Main-Bachgau Tour

Diese Tour verläuft zunächst am Main und stellt dann die linksmainischen Gebiete Mömlingtal und Bachgau vor. Los geht es am Aschaffenburger Hauptbahnhof. Am Main geht es nach links und nun folgt die Tour der Wegweisung in Rtg. Elsenfeld. Herrliche Uferlandschaften und schöne Ausblicke auf die Ausläufer des Spessarts und des Odenwalds versüßen die Fahrt bis nach Sulzbach. Am Ortsausgang von Sulzbach verlässt die Tour die unmittelbare Nähe des Ufers und wechselt auf die andere Seite der Straße bis nach Kleinwallstadt. Dort führt der Weg vorbei am hübschen Ortszentrum mit dem sog. Römer hinunter zum Main. Die Tour verläuft dann immer in Ufernähe bis zum Elsenfelder Bahnhof. Durch die Unterführung geht es auf die Fußgängerbrücke. Noch auf der Brücke nimmt man die Treppen hinab in die Obernburger Mainanlagen. Von hier aus lohnt ein Abstecher in das Obernburger Römermuseum und zur Altstadt. Nach der Mömlingbrücke zweigt die Tour vom MainRadweg rechts in Richtung Mömlingen ab. Auf dem Weg dorthin radelt man durch idyllische Wiesenlandschaften entlang des Mömlingtals. Nach der Ortsdurchfahrt durch Mömlingen folgt ein durchaus anspruchsvoller Anstieg der Tour um in den Bachgau nach Wenigumstadt zu kommen. Über Pflaumheim erreicht man Großostheim. In der Weinbaugemeinde lohnt nicht nur die Besichtigung des Fachwerkensembles auf dem großen Marktplatz sondern auch die Einkehr in eines der Restaurants oder eine Häckerwirtschaft. Frisch gestärkt verlässt man Großostheim über die Babenhäuser Straße, passiert den Kreisel am Ortsteil Ringheim in Flugplatznähe und taucht dann in den Wald ein. Die Tour verläuft eine ganze Weile entlang der bayerisch-hessischen Grenze bis sie die Gersprenz erreicht. Entlang des Flusses geht es nun bis nach Stockstadt. Auch hier stand zu Römerzeiten ein Kastell. Lohnenswert ist ein Besuch des Heimatmuseums – ein Museum zum Erleben und Erfahren der Geschichte. Dann geht es über die Brücke nach Mainaschaff und immer auf dem MainRadweg in Ufernähe zurück nach Aschaffenburg.

main bachgau tour

Tourismusverband Spessart-Mainland e.V. Industriering 7 63868 Großwallstadt

[email protected]

Tourismusverband Spessart-Mainland e.V.



Zuletzt geändert am 10.10.2022

ID: geocoaching_tour_90998

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main bachgau tour

© Gemeinde Großostheim

main bachgau tour


© Gemeinde Obernburg

main bachgau tour

Foto - Kirche Dornau

© Gemeinde Sulzbach

Main-Bachgau Tour

Radfahren -->, tourbeschreibung:.

Diese Tour verläuft zunächst am Main und stellt dann die linksmainischen Gebiete Mömlingtal und Bachgau vor. Los geht es am Aschaffenburger Hauptbahnhof. Am Main geht es nach links und nun folgt die Tour der Wegweisung in Rtg. Elsenfeld. Herrliche Uferlandschaften und schöne Ausblicke auf die Ausläufer des Spessarts und des Odenwalds versüßen die Fahrt bis nach Sulzbach. Am Ortsausgang von Sulzbach verlässt die Tour die unmittelbare Nähe des Ufers und wechselt auf die andere Seite der Straße bis nach Kleinwallstadt. Dort führt der Weg vorbei am hübschen Ortszentrum mit dem sog. Römer hinunter zum Main. Die Tour verläuft dann immer in Ufernähe bis zum Elsenfelder Bahnhof. Durch die Unterführung geht es auf die Fußgängerbrücke. Noch auf der Brücke nimmt man die Treppen hinab in die Obernburger Mainanlagen. Von hier aus lohnt ein Abstecher in das Obernburger Römermuseum und zur Altstadt. Nach der Mömlingbrücke zweigt die Tour vom MainRadweg rechts in Richtung Mömlingen ab. Auf dem Weg dorthin radelt man durch idyllische Wiesenlandschaften entlang des Mömlingtals. Nach der Ortsdurchfahrt durch Mömlingen folgt ein durchaus anspruchsvoller Anstieg der Tour um in den Bachgau nach Wenigumstadt zu kommen. 

