman

A 19-seater fixed-wing aircraft will operate between port blair-shibpur and port blair to car nicobar, with a private designated operator for these routes.

Port Blair: Inter-island flight connectivity to Shibpur, Car Nicobar in Andaman to start in July (File Photo by REUTERS)

Pakistan-China Khunjerab border reopens for travel, trade after four months

Khunjerab pass connects gilgit-baltistan with xinjiang region and the pass remains open for travel and trade between china and pakistan from april-november.

Pakistan-China Khunjerab border reopens for travel, trade after four months closure (File Photo by Twitter/hfoxtrots)

Taiwan reassesses tourism goals amid cross-strait travel challenges

Taiwan reevaluates tourism goals due to cross-strait challenges, may adjust target to 10 million if china maintains tourist ban..

Taiwan sees tourism recovery, plans to expand Taiwan Pass for locals(Unsplash)

Akasa Air begins international flights: Mumbai-Doha route inaugurated

Akasa air will be rapidly expanding its global footprint in the coming months as it commences international operations with mumbai-doha route flights.

Akasa Air begins international flights: Mumbai-Doha route inaugurated, more destinations planned (REUTERS/Francis Mascarenhas/File Photo)

Solar eclipse fever grips Niagara Falls: Hotel and vintage train prices soar

The solar eclipse will be a busy time both on the ontario side and the new york side of the niagara falls, with numerous special activities planned for tourists.

Niagara Falls, Ontario Mayor Jim Diodati, who says the city is preparing to host more than one million visitors during the upcoming April 8 solar eclipse event, poses with a pair of safety glasses at his office in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Solar eclipse fever grips Niagara Falls: Hotel and vintage train prices soar, party spots prepare for massive crowds (REUTERS/Wa Lone/File Photo)

Good Friday long weekend: Top destinations from India to explore

From hampi to goa, here are our suggestions for this good friday extended weekend. take a look..

Soaked in history and thousand-year-old civilization, Hampi stands witness to the glorious time that we have left behind.(Vertigo_Warrior/Twitter)

Tourism in Iceland slows down as volcanic eruptions, high price deter travellers

Volcanic eruptions in iceland’s remote areas helped boost travel but those near top tourist spot, blue lagoon spa and inhabited areas is deterring foreigners.

A view of the lava flowing from the volcano backdropped by the Northern Lights, near the town of Grindavik, Iceland, early Monday, March 25, 2024. Tourism in Iceland slows down as volcanic eruptions and high prices deter travellers (AP Photo/Marco di Marco)

Panama opens new cruise ship terminal to attract tourists amid Canal drought

Panama expands tourism infrastructure with new cruise ship terminal amidst canal water woes to attract more tourists to the central american nation..

Aerial view of the new Panama Cruise Terminal in Panama City. The new port is located in the Amador causeway, at the peaceful entrance to the Panama Canal. (Photo by Martin BERNETTI / AFP)

IndiGo to fly more international routes, destinations; aims double size by 2030

A mixture of new domestic and international routes will be a key element in the indigo airlines' pursuit to double its size by 2030.

IndiGo to fly more international routes, destinations; aims to double size by 2030 (File Photo)

Wait, ‘destination duping’ is trending but what does it actually mean?

With the oncoming summer season, ‘duping’ a favoured place for an underrated counterpart is gaining traction—a popularly predicted trend for 2024..

Khimsar or Khinvsar is a remote village off National Highway 62 in central Rajasthan.

Offbeat tracks: 8 unusual train routes to quench your summer wanderlust

From himalayan slopes to coastal vistas, embark on a summer escape through india's diverse tapestry on these iconic train routes..

From offbeat tracks to unconventional adventures, these train routes offer a unique perspective on travel. (Unsplash)

Top 5 Middle East destinations that need to be in your 2024 travel list

Here's a guide for saudi arabia travel enthusiasts willing to explore untouched destinations in the middle east, with top 5 that should be in your bucket list.

Discovering Middle Eastern allure beyond sand dunes: Top 5 Saudi destinations that need to be in your 2024 travel list (Photos by Twitter/TheSaudiGate/hashimumarali)

Tourists join Holi frenzy: Delhi markets abuzz with last-minute shoppers

Pre-holi buzz in delhi markets sees increased sales of colors, water guns, and political masks depicting leaders like pm modi and rahul gandhi..

Tourists join Holi frenzy: Delhi markets abuzz with last-minute shoppers for colours, water guns and political masks(Saneev Verma/HT PHOTO)

Saudi Arabia to unveil Dragon Ball theme park in Qiddiya tourist destination

Dragon ball theme park in saudi arabia's qiddiya tourist destination to allow fans journey from the first dragon ball series to the latest dragon ball super.

Saudi Arabia to unveil Dragon Ball Manga-inspired theme park in Qiddiya tourist destination (Photo by Twitter/DbsHype)

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  • Germany forecasts tourism surge during UEFA Euro 2024
  • Modi urges toursits to spend 105 of their travel budget to purchase local goods
  • Kerala to undertake intiatives to promote the state as global meeting veue
  • Swiss cancels plans for domestic A340 this summer
  • Scandron receives DGCA logistics drone certificate
  • Air India, Tata Advanced System to invest INR 2,300cr in Karnataka
  • Plan is to bring Air India on the same level as Vistara: CEO


Pakistan-china khunjerab border reopens for tourism & trade.

' src=

  • Saturday, 6 April 2024, 11:46 AM

Gulf Air to start direct flights from Bahrain to Munich

  • Saturday, 6 April 2024, 11:15 AM

Goa tourism partners with Agoda to showcase it’s offerings

  • Saturday, 6 April 2024, 10:43 AM

83.4 million passengers fly Turkish Airlines in 2023

  • Friday, 5 April 2024, 7:00 PM

Red Sea International Airport to begin international flights with flydubai

  • Friday, 5 April 2024, 6:31 PM

International SOS expands its presence in India with new office in Mumbai

  • Friday, 5 April 2024, 4:05 PM

Virgin Atlantic chooses Çelebi for Premier Ground Handling for Bengaluru

  • Friday, 5 April 2024, 2:16 PM

RCI unveils Cruise Exchange Program in India

  • Friday, 5 April 2024, 2:06 PM

EaseMyTrip acquires minority stake in ETrav Tech

  • Friday, 5 April 2024, 12:05 PM

Buckingham Palace to open East Wing for visitors from July

  • Friday, 5 April 2024, 11:51 AM

Grecotel Hotels & Resorts appoints Elysian as Representation Partner in India

  • Friday, 5 April 2024, 11:32 AM

GITM 2024 concludes with a lot of deliberations and discussions on Goa’s Tourism Future

  • Friday, 5 April 2024, 10:47 AM

Virgin Atlantic to introduce fifth daily flight between Mumbai & London by Oct

  • Friday, 5 April 2024, 10:42 AM

Yas Island gears up for Eid Al Fitr with shows and events

  • Thursday, 4 April 2024, 7:30 PM

Mishari Group unveils luxurious rainforest pool villas in Phuket

  • Thursday, 4 April 2024, 7:07 PM

Goa Tourism partners with Just Udo Aviation Pvt. Ltd To promote the state beyond beaches