Über Pflaumheim erreicht man Großostheim. In der Weinbaugemeinde lohnt nicht nur die Besichtigung des Fachwerkensembles auf dem großen Marktplatz sondern auch die Einkehr in eines der Restaurants oder eine Häckerwirtschaft. Frisch gestärkt verlässt man Großostheim über die Babenhäuser Straße, passiert den Kreisel am Ortsteil Ringheim in Flugplatznähe und taucht dann in den Wald ein. Die Tour verläuft eine ganze Weile entlang der bayerisch-hessischen Grenze bis sie die Gersprenz erreicht. Entlang des Flusses geht es nun bis nach Stockstadt. Auch hier stand zu Römerzeiten ein Kastell. Lohnenswert ist ein Besuch des Heimatmuseums – ein Museum zum Erleben und Erfahren der Geschichte. Dann geht es über die Brücke nach Mainaschaff und immer auf dem MainRadweg in Ufernähe zurück nach Aschaffenburg.

Aktuelle Umleitungen:

  • Sehenswürdigkeiten
  • Gastronomie
  • Höhenprofil
  • "> Ansprechpartner

main bachgau tour

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Haftungsausschluss: Die Verwendung der Daten hat eigenverantwortlich zu erfolgen. Vor dem Start der Tour sind die örtlichen Gegebenheiten wie Pistensperrungen, Lawinensituation, Wetter und weitere Faktoren zu beachten. Den Anweisungen von Personal vor Ort ist unbedingt Folge zu leisten.

Download Roadbook

Alle Angaben wurden mit größter Sorgfalt erhoben. Die Angaben erfolgen ohne Gewähr und erheben nicht den Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit.

Das Falt-PDF eignet sich für kürzere Touren und ist besonders durch die Faltung sehr platzsparend in der Hosentasche oder Trikot unterzubringen.

Das Single-PDF eignet sich für kürzere Touren und ist im Vergleich zum Falt-PDF in einer klassischem Aufbau gehalten.

Das Multi-PDF eignet sich für längere Touren. Der Aufbau erlaubt eine Abbildung längerer Tourenbeschreibungen und eine görßere Kartendarstellung.

Tourismusverband Spessart-Mainland e.V. Industriering 7 63868 Großwallstadt [email protected]

main bachgau tour

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Max Mustermann 2000

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Logo Bachgau-Tour

Die Radtour führt durch die Orte des Bachgaus, am Main und der Mömling entlang. Route 1 in "Die schönsten Radwege unserer Region."

Diese Tour kann auch mit dem Handbike befahren werden.


main bachgau tour

Wir fahren von Niedernberg mainabwärts, vorbei am Seehotel und dem Honisch Beach auf dem offiziell ausgeschilderten Main-Radweg durch den Ort Großwallstadt, der durch den Handballsport deutschlandweit bekannt ist. Entlang am Mainufer führt uns der Radweg bis nach Obernburg (u.a. vorbei am Römermuseum). Wir überqueren die Mömling, fahren unter der B 469 hindurch, Richtung Eisenbach. Auf der rechten Seite fließt die Mömling und links sind die Ausläufer des Odenwaldes. An der Wallaumühle radeln wir vorbei in den Ort Mömlingen und passieren dabei erneut den Fluss Mömling. Am Ortsausgang halten wir uns links und fahren ca. 300 m einen steilen Weg (10% Steigung) durch die Felder bis wir den Waldrand erreichen.

Anschließend geht es bergab weiter, zur letzten kleinen Steigung, bevor es immer leicht bergab in den Ort Wenigumstadt geht. Wir radeln am Pflaumbach entlang bis nach Pflaumheim. Am Ende der Gartenstraße biegen wir rechts ab in die Straße „In der Au“, überqueren die Hauptstraße und erreichen Großostheim über den Pflaumheimer Sportplatz.