  • Thursday, 4 April 2024, 6:03 PM

NYC Tourism + Conventions announces Nancy Mammana as interim CEO starting June

  • Thursday, 4 April 2024, 4:33 PM

Malaysia Airlines and IndiGo announce codeshare pact

  • Thursday, 4 April 2024, 3:36 PM

SpiceJet starts non-stop Hyderabad-Ayodhya flights

  • Thursday, 4 April 2024, 3:31 PM

Goa Tourism partners with Yoska Event Solutions to boost sports tourism

  • Thursday, 4 April 2024, 2:15 PM

‘The highlight of this year’s HICSA is going to be the culinary carnival’ : Manav Thadani, Founder Chairman, Hotelivate

  • Wednesday, 27 March 2024, 12:23 PM

Red Carpet Travels unveils ‘Red Planner’ platform for seamless travel planning

  • Thursday, 28 March 2024, 10:09 AM

Tri Valley’s Vibrant Wildflower Hotspots

  • Tuesday, 26 March 2024, 11:51 AM
  • TBM Staff - Mumbai

VFS Global attracts over 400 agents across four cities as it kicks off its roadshows

California’s diverse hiking trails for all levels, ayodhya’s ram mandir: a new vista for religious tourism, california welcomes new attractions and celebrates milestone anniversaries in 2024, beyond the grapes: california’s wine regions and a tapestry of flavors, cultures, and hidden gems, resorts world cruises unveils platform ‘rw cruise buddy’ for agent partners in india, sabre appoints samual machado as md to spearhead agency business growth across india & south asia, travelport is one global travel’s preferred gds partner to support community of travel management companies, sabre and iag expand partnership with multi-year distribution agreement including ndc content, amadeus travel data reveals surge in flight demand for taylor swift & coldplay concerts in asia pacific, ‘we achieve success by foreseeing industry trends, addressing customer needs, and leveraging technology’.

  • Thursday, 8 February 2024, 12:00 PM

‘Currently, wedding tourism is gaining momentum from India’

  • Wednesday, 10 January 2024, 12:00 PM

‘Visa-waiver can stimulate economic activities in tourism & hospitality sectors’

  • Wednesday, 3 January 2024, 3:40 PM

‘The Indian market has successfully reached the targeted spending amount of JPY 200,000’

  • Thursday, 14 December 2023, 12:00 PM

‘Selangor Has Plethora of Attractions to cater to Indian Tourists’

  • Monday, 11 December 2023, 2:00 PM

‘Our primary focus lies in hosting weddings and MICE events’

  • Friday, 8 December 2023, 3:00 PM

Aviation Working Group downgrades India’s status to negative with Go First’s insolvency

  • Friday, 8 December 2023, 12:00 PM
  • Air Passenger Market Analysis 2023 was marked by strong industry-wide recovery
  • Tourism Fact Sheet – INDIA (May 2023)
  • 47% Of Indians Ready To Switch Itineraries For Better Deals: Skyscanner
  • Road to robust travel recovery: APAC hotel occupancy rose above pre- pandemic levels in Q1 2023


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  • Wednesday, 13 March 2024, 1:00 PM


Brand usa appoints fred dixon as president & ceo, guest column, a lonely child no more, expert speak, a fortnight on the long white cloud, reality of contrasts, trade associations, gbta foresees india among top 10 global business travel markets; plans chapter opening by 2024.

  • Tuesday, 12 March 2024, 12:00 PM

The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) is set to expand its footprint in the Asia Pacific region, with a particular focus on India, China, Japan, and Australia. During her first-ever visit to India for the FCM Corporate Travel Summit, Elle Ng-Darmawan, Regional Director - APAC, GBTA, shared insights on the association's plans, stating, “We are actively considering opening Chapters in India, China, Japan, and Australia to address the diverse dynamics

Air passenger demand grows 16.6% in January: IATA

  • Thursday, 7 March 2024, 11:39 AM

WTTC launches roadmap to guide businesses through Sustainability Reporting in Travel & Tourism

  • Wednesday, 6 March 2024, 4:24 PM

WTTC’s Hotel Sustainability Basics Surpasses 1,700 Properties

  • Tuesday, 5 March 2024, 9:30 AM

CII appoints Rikant Pittie as Vice Chairman

  • Monday, 4 March 2024, 5:48 PM

Mauritius exempts event planners from 15% VAT on accommodation costs

  • Thursday, 23 November 2023, 12:00 PM

MICE centre in Jodhpur likely to give...

Fcm india’s meetings & events revenue registered..., sotc travel wins ‘mice travel agency of....

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हिंदुस्तान पढ़ने के लिए आपका धन्यवाद

शायद आप ऐड ब्लॉकर का इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं। पढ़ना जारी रखने के लिए ऐड ब्लॉकर को बंद करके पेज रिफ्रेश करें।

यात्रा की खबरें

गर्मियों में बना रहे हैं घूमने का प्लान तो अपना लें ये टिप्स

गर्मियों में बना रहे हैं घूमने का प्लान तो अपना लें ये टिप्स

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देवी के दर्शन के लिए दिल्ली में फेमस हैं ये 5 मंदिर, पूरी होगी मुराद

ईद के लिए खरीदनी है सबसे आउटफिट, तो दिल्ली के इन मार्केट्स में जाएं

ईद के लिए खरीदनी है सबसे आउटफिट, तो दिल्ली के इन मार्केट्स में जाएं

पुरानी दिल्ली रेलवे स्टेशन के पास घूमने की ये हैं बेस्ट जगह

पुरानी दिल्ली रेलवे स्टेशन के पास घूमने की ये हैं बेस्ट जगह

गर्मी की छुट्टियां करनी हैं एंजॉय तो इन जगहों को घूमने का बनाएं प्लान

गर्मी की छुट्टियां करनी हैं एंजॉय तो इन जगहों को घूमने का बनाएं प्लान

जीवन शैली की अन्य खबरें.

चेहरे पर झाईयों के लिए जिम्मेदार हैं ये वजहें, जानें कैसे होंगी दूर

चेहरे पर झाईयों के लिए जिम्मेदार हैं ये वजहें, जानें कैसे होंगी दूर

चेहरे की रेडनेस और बालों के टेक्सचर से हैं परेशान, जानिए निदान

चेहरे की रेडनेस और बालों के टेक्सचर से हैं परेशान, जानिए निदान

नवरात्रि व्रत हैं तो फलाहार में बनाएं फटाफट अरबी फ्राई, रेसिपी है आसान

नवरात्रि व्रत हैं तो फलाहार में बनाएं फटाफट अरबी फ्राई, रेसिपी है आसान

दिमाग तेज करने में मदद करती हैं ये 6 एक्सरसाइज

दिमाग तेज करने में मदद करती हैं ये 6 एक्सरसाइज

मर्दों की स्किन पसीने से हो जाती है डल, ग्लो पाने के लिए करें ये काम

मर्दों की स्किन पसीने से हो जाती है डल, ग्लो पाने के लिए करें ये काम

सिंपल स्टेप की मदद से बढ़ा सकते हैं आंखों की रोशनी, जानें कैसे

सिंपल स्टेप की मदद से बढ़ा सकते हैं आंखों की रोशनी, जानें कैसे

मोटिवेशनल बातों के साथ करें दिन की शुरुआत, पढ़ें ये मैसेज

मोटिवेशनल बातों के साथ करें दिन की शुरुआत, पढ़ें ये मैसेज

ईद के मौके पर पहन रहीं शरारा तो रेडी होने के लिए फॉलो करें ये टिप्स

ईद के मौके पर पहन रहीं शरारा तो रेडी होने के लिए फॉलो करें ये टिप्स

वजन कम करने के चक्कर में न पड़ जाएं लेने के देने, ये जानकारी है जरूरी

वजन कम करने के चक्कर में न पड़ जाएं लेने के देने, ये जानकारी है जरूरी

बीके शिवानी की ये बातें लाइफ में सफल होने में करेंगी मदद

बीके शिवानी की ये बातें लाइफ में सफल होने में करेंगी मदद

क्या होती है वाटर टॉक्सिसिटी की समस्या, एक दिन में कितना पानी पीएं

क्या होती है वाटर टॉक्सिसिटी की समस्या, एक दिन में कितना पानी पीएं

मोटापे के पीछे छिपे हो सकते हैं ढेरों कारण,वजह पहचानें और करें वेट लॉस

मोटापे के पीछे छिपे हो सकते हैं ढेरों कारण,वजह पहचानें और करें वेट लॉस

पेरेंट्स गाइड.

डिलीवरी का समय है नजदीक, तो खुद के लिए भी बैग में रखें ये सामान

डिलीवरी का समय है नजदीक, तो खुद के लिए भी बैग में रखें ये सामान

ग्रह-नक्षत्रों के नाम पर रखें लाडली का नाम, चमकेगी किस्मत

ग्रह-नक्षत्रों के नाम पर रखें लाडली का नाम, चमकेगी किस्मत

प्रेग्नेंट महिलाओं को सबसे ज्यादा किस बात का रहता है डर? जानें

प्रेग्नेंट महिलाओं को सबसे ज्यादा किस बात का रहता है डर? जानें

प्रेग्नेंसी में कितना वजन बढ़ना है सही?  जानें सबकुछ

प्रेग्नेंसी में कितना वजन बढ़ना है सही? जानें सबकुछ

Baby Names: बेटे को बनाना है निडर और कॉन्फिडेंट तो दें ये प्यारे नाम

Baby Names: बेटे को बनाना है निडर और कॉन्फिडेंट तो दें ये प्यारे नाम

महिलाओं को रहना है फिट तो डेली रूटीन में शामिल कर लें ये 5 योगासन

फिट रहना है तो वर्किंग वुमन जरूर करें ये 5 योगासन

इमली खाने के होते हैं कई चमत्कारी फायदे, आइए जानें इसके गुणों के बारे में

इमली के होते हैं कई चमत्कारी फायदे, आइए जानें इसके गुणों के बारे में

फिटकरी से पाएं पसीने की बदबू से निजात से लेकर सफेद दांत, ऐसे करें इस्तेमाल

फिटकरी को इन तरीकों से करें अपने ब्यूटी रूटीन में शामिल

ब्लड प्रेशर और दिल की बीमारियों को दूर रखती है बैंगनी पत्तागोभी, जानें इसके अद्भुत फायदे

ब्लड प्रेशर और दिल की बीमारियों को दूर रखती है बैंगनी पत्तागोभी

वेट लॉस से लेकर बवासीर तक में फायदेमंद है हींग का पानी, ये हैं फायदे

वेट लॉस से लेकर बवासीर तक में फायदेमंद है हींग का पानी, जानें फायदे

वीडियो गैलरी.

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Poonam Pandey Death News: क्या होता है Cervical Cancer?

कितनी पिएंगे तो बच जाएगा लीवर और सेहत, जानिए

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कितनी पिएंगे तो बच जाएगा लीवर और सेहत?

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हर दिन बस 10 मिनट, शरीर बनेगा मजबूत और स्वस्थ

“मांफी मांगे नहीं तो…” मीडिया पर भड़के ललन सिंह, दी खुली चेतावनी

“मांफी मांगे नहीं तो…” मीडिया पर भड़के ललन सिंह, दे दी चेतावनी

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'Lakshadweep's tourism surges after PM Modi's visit to island,' says official

Pm narendra modi in january this year visited lakshadweep and tried snorkelling.

Lakshadweep tourism

Lakshadweep is witnessing an enormous amount of interest after PM Narendra Modi visited the island this year, tourism officer Imthias Mohammed T B told ANI news agency. He said both domestic and international tourists have been inquiring about Lakshadweep ever since Prime Minister Modi promoted the island on social media.

"Impact is huge, we are receiving lots of inquiries," Lakshadweep tourism officer said.

He said they will be deploying more cruise ships to boost connectivity to the island.

5 states where Indians need special permits to visit

Aman Singh, a tourist from Mumbai said, "We wanted to come for a very long time to Lakshwadeep but there were many myths associated with the island but PM Modi's visit had an impact that it is possible to go".

Sumit Anand said he made the archipelago his next designation only after seeing PM Modi's photos and videos.

PM Modi in January this year visited the Union territory and tried snorkelling. At that time, PM wrote, "For those who wish to embrace the adventurer in them, Lakshadweep has to be on your list".

Goa-based FLY91 takes off for Lakshadweep on inaugural flight

After the PM's visit to Lakshadweep, India and Maldives relations soared. Subsequently, Indian tourists, who used to flock to the Maldives, shunned the island nation and expressed their interest in going to Lakshadweep instead.

A full-blown backlash was directed at the Maldives following derogatory remarks against India and PM Modi on social media by three Maldivian officials after Modi posted photos and video of the picturesque island.

Indian Navy commissions ‘INS Jatayu’—Significance of 2nd base in Lakshadweep

With the increase in interest in Lakshadweep, last month budget carrier IndiGo announced a direct flight between Bengaluru and Agatti. Currently, only Alliance Air has services to Agatti while regional carrier FLY91 plans to start services to the destination this month.

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  • Ministry of Tourism organized Award Ceremony for ‘Design Challenge: Eco-Friendly Cutlery and Crockery to Substitute Single Use Plastic’
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36 Hours in Mumbai

By Saumya Roy Updated March 26, 2024

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By Saumya Roy Photographs by Atul Loke

Saumya Roy, a Mumbai-based author, has written a book about the city’s wealth, poverty and the waste pickers who make their living in its landfill.

Mumbai appears as much a dream as a city. Sprinkled with the stardust of Bollywood, the Hindi-language film industry that bases itself here, and studded with billionaires , India’s hyperkinetic metropolis, known as Bombay until 1995, feels like a place where anything is possible. But over the years, the city’s reality has been one of crumbling infrastructure, unmoving traffic and unending slums. Amid tight pandemic lockdowns, Mumbai turned into one of the world’s great construction sites , trying to remake itself with new towers, subway lines and bridges . Take in the dizzying juxtapositions — while discovering experimental performances in former textile mills and serene, ancient caves a short drive from the urban chaos — in a city guaranteed to look different again the next time you visit.


  • Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya , a sprawling and immaculately kept museum, houses a trove of Hindu, Jain and Buddhist sculptures.
  • The Bombay Poetry Crawl offers a walking tour through one of Mumbai’s most rapidly gentrifying areas and traces the city’s working-class roots through poetry.
  • The Kanheri Caves are an ancient Buddhist complex of more than 100 caves, some dating back as far as 2,000 years, in Sanjay Gandhi National Park . Some of the caves have pillared prayer halls and serene, carved Buddhist deities.
  • G5A , an arts center housed in part of a former textile mill, hosts music, film screenings, poetry readings and performances.
  • The Afghan Church , formally known as the Church of St. John the Evangelist, is a newly restored 19th-century house of worship that serves as a poignant memorial for fallen Indian and British soldiers.
  • Mani Bhavan , the former home of Mohandas K. Gandhi, is now a museum that preserves details of his spartan life, underscoring his emphasis on self-reliance.
  • Moghal Masjid , a Shiite mosque built in 1860, is known for its intricate blue tile work.
  • Hasnabad Dargah , known as Mumbai’s Taj Mahal for its resemblance to that celebrated monument, is a milky-white mausoleum that evokes calm in the middle of the city.
  • Magen David Synagogue is a large historic temple, painted sky blue, in the Byculla neighborhood.
  • Stroll by murals of Bollywood stars in Bandra , a coastal neighborhood of old Portuguese bungalows and celebrity homes.
  • Masque is a high-end restaurant that reinvents traditional Indian dishes in modern, surprising ways over a nine-course tasting menu.
  • Kala Ghoda Cafe serves healthy breakfasts, including spicy egg dishes.
  • Swati Snacks , a Mumbai institution, offers street-food classics and traditional favorites in a bright, clean setting.
  • Aaswad Upahar and Mithai Griha is a popular, no-frills restaurant in the Dadar neighborhood that offers a mango-themed thali (a platter filled with various small dishes) in April and May, when the fruit is in season.
  • Bastian at the Top , a sceney rooftop restaurant with lavish décor that includes an indoor swimming pool, is worth a stop to take in the views of the bay over a drink.
  • Moonray , a newly opened women’s wear store, brings together immaculate European cuts and handmade embroidery from Mumbai.
  • Payal Khandwala sells silk tops, sharply cut suits and trench coats in bold-colored Indian fabric.
  • Ogaan showcases a range of local designers whose garments include ornate Indian wedding wear and silk shirts.
  • Kitab Khana has a large and well-curated selection of books on Indian literature, politics and Gandhian thought, set in a building that is more than a century old.
  • Induri Saree Centre sells glittering, traditional saris in a candy-box-size store.
  • The Taj Mahal Palace , an ornate hotel open since 1903, looks over the Arabian Sea and the historic Gateway of India arch. A memorial in the lobby commemorates the terror attack at the hotel in 2008. Rooms start at 23,550 rupees, or about $282.
  • Sea Green Hotel , on the curved, lit-up shoreline called the Queen’s Necklace, has basic rooms with gorgeous bay views. Rooms start at around 9,000 rupees.
  • The Grand Hotel is a century-old establishment in the city’s historic Ballard Estate district, an area that is also home to one of Mumbai’s best-known Parsi restaurants, Britannia & Co. You can also walk to many of the city’s well-known attractions. Rooms start at around 6,850 rupees.
  • Traveling in Mumbai’s packed trains is fast, efficient and an experience like no other. Millions travel on the local trains every year, and vendors and singers walk through compartments (25 rupees for a first-class single ticket). Black-and-yellow cabs , which use meters with fixed rates, and ride-hailing apps like Uber are readily available. Mumbai’s red buses also offer a breezy, scenic and cheap way to get around the city (from 5 rupees per trip).

People stand in a semi-circle on a leafy street reading from a stapled paper booklet.

See spindly chimneys rising amid luxury hotels and condos in the jagged skyline of Lower Parel, a rapidly gentrifying precinct in central Mumbai. The chimneys are relics of the area’s former textile mills, which began slowly being redeveloped into malls after a worker strike in the 1980s. Trace Mumbai’s working-class roots here with the writer Saranya Subramanian, who leads the Bombay Poetry Crawl (600 rupees, or about $7), a series of walking tours conducted through the lens of poetry and local history. During the tour, Ms. Subramanian reads poetry by workers and encourages participants to read, too. She leads the tour monthly and also hosts a range of other poetry walks in the city, including one on a local train. Check her Instagram page, @thebombaypoetrycrawl , for scheduling.

A person with long hair performs to a small crowd using a microphone and a laptop. A spotlight shines on the performer, and the crowd is washed in a red light.

Take a car to the nearby G5A , a cultural center housed in a repurposed textile mill compound. Trees grow out of the stone walls of a neighboring former mill , and skyscrapers rise, seemingly by the minute, on the other side. Catch a show at G5A, which hosts edgy art performances, movie screenings and discussions in its small theater, or on its terrace, with the moon glowing through the Mumbai haze. Recent shows include a poetry reading by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author Forrest Gander, along with the celebrated Indian poet Arvind Krishna Mehrotra; Norwegian and Bangalorean jazz bands; and a Kashmiri film. Tickets from 250 to 700 rupees.

A close-up of a person pouring a liquid from a stone vessel into a crunchy, puffed snack with a hole in the center.

Walk next door, still within the mill compound, to the high-ceilinged and warmly lit Masque , a restaurant that reinvents traditional Indian dishes across a nine-course tasting menu (5,200 rupees per person). It takes puran poli and amti, for instance, a sweet, lentil-filled flatbread and side of spicy coconut dal that is often eaten during Mumbai festivals, and remixes it as a bite-size chickpea tart with a hint of jaggery (Indian raw sugar), filled with green peas or crab and topped with coconut foam. Pav, a ubiquitous Mumbai bread bun with a crackly top and slightly sweet, dense interior, acquires a croissant-like, buttery texture here — dip it into a silky morel or lamb curry. Cap off the meal with a popsicle made with unlikely layers of Indian pickle, mulberry and white chocolate. Vegetarian menus available.

A street that is busy with pedestrians and lined with shopfronts. The facade of a building that faces the street appears to be old and rundown.

Trace Mumbai’s working-class roots in Lower Parel with the Bombay Poetry Crawl, a series of walking tours conducted through the lens of poetry and local history.

A close-up of a stained glass window depicting a man in a red robe kneeling in prayer.

Walk through the soft-colored shadows cast by stained-glass windows in the Church of St. John the Evangelist, more commonly known as the Afghan Church , which reopened in March after a two-year renovation. The building, in the leafy Navy Nagar, a naval area at the southern tip of Mumbai, was completed in 1858 and commemorates the more than 4,500 Indian and British soldiers who died during the first Anglo-Afghan war, including in its disastrous retreat from Kabul. The church is also known for multifaith prayers, Indian classical music concerts and a midnight Mass at Christmas. Entry is free.

A plate of scrambled eggs, buttered toast and half a roasted tomato rests on a table. A cup of coffee with steamed milk is visible in the background on the same table.