Dann biegen wir in die Kunostraße ein und fahren rechts weiter auf der Riegelstraße bis wir auf die Straße "Maßpforte" treffen. Hier biegen wir links ab und nach einigen Metern geradeaus treffen wir auf den Marktplatz von Großostheim. Nur ca. 30 Meter vom Marktplatz entfernt, befindet sich das sehenswerte Bachgaumuseum. Anschließend fahren wir ca. 200 m  zurück, fahren über Jahnstraße und Amselweg zum Ortsausgang und radeln dann auf dem Radweg nach Niedernberg, vorbei am Wahrzeichen des Ortes dem 41 m hohen Wasserturm, „Langen Adam“ genannt, zurück zum Ausgangspunkt der Radtour.

Touren- oder Trekkingrad mit Mehrgangschaltung

Niedernberg: Rundwanderweg um den See von ca. 45 Minuten; Obernburg: Lage am Limes - Unesco Welterbe; Großostheim: historischer Marktplatz, ältestes Fachwerkhaus im Landkreis Aschaffenburg

A3 bis Ausfahrt Stockstadt, weiter auf der B 469 in Richtung Miltenberg bis Niedernberg/Großostheim

Mit dem Zug von Miltenberg bis Haltestelle Obernburg/Elsenfeld, dann zur Bushaltestelle Bahnhof Westseite (2 Min. Fußweg), von dort weiter mit der Buslinie 60 bis zum Waldweg, Niedernberg.

Parkmöglichkeiten in der Pfarrer-Seubert-Straße, gegenüber des Musicum und in der "Hintermauer", bei der Bibliothek.

main bachgau tour

  • GPX GPS Exchange Format (XML)
  • KML Google Earth, Google Maps

main bachgau tour

Allgemeine Infos

  • Bergstraße Odenwald 77
  • Spessart-Mainland / Bayern 35
  • Mömlingen 17

Beliebte Touren in der Umgebung

main bachgau tour

Wald erFahren - Hochspessart-Tour - Rothenbuch

main bachgau tour

Wald erFahren - Räuberland-Tour - Leidersbach

main bachgau tour

Radrundtour vom Main über den Südspessart - Route 5

main bachgau tour

3-Länder-Rad-Event 2019: Gesamtstrecke der Jubiläumstour

main bachgau tour

  • Fernwanderwege
  • Zertifizierte Wanderwege
  • Radfernwege
  • Qualitätsradrouten
  • Unterkünfte
  • Aktivreisen
  • Routenplaner


Start: Niedernberg

main bachgau tour

Die Radtour führt durch die Orte des Bachgaus, am Main und der Mömling entlang.

Wegbeschreibung: Wir fahren von Niedernberg mainabwärts, vorbei am Seehotel und dem Honisch Beach (1) auf dem offiziell ausgeschilderten Main-Radweg durch den Ort Großwallstadt, der durch den Handballsport deutschlandweit bekannt ist. Entlang am Mainufer führt uns der Radweg bis nach Obernburg (u.a. vorbei am Römermuseum (2)). Wir überqueren die Mömling, fahren unter der B 469 hindurch, Richtung Eisenbach. Auf der rechten Seite fließt die Mömling und links sind die Ausläufer des Odenwaldes. An der Wallaumühle radeln wir vorbei in den Ort Mömlingen und passieren dabei erneut den Fluss Mömling. Am Ortsausgang halten wir uns links und fahren ca. 300m einen steilen Weg (10% Steigung) durch die Felder bis wir den Waldrand erreichen.