Kala Ghoda Cafe

Dig into a breakfast of akuri, a spicy scrambled egg dish (345 rupees) that is traditional in India’s Parsi community, at Kala Ghoda Cafe , in the Kala Ghoda neighborhood. Then walk to the sprawling Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya , a museum with manicured lawns and a Gothic-style building topped with a bulbous dome. As part of “ Ancient Sculptures ,” showing through October, chiseled Greek gods and Egyptian deities from the British Museum and the J. Paul Getty Museum share space with Assyrian gods from CSMVS’s permanent collection. The museum’s permanent galleries are a trove of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain sculptures and also feature artifacts from the ancient Indus Valley civilization. Tickets, 150 rupees for Indian nationals; 700 rupees for foreigners.

A brightly lit store with white walls displays a long rack of clothing, including gingham skirts and tops, white shirts and denim apparel.

Stroll the Kala Ghoda neighborhood, starting with Artisans ’, a gallery and shop in a graffiti-covered building that showcases traditional Indian crafts. In the area’s ever-expanding fashion district, browse crisp white shirts with handmade lace collars (from around 9,500 rupees) at Moonray , a women’s fashion label and shop (its co-founder also runs the Chanakya School of Craft , which teaches women embroidery and collaborates with Dior). Also check out Payal Khandwala , which has silk tops (14,000 rupees), sharply cut suits and trench coats in bold-colored Indian fabric, and Ogaan , with heavily embellished wedding dresses, pleated dresses and more. Then walk to Kitab Khana , an independent bookstore in a more-than-century-old building with Corinthian columns in the nearby Fort district. Browse the well-curated selection of Indian literature and the books on history and Gandhian thought that line the high shelves.

People eat from bright-yellow plates in a sparsely decorated restaurant with diner-like seating and metallic table tops. A chalkboard on the wall lists menu items and says the name of the restaurant, "Swati Snacks."

Swati Snacks

A dizzying range of delicacies can be found on Mumbai’s khao gallis, a Hindi term for “food streets.” The safest way to try them all (and avoid tummy trouble) might be at Swati Snacks , a six-decade-old restaurant in the Tardeo area. Have the vada pav (175 rupees), like garlicky potato sliders, and the signature panki (230 rupees), a wispy rice pancake flavored with mint or dill that arrives steaming in a banana-leaf parcel. Then visit the nearby Mani Bhavan , a three-story building where Mohandas K. Gandhi, known as the father of the nation, often stayed; it is now a museum. Spinning wheels and floor seating in his preserved, spartan bedroom provide a window to his belief that the route to Indian independence could come only through discipline and self-reliance. Entry, 20 rupees.

A person wearing a collared shirt rests against a wall that features vibrant blue tiling in geometric patterns.

Moghal Masjid

Take a car to Byculla, the chaotic old quarter of Mumbai. Get a coffee (Americano, 228 rupees) at the Craftery by Subko , a new Mumbai cafe and roastery chain bringing hipsters to this part of the city. Then drive through the busy, narrow streets to see some of Mumbai’s diverse and beautiful religious monuments. Visit the nearby Moghal Masjid , a jewel-like, Iranian-style Shiite mosque built in 1860, with intricate blue tiling adorning a curved entrance. Women cannot pray inside the mosque but can enter the compound, which has a pool for ablution. Take in the facade of Hasnabad Dargah , a pristine, ivory-colored mausoleum, known as Mumbai’s Taj Mahal for its resemblance to the original (entry only for Shia Ismaili Muslims). Not far from there is the Magen David Synagogue (entry, 300 rupees), recognizable by its sky blue clock tower, built in the 1860s to serve Mumbai’s once wealthy and influential, but now vanishing , Jewish community.

One person takes a photo using a smartphone inside a restaurant with large windows that reveal an orange sun, shrouded in smog, suspended above the sea.

Bastian at the Top

In the Dadar neighborhood, shop for handwoven saris (from 2,000 rupees) and scarves at Induri Saree Centre , a candy-box-size store. Then line up at Aaswad Upahar and Mithai Griha , a no-frills Dadar institution best visited in April and May with the arrival of fragrant and luscious Alphonso mangoes. Aaswad does a seasonal mango-themed thali (a platter of various small dishes; 470 rupees) that includes a saffron, mango and cardamom drink; a mango dal; and chilled mango pulp called aamras that is the taste of a Mumbai summer in a bowl. Then cross the street to the gleaming, new Kohinoor Square mall and take the elevator 48 floors to Bastian at the Top . With a tree-lined plunge pool and glowing figurines carved into giant pillars, it can feel more like a theme park than a restaurant (it often attracts Bollywood celebrities). It’s worth a cocktail (1,295 rupees) just to take in the sweeping views of the bay.

A person dressed in black performs on a stage to a watching crowd. The performer is backlit by a wall of lamps.

Catch a show at G5A, a cultural center housed in a repurposed textile mill compound.

Two people walk past a vibrant street mural of three dancing women dressed in ornate Indian dress.

A mural by Ranjit Dahiya

The laid-back suburb of Bandra has Portuguese bungalows, Bollywood studios and the full wattage of star homes along with fans hoping for a glimpse. The best bet for encountering Bollywood stars is on the Technicolor, larger-than-life murals in the area’s charming lanes. See a pistol-wielding Dharmendra, from the iconic 1975 movie “Sholay,” opposite the Subko cafe on Chapel Road. Next to it is a triptych of Bollywood’s dancing divas — a feathered Helen and a bejeweled Waheeda Rehman and Asha Parekh. (Ranjit Dahiya, the artist behind many of these murals, also teaches workshops .) Stroll on to Waroda Road (past a moody depiction of the celebrated actor ​​Irrfan Khan) to reach the brightly colored Veronica’s , an all-day cafe that has become something of a living room for Bandra’s young set, who come for creative bites like chicken-and-cheese-filled breakfast momos (395 rupees), potato waffles (350 rupees) and babka stuffed with chorizo (275 rupees).

Leave the chaos of the city behind, driving north to reach the entrance of Sanjay Gandhi National Park , a 40-square-mile preserve where deer, monkeys and the occasional leopard roam. From inside the park, minivans drive visitors about 10 minutes through the forest (1,000 rupees round-trip) to the bottom of a hill. From there, walk up to the Kanheri Caves, a Buddhist complex of more than 100 caves, the oldest dating back 2,000 years, carved into basalt. Some form large, pillared prayer halls, while others feature carved serene Buddhist deities in prayer. Also see the waterways, loosely cut into the hills, that provided water to the monks who lived and meditated there many centuries ago. Park entry, 95 rupees; caves entry, 25 rupees.


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नए सिरे से योजना बनाने का समय है पुराने संबंधों में नई जान आएगी, नौकरी में उन्नति का योग है शुभ रंग- क्रीम उपाय- ऊं नमः शिवाय का 108 बार जाप करें

आपके तारे- दैनिकः मिथुन

परिवार से संबंधित काम पूरे करें अपने खर्चों को कंट्रोल करें धन प्राप्ति के अवसर मिलेंगे, सकारात्मक सोच के साथ आगे बढ़ें शुभ रंग- गुलाबी उपाय- गाय को हरा चारा खिलाएं

आपके तारे- दैनिकः कर्क

अपने काम पर ध्यान देना होगा धन की प्राप्ति होगी, यात्रा के योग हैं भाग्य का साथ मिलेगा शुभ रंग- सफेद उपाय- दुर्गा चालीसा का पाठ करें

आपके तारे- दैनिकः सिंह

प्रॉपर्टी से संबंधित लाभ होगा काम को लेकर व्यस्त रहेंगे, आपको दोस्त मदद करेंगे शुभ रंग- मरून उपाय- सुंदरकांड का पाठ करें

आपके तारे- दैनिकः कन्या

परिवार की सलाह से फैसले करें आपको धन लाभ होगा, काम में चुनौतियां आएंगी, साहस के साथ सामना करेंगे शुभ रंग- हरा उपाय- किसी मंदिर में धूप दान करें

आपके तारे- दैनिकः तुला

करियर पर ध्यान देना होगा नए लोगों से मुलाकात होगी, आपको उन्नति के नए रास्ते मिलेंगे शुभ रंग- क्रीम उपाय- किसी गरीब को भोजन दान करें

आपके तारे- दैनिकः वृश्चिक

धन की स्थिति सुधारने का प्रयास तेज करें नेतृत्व क्षमता और बढ़ेगी, परिवार से सपोर्ट मिलेगा शुभ रंग- लाल उपाय- किसी गरीब को फल दान करें

आपके तारे- दैनिकः धनु

करियर के क्षेत्र में मेहनत बढ़ाना होगा धार्मिक कार्यों में रुचि बढ़ेगी, परिवार में चल रहे मतभेद दूर होंगे शुभ रंग- हल्का हरा उपाय- किसी मंदिर में एक किलो मिसरी दान करें

आपके तारे- दैनिकः मकर

भाग्य का सपोर्ट मिलेगा लोग आपके काम की तारीफ करेंगे, समाज में सम्मान बढ़ेगा शुभ रंग- सफेद उपाय- किसी गरीब को भोजन दान करें

आपके तारे- दैनिकः कुंभ

विदेश से संबंधित काम बनेंगे कामकाज में सफलता मिलेगी, परिवार के साथ वक्त बीतेगा शुभ रंग- नीला उपाय- पक्षियों को दाना खिलाएं

आपके तारे- दैनिकः मीन

मन की परेशानी दूर होगी धन कमाने के नए रास्ते बनेंगे, प्रॉपर्टी खरीदने की योजना बनेगी शुभ रंग-केसरिया उपाय-चीटिंयों को आटा गुड़ खिलाएं

Samsung Galaxy M15 5G दो कॉन्फिग्रेशन में आता है.

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Realme 12X 5G दो कलर ऑप्शन में आता है.

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पाकिस्तान के प्रधानमंत्री शहबाज शरीफ (फाइल फोटो)

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10 प्वाइंट्स में समझें क्या है बाइपोलर डिसऑर्डर, इन लक्षणों से करें पहचान

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एग्जॉटिक मीट भी पचा लेने वाले चीन को दूध पचाने में परेशानी, क्या है वजह?

विचार एवं विश्लेषण.

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Vidisha Lok Sabha Seat: अभेद किला... 1989 से लगातार भगवा का कब्जा... इस बार BJP ने Shivraj Singh Chauhan और Congress ने Pratap Bhanu Sharma को दिया टिकट, जानें क्या है सीट का इतिहास और चुनावी समीकरण

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red sea international airport welcomes first overseas flight sets sight on sustainable tourism

Red Sea International Airport welcomes first overseas flight, sets sight on sustainable tourism

Red sea international airport (rsi), which has been servicing domestic flights since september 2023, is designed to provide seamless connectivity to the red sea. luxury resorts like six senses southern dunes, the red sea, and st. regis red sea resort are already operational, with more set to open this year, including the nujuma ritz-carlton reserve, shebara, and desert rock..

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business to double in size by 2030 with triple the growth in india intrepid chairman darrel wade intrepid

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hilton expands luxury portfolio with acquisition of sydell group s nomad hotels brand

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bhutan welcomes 25 000 tourists in q1 2024 india emerges as top market

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grand start for gitm 2024 showcasing goa s commitment on regenerative tourism amp sustainable future

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Pakistan's aviation body exposes massive corruption scandal

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Radisson appoints Nikhil Sharma as Managing Director & ASVP for South Asia region

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Isreali : galilee tourism industry reinvents itself as war enters sixth month.

"The north is empty of visitors these days," Safi Maklada, the Negev and Galilee Authority's Druze and Circassian tourism coordinator, told The Press Service of Israel. "You won't find anyone around except for the soldiers doing their duty, guarding the border and the communities, and their families dropping by for a visit."

isreali galilee tourism industry reinvents itself as war enters sixth month

Tourism Finance Corporation India undergoes major leadership shift

This was backed by the directors of the company at the Annual General Meeting. Halsawiya now owns over 15 per cent of the company. The resignation of Mundhra, the last director from the previous promoter group of TFCIL, has now provided Halwasiya a firm grip on the operations of the company.


Eclipse boosts travel as Americans chase rare celestial event

In a total solar eclipse occurring on Monday April 8, the moon will blot out the sun for millions of people in Mexico, the United States and Canada. Airbnb listings along the U.S. path of totality, or the narrow strip stretching from Texas to Maine from where people will be able to view the sun's corona, have seen occupancy levels skyrocket to nearly 90%, the vacation rental firm said.

eclipse boosts travel as americans chase rare celestial event

Mexico City brings in new tax, occupancy rules for rental platforms like Airbnb and Booking

Mexico has long been a top global tourist destination, famed for white sand beaches and ancient ruins. In recent years, the capital Mexico City has emerged as a growing attraction for both travelers and so-called digital nomads who can work remotely. The growth in foreigners in Mexico's capital, concentrated in a handful of neighborhoods, has also stoked a backlash, with some residents complaining that popular apps like Airbnb , Booking and Trivago contribute to gentrification and spiking housing costs.

mexico city brings in new tax occupancy rules for rental platforms like airbnb and booking

Air India launches revamped Flying Returns loyalty program

In a strategic move, Flying Returns shifts from a miles-based collection model to a more equitable spend-based approach, aligning rewards with the amount spent on tickets rather than the distance flown. This change promises greater value for money spent, and members can start benefiting from the new program structure effective immediately.

air india launches revamped flying returns loyalty program

Venice vows light touch in new measure to cut down on day visitors

The new strategy to lower the number of tourists visiting the UNESCO World Heritage site calls for day-trippers to pay a five-euro ticket to enter the historic city centre and is due to start on April 25. Although the new policy was announced in September, the city had not provided details on how it would be implemented, causing speculation that the city could install turnstiles or other drastic measures.

venice vows light touch in new measure to cut down on day visitors

With INR 6500 cr dedicated budget in 2024-25, railway can achieve 100 per cent electrification

He added, "The electrification programme is not just about environmental benefits. It's a catalyst for economic growth. It creates jobs during construction, reduces dependence on imported fossil fuels, and positions Indian Railways as a modern and efficient engine of the nation's economy."

with inr 6500 cr dedicated budget in 2024 25 railway can achieve 100 per cent electrification

SUNDAY Hotels chain triples its size in less than a year

A contemporary luxury hotel chain under LuxAbode Hotels (formerly known as Mountainia) and a joint venture between the SoftBank Group and Oravel Stays, the SUNDAY Hotels has experienced significant growth since its inception in May 2023 with the opening of its inaugural hotel in Jaipur. Following the successful launch of its second property in Vadodara in October 2023, the company has now unveiled its third hotel under the SUNDAY brand in Chandigarh.