Anschließend geht es bergab weiter, vorbei an dem Ausflugslokal „Wenigumstädter Höfe“, zur letzten Steigung, bevor es immer leicht bergab in den Ort Wenigumstadt geht. Wir radeln am Pflaumbach entlang bis nach Pflaumheim. Am Ende der Gartenstraße biegen wir rechts ab in die Straße „In der Au“, überqueren die Hauptstraße und erreichen Großostheim über den Pflaumheimer Sportplatz. Dann biegen wir in die Kunostraße ein und fahren rechts weiter auf der Riegelstraße bis wir auf die Straße "Maßpforte" treffen. Hier biegen wir links ab und nach einigen Metern geradeaus treffen wir auf den Marktplatz von Großostheim. Nur ca. 30 Meter vom Marktplatz entfernt, befindet sich das sehenswerte Bachgau Museum (3). Anschließend fahren wir ca 200m bis zum ausgeschilderten Radweg zurück, fahren über Jahnstraße und Amselweg zum Ortsausgang und radeln dann auf dem Radweg nach Niedernberg, vorbei am Wahrzeichen des Ortes dem 41m hohen Wasserturm, „Langen Adam“ genannt, zurück zum Ausgangspunkt der Radtour.

Ob mit der Bahn, dem Bus oder dem eigenen Auto hier finden Sie den schnellsten und bequemsten Weg.

  • Route planner

Wartturm Schaafheim

Mountain Biking Highlight

Recommended by 411 out of 417 mountain bikers

This Highlight is in a protected area

Location: Schaafheim , Darmstadt-Dieburg , Darmstadt District , Hesse , Germany

The stay is worth it, especially if you have food and drink with you.

March 24, 2021

With the Schaafheimer Wartturm, a rare remnant of a country border from the late Middle Ages has survived through the centuries. From here you have a great view in all directions when the weather is nice. There is also an airfield for model aircraft here. There is always someone there who demonstrates his skills in aviation.

February 16, 2017

To the south of Schaafheim rises the 22 m high waiting tower that Archbishop Berthold von Henneberg of Mainz had built on the old Bachgauer Landwehr in 1492. He secured the crossing of the shipping route in the Kurmainzer area. This is where the Kurmainz escort for the protection of drivers and merchants began. In 1992 the tower was completely restored.

March 12, 2019

Sign up for a free komoot account to get 23 more insider tips and takes.

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Ausblick beim Wendelinshof

Langer Flowtrail auf der MÖ2

Straußenfarm Tannenhof

Burg Breuberg

Panorama Blick ☀️


Buy tickets.

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  • People with reduced mobility
  • MAIN TOWER Visitor FAQ
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  • Art in MAIN TOWER

Admission Prices

Frankfurt Card

Frankfurt Card

Impressions from our visitors

Impressions from our visitors

MAIN TOWER Restaurant & Lounge

MAIN TOWER Restaurant & Lounge

The Helaba Collection

The Helaba Collection

Everyone who wants to experience modern art in a unique way will find extraordinary works of art in the MAIN TOWER.

Fitness in the MAIN TOWER

Fitness in the MAIN TOWER

Concessionary prices at the ticket counter.

Reduced price tickets can be purchased directly at the ticket counter in the MAIN TOWER. The concessionary price applies to school pupils, students, senior citizens and persons with severe disabilities upon presentation of a valid document. Holders of the Ehrenamts-Card Hessen receive free access to the platform upon presentation of the card.

Children under 6 years of age may enter the MAIN TOWER free of charge when accompanied by an adult guardian. Children and school pupils under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult guardian.

Persons who present a handicap card with the indication "B" have free access to the MT and may take a companion with them free of charge.

Persons with a handicapped ID card with no "B" will receive the reduced rate for tickets - their accompanying person(s) pay(s) the regular rate applicable to them.

Purchase tickets for larger Groups For questions about and advance reservations for larger tour and school groups, we would kindly request that you contact the reception team by telephone on 069 3650-4878 or by fax on 069 3650-4877. Please address any written enquiries by email to [email protected].

The "weather-related restriction" ticket is available when the viewing platform is officially closed and only the closed area of the platform on the 55th floor is available to visitors. Visitors then only have a limited viewing window.

Purchase tickets for larger groups

For questions about and advance reservations for larger tour and school groups, we would kindly request that you contact the reception team by telephone on 069 3650-4878 or by fax on 069 3650-4877

Please note:

Please address any written enquiries to plattform(at)

The last lift will depart for the observation deck 45 minutes before closing time.