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Indian student group begins 'Fair Visa, Fair Chance' campaign in UK

"The ability to work for two years post-graduation helps international students to earn money to help pay for their degrees and enable some to get valuable work experience as well as to continue to build strong links with the UK," said Lord Karan Bilimoria, Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on International Students and patron of NISAU UK.

indian student group begins fair visa fair chance campaign in uk

Pilots' unions flag work culture concerns at Tata Group airlines

IPG represents Air India pilots operating the airlines' wide-body fleet while ICPA represents pilots operating the single aisle aircraft.In recent days, Vistara has been forced to cancel more than 100 flights due to non-availability of pilots who are protesting against pay revision and other issues. "The pilots of Vistara have been steadfast in their advocacy for fixed 70 hours compensation, improved working conditions, and stable roster.

pilots unions flag work culture concerns at tata group airlines

US wants airlines to boost travel benefits for military personnel

The department in May plans to begin posting comparative information on travel benefits that airlines guarantee for service members and their families on a customer service dashboard. USDOT plans to detail airlines that will commit to full refunds to service members and their families who cancel travel plans due to military directives as well as allowances for free baggage.

us wants airlines to boost travel benefits for military personnel

Radisson debuts its luxury lifestyle brand 'Radisson Collection' in India

Located along the picturesque banks of River Jhelum, Radisson Collection Hotel & Spa, Riverfront Srinagar, draws inspiration from Kashmir's rich heritage, culture, and artistry. The hotel seamlessly blends landmark architecture, refined interiors, exceptional culinary experiences, personalized services, and luxurious amenities to offer guests an unparalleled stay experience. The hotel's architecture is intricately designed, reflecting Kashmir's authentic motifs and iconic geometrical star patterns.

radisson debuts its luxury lifestyle brand radisson collection in india

SpiceJet launches direct flights between Hyderabad & Ayodhya, resumes operations from Pakyong

The airline has also recommenced services to Pakyong in Sikkim from both Delhi and Kolkata, effective March 31, 2024. The Delhi-Pakyong route will be available five days a week, while the Kolkata-Pakyong flight will operate daily. The Hyderabad-Ayodhya route will have flights three times a week. To serve these routes effectively, SpiceJet will utilize a mix of Boeing 737 and Q400 aircraft.

spicejet launches direct flights between hyderabad ayodhya resumes operations from pakyong

Brazil hopes COP30 climate summit boosts ecotourism

Drawing more environmental and adventure travelers is part of the government's plan to increase overall tourism in Brazil, which is low in comparison with other countries. Tourism contributes less than 8% of Brazil's GDP, compared to more than 20% in Spain, Portugal or the Dominican Republic, he said. Sabino is working on expanding flights to Brazil and will be at the Seatrade Cruise Global fair in Miami next week to discuss increasing the number of cruise ship visits to Brazilian ports.

brazil hopes cop30 climate summit boosts ecotourism

Alaska Air says Boeing paid $160 mln in compensation after MAX 9 grounding

The payment is equivalent to lost profits in the quarter, the carrier said in a filing, adding it expects additional compensation. An Alaska Airlines-operated MAX 9 jet experienced a mid-air cabin panel blowout in January, which led the U.S. aviation regulator to order a temporary grounding of 171 jets for inspections.

alaska air says boeing paid 160 mln in compensation after max 9 grounding

Vistara instability will reduce by this week: CEO Vinod Kannan

Amid a number of cancellations and delays in flight operations, Kannan met pilots this afternoon, sources said. Other departments like crew scheduling were present in the meeting. Due to shortage of pilots, the Tata-Singapore Airlines joint venture had to cancel more than 100 flights over last three days leading to passenger ire. It operates around 350 flights per day.

vistara instability will reduce by this week ceo vinod kannan

Turkish Airlines profits soar in 2023

Turkish Airlines, which boasts that it flies to the most countries of any carrier, in December ordered 230 Airbus planes as it aims to double its fleet in the next decade. A pet soft-power project of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the company is controlled by the country's wealth fund, which owns 49.1 per cent of shares. Expansion at Turkish Airlines is aimed at competing with the global reach into Europe, Asia and the United States of Gulf hubs like Dubai and Doha.

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Abu Dhabi approves new tourism strategy 2030 with plans to attract 40 million visitors

Abu Dhabi [UAE], His Highness Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Executive Council, has approved the new Tourism Strategy 2030 for the emirate. Spearheaded by the Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi), the ambitious blueprint signals a new era of expansion and strategic development in the travel and tourism sector.

abu dhabi approves new tourism strategy 2030 with plans to attract 40 million visitors

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Skift India Summit Video: Hyper-Personalizing the Air Travel Experience

Amadeus + Skift

Amadeus + Skift

April 2nd, 2024 at 12:01 PM EDT

In this video from Skift India Summit 2024, Jonathan Tong, senior vice president, airlines — Southeast Asia, India Subcontinent and Greater China for Amadeus, spoke about the critical role of data, collaboration, and tech in reshaping today's passenger experiences.

This sponsored content was created in collaboration with a Skift partner.

In this video:

  • The shift towards hyper-personalization in the airline industry and the importance of leveraging customer data to improve the travel experience.
  • Challenges in personalization efforts, including the complexities of integrating diverse data sources and the need for cross-functional collaboration within airlines.
  • How advanced technologies like AI, machine learning, and cloud computing can facilitate personalization strategies for higher customer engagement and loyalty.

The airline industry stands at the precipice of a transformative era powered by hyper-personalization. Despite varying maturity levels among global carriers, there’s a unanimous trend towards achieving a 360-degree view of the customer to facilitate basic to advanced personalization strategies. However, the journey towards personalization comes with its own challenges.

In this video from Skift India Summit 2024, Jonathan Tong, senior vice president, airlines — Southeast Asia, India Subcontinent and Greater China for Amadeus, spoke with SkiftX content director, Alison McCarthy, about how airlines can use customer data to provide a more personalized travel experience.

The conversation explored the role of AI and machine learning technologies in optimizing personalization efforts, highlighting innovative practices like dynamic pricing and the potential of generative AI in improving customer engagement. The discussion also touched upon the promising future of biometrics and digital identities in streamlining travel processes. Despite the technological advancements and pilot projects in biometric boarding and airport processes, there’s a need for industry-wide collaboration to fully realize the benefits of these technologies.

Tong shared insights into how Indian travelers have unique expectations shaping how airlines and the broader travel industry adapt. His advice for building an effective customer data strategy emphasized the importance of embracing new technologies and creating collaboration to navigate the complexities of personalization in the digital age.

This content was created collaboratively by Amadeus and Skift’s branded content studio, SkiftX .