In the event of bad weather or strong winds, the observation deck will be closed for safety reasons.

Please take note of our safety precautions and security advice .

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THE 10 BEST Moscow City Tours

City tours in moscow.

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  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3rd Transport Ring (TTK)
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  • Good for Big Groups
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  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Hidden Gems
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Adventurous
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

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1. Moscow Private Tours


2. Moscow through the Eyes of an Engineer


3. Moscow Free Tour


4. Spanish Guide Moscow - Day Tours


5. Bridge to Moscow


6. Go Russia Travel Company


7. Privilege Tour


8. Moscow Navigator


9. Put-in Tours


10. Walks With Folks


11. Moskovskiye Gulyaki

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12. Moscow Bike Tours


13. Happy Moscow Tours


14. Tour of Moscow - Day Tours


15. Kremlin Tour


16. IdeaGuide - Your Personal Guide in Moscow


17. Tsar Visit


18. Excursions in Russia


19. Moscow Greeter


20. VikiTours


21. MoscowMe


22. Gulyayem po Moskve

main bachgau tour

23. Tour Gratis Moscu


24. Tour-Moscow


25. Gorodskoi Voyazh


26. Rusiatourmoscu


27. Moscow 360


28. Express to Russia


29. Russia With Love


30. Angel Taxi - Day Tour


What travelers are saying


  • Put-in Tours
  • Spanish Guide Moscow - Day Tours
  • Walks With Folks
  • Happy Moscow Tours
  • Moscow Bike Tours
  • IdeaGuide - Your Personal Guide in Moscow
  • Moscow Private Tours
  • Tour Gratis Moscu
  • Moscow Free Tour
  • YourLocalGuide Moscow
  • Moscow Navigator
  • Moscow through the Eyes of an Engineer
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  • Vadim Pavlov Guide and Driver in Moscow
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Top 10 moscow tourist attractions.

The majestic capital of Russia , Moscow is the perfect destination for those seeking to explore the culture, history, and architectural heritage in the country. An extensive Moscow tour is arguably the best way to get acquainted with the one-of-a-kind city, as there is an abundance of sites to visit, such as the Kremlin, the Red Square, the State History Museum, Zaryadye Park, numerous churches and theatres and more! Don't miss the chance to enjoy Moscow sightseeing and explore the bustling hub yourself! Below we offer a list of the best places in Moscow not to miss.

Red Square

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A photo of two people walking on UMaine's Mall in fall

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A photo of people sitting on UMaine's Mall in spring

UMaine is located on Marsh Island between the Stillwater and Penobscot rivers in Orono, and is approximately 5 miles from Bangor. Maine is home to some of the country’s most spectacular destinations, including Acadia National Park, Bar Harbor and Mount Katahdin.

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You acknowledge that the Service is protected by copyrights and database rights. The Service and your account are for your personal use only and may not be shared with any third parties. We grant to registered Members a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable right to access and use the Service and to view its contents (“License”). Without limiting the foregoing, the License does not include (a) the right to resell or use the Service commercially (unless explicitly allowed under the applicable subscription plan), (b) the right to make the Service publicly available or use for public display, (c) any downloading, duplicating, or copying, collection and use of any contents of the Services, e.g. bottle information, descriptions, ratings, retail and secondary market price observations, values, etc., (d) the right to license, use, sell, archive, reproduce, distribute, modify, perform, publish, create derivative works from, offer for sale, or use of the Service. Further, you shall not circumvent, remove, alter, deactivate, degrade or thwart any of the content protections, decompile, reverse engineer or disassemble the Service and any software related to or used in or by the Service.

Without prejudice to the section Liability below, the Service may be temporarily unavailable during maintenance, updates, etc. We shall make reasonable efforts to inform you of any unavailability due to maintenance or updates.

Member registration and accounts

You must create an account to be able to use our Service where the following personal information is required: username, a valid email address, country of residence and a password. Additional personal information may be provided by you if you wish to do so. Please read our Privacy Statement for more information on our use and processing of your personal information.