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Tags: airline technology , airlines , artificial intelligence , india , personalization , tourism , travel tech , Travel Trends

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Solar Eclipse 2024: When, Where to Watch, Visibility in India, How long it will last, all you need to know about it

Times of India TIMESOFINDIA.COM / TRAVEL TRENDS , WORLD / Updated : Apr 6, 2024, 12:57 IST

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The first Solar Eclipse of 2024 is slated for April 8 and regrettably will not be visible from India. According to detailed analyses from NASA, this Total Solar Eclipse will sweep across the continent of North America, traversing … Read more

The first Solar Eclipse of 2024 is slated for April 8 and regrettably will not be visible from India. According to detailed analyses from NASA, this Total Solar Eclipse will sweep across the continent of North America, traversing through Mexico, the United States, and Canada. It's worth noting that Mexico will be the fortunate first to witness this celestial event, particularly in areas along the Pacific coast, with the eclipse expected to commence around 11:07 am local time. Read less

Solar Eclipse 2024: When, Where to Watch, Visibility in India, How long it will last, all you need to know about it

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Solar Eclipse 2024: When, Where to Watch, Visibility in India, How long it will last, all you need to know about it

The first Solar Eclipse of 2024 is slated for April 8 and regrettably will not be visible from India. According to detailed analyses from NASA, this Total Solar Eclipse will sweep across the continent...

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Picture shows Ethiopia running event, not India protest after opposition politician's arrest

A picture of a mass running event in ethiopia was misrepresented online as a rally in india's capital staged by supporters of a jailed opposition leader in march 2024. the image surfaced with the false claim as thousands took to the streets of delhi to protest the detention of arvind kejriwal, a key leader in an alliance formed to compete against prime minister narendra modi in india's upcoming national elections..

The picture, showing a long stretch of an avenue filled with a massive crowd, was shared on social media platform X on March 31.

It surfaced the same day supporters of Kejriwal, Delhi's chief minister, rallied in the capital to protest his arrest in connection with a long-running corruption probe, allegations he has denied.

His supporters said the arrest was aimed at sidelining challengers to Modi and the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the marathon six-week national elections beginning April 19.

The post falsely claimed the picture showed a rally for Kejriwal in the Ramlila Maidan public ground at the capital.

"Scenes outside Ram Lilla Maidan at 12 PM Today. Sea of Yellow Army marching towards Ramlilla Maidan in support of Arvind Kejriwal at INDIA Rally. BJP shivering," it said.

The picture was also shared with a similar false claim elsewhere on X as well as on Facebook here and  here . It actually shows attendees of the Great Ethiopian Run in Addis Ababa, the capital of the east African country.

Mass running event

A reverse image search on Google found the picture shared in a post on X by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia on January 23, 2022 ( archived link ).

The post, which included three other pictures, was captioned: "#GreatEthiopianRun. The biggest running event in #Africa. Take part in it next time and have fun!" It did not indicate when the picture was taken.

Below is a screenshot comparison of the picture falsely shared online (left) and the one published by Ethiopia's foreign ministry (right):

The same picture was earlier published in an article about tourism in Ethiopia published on CNN Travel on April 4, 2017 ( archived link ).

The article credited the picture to "Ethiopia Tourism Organization". Its caption read: "The annual Great Ethiopian Run in Addis Ababa is popular among tourists."

A similar photo was posted on the verified  Facebook page of the Great Ethiopian Run on May 24, 2016 as part of a collage that showed the running event throughout the years ( archived link ).

The photo was overlaid with text that indicated it was taken in 2010. It was not clear if the picture circulating online was taken in the same year but both show the same city skyline in the background.

Below is a screenshot comparison of the picture circulating online (left) and the photo in the collage (right) with the similarities highlighted by AFP:

The location of the photo in the collage published on the Great Ethiopian Run Facebook page corresponds to Google Maps imagery of an avenue near the Meskel Square in Addis Ababa ( archived link ).

Below is a screenshot comparison of the photo (left) and an image from Google Maps (right) with the corresponding structures highlighted:

Picture shows Ethiopia running event, not India protest after opposition politician's arrest

April 2024 total solar eclipse: Where to avoid clouds on eclipse day

On April 8, the total solar eclipse will pass Mexico, the US and Canada.

"Eclipse Across America," will air live Monday, April 8, beginning at 2 p.m. ET on ABC, ABC News Live, National Geographic Channel, Nat Geo WILD, Disney+ and Hulu as well as network social media platforms.

North America's April 2024 total solar eclipse will cast a historic shadow across parts of the U.S., but even in the path of totality, weather conditions could cloud your view.

A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth and, for a short time, completely blocks the face of the sun, according to NASA . The path of totality is how the agency refers to the specific locations on Earth that fall in the center of the moon's shadow.

On Monday, April 8, the total solar eclipse will pass over Mexico , the United States, and Canada , according to NASA. The agency reports another total solar eclipse will not return to North America for 20 years, making this natural phenomenon a must-see event.

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"You want to avoid any type of cloud, if you can," Fred Espenak, a former astrophysicist from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and author of "Road Atlas for the Total Solar Eclipse of 2024," told ABC News of eclipse day.

"Let's say it's on a sunny day with some puffy cumulus clouds around. All you need is for one of those clouds to be in front of the sun and you've missed the total eclipse. So, you're really looking for a place with as few clouds as possible," Espenak said.

PHOTO: India Witnesses Annular Solar Eclipse 2020

In the US, the path of totality begins in Texas and will travel through Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. Small parts of Tennessee and Michigan will also experience the total solar eclipse, according to NASA.

Espenak suggests that viewing the eclipse in the southern parts of the US will yield the best chances for clear skies.

"The further south you are, the better the long-term weather prospects are probably going to be," Espenak said. "But we really can't tell on eclipse day because I've seen satellite maps over the past 20 years of data taken during April 8. And every place along the eclipse path is clear on some days and cloudy on others. More frequently, it's clear in the southern states versus the northern."

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The National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) created a U.S. Climate Normals-based interactive map to show the average heat index, temperature, dewpoint, wind chill and obscuration levels across the path of totality in the U.S.

Based on the map's data, the top three areas with the highest likelihood of clear skies are:

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While it's still too early to provide specific cloud cover forecasts for April 8, meteorologists can look at past weather data and climatology to provide general guidance on what specific locations can typically expect this time of year.

In early April, for locations along the path of totality, average cloud coverage during the afternoon hours typically increases the farther north and east you go.

Average cloud coverage on April 8, according to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) :

  • Dallas, Texas: 54% mostly cloudy or overcast, 46% clear to partly cloudy skies
  • Little Rock, Arkansas: 51% mostly cloudy or overcast, 49% clear to partly cloudy skies
  • Indianapolis, Indiana: 66% mostly cloudy or overcast, 34% clear to partly cloudy skies
  • Buffalo, New York: 67% mostly cloudy or overcast, 33% clear to partly cloudy skies

"I think seeing a total eclipse is something that should be on everybody's bucket list and this April is just a golden opportunity," Espenak said, noting that eclipse viewing is not just for scientists and astronomers, but for everyone.

"It's an incredible event that will be something that people will remember for their entire lives," Espenak continued. They'll be telling their grandchildren about the total eclipse they saw in April of 2024, if they managed to get into the path of totality and have some good weather."

"So I wish everybody fair skies next April," Espenak said.

ABC News' Dan Peck contributed to this report.

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