You are responsible for all activities through your account. You are responsible for the accuracy of the information you provide to us in relation to your account, and for updating it where necessary. You are not allowed to create multiple accounts. We may terminate or temporarily suspend your account to protect you, ourselves or our partners from (suspected) identity theft or other (suspected) fraudulent (e.g. false, misleading, deceptive) activity. You have the obligation to keep your login credentials confidential. You shall not authorize any others to use or access your account.


You may terminate your account at any time. If you terminate your account, you will no longer have access to the Service and your Contributions (specified below), if any. We do not provide back-ups of your Contributions. To terminate your account, login to your account, go to the “settings page”, and follow the termination instructions]. If you cancel your subscription, your account will be automatically closed.

We reserve the right to immediately and without prior notice deactivate, suspend and/or terminate your account if you do not abide by the Terms, if you act unlawful, if you do not act or use the Service in good faith, or if you cause any harm whatsoever to the Service, to other Members, to other persons or to us. You shall be notified of the deactivation, suspension, or termination via the email address linked to your account.

Member behavior and Member contributions

We do not allow the sale and/or purchase of products between members through the Service, e.g. through private messages. If you wish to sell or purchase products, please refer to the Whiskybase Market.

Regardless of whether the Service offers the functionality to contribute, you are solely responsible and liable for any content and information that you create, upload, post, publish, link to, duplicate, transmit, record, display or otherwise make available on the Service or to other Members, such as chat messages, text messages, videos, audio, audio recordings, music, pictures, photographs, text and any other information or materials, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted (“Contributions”).

You shall not contribute any discriminatory, racially offensive, abusive, offensive, threatening, intimidating, inaccurate, incomplete, obscene, profane, harassing, or illegal material and/or Contributions, or any other Contributions that infringes, or may infringe, or violates or may violate, any third party’s rights, including intellectual and industrial property rights, rights of privacy and publicity. Further, deliberate or undeliberate manipulation of information on the Service (such as ratings), any activity with the intent to influence such information, value or reviews on products (e.g. bottles, brands, distilleries, bottlers or shops) are not allowed. Contacting Members to sell or buy products or requesting other Members to sell or buy bottles outside our affiliated platform Whiskybase Market is considered a violation of these Terms and will lead to the termination of your account without prejudice to other rights we have under these Terms and applicable law.

You acknowledge, understand and agree that we are not obligated to review, check or monitor any Contributions, but we may do so. Furthermore, we may (without prior notice and without giving reasons) change, delete or alter any Contributions, whether in whole or in part, that in our sole judgment and discretion violates these Terms, is unlawful, is in any way harmful to you, Members, us, the Service or any third parties.

You hereby grant to us (including our parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, (sub)licensees, assignees, successors, authorized third party contractors), the worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, unlimited in any way, non-exclusive, transferable, free of charge and fully paid-up, right and license to duplicate, copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, display, make available, perform, use, store, record, play, adapt, alter, modify, make derivative works of, or in any other way exploit your Contributions (including any past Contributions you already posted/created on the Service (and any previous version thereof)), through any and all means and media, whether now known or hereafter devised, including but not limited to the internet, websites, print, magazines, books, mobile applications, games, commercials, etc. We have the right to transfer, assign the license granted by you to us, or grant licenses and sublicenses to our licensees, or have and allow them granting sublicenses to licensees to any other parties.

You hereby represent and warrant that you are authorized to make any Contributions, that your Contributions and the use by us will not infringe or violate the rights of any third party. You will defend (at our option), indemnify and hold harmless us and our parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, (sub)licensees, assignees, successors, authorized third party contractors from any and all loss, damage, claim, liability or expense (including reasonable outside legal fees and costs) actually incurred as a result of a third party claim arising out of a breach or alleged breach of your obligations, representations and warranties made herein.

Nothing in the Terms shall exclude or limit our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation or for death or personal injury resulting from gross negligence or willful misconduct by us.

The Service has been prepared by us solely for information purposes to Members and the Service is based on information we consider reliable and we obtain the contents of the Service from a number of different third party sources (including Contributions), but we do not endorse, support, represent, warrant or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of the Services and any information therein.

The Service, including any information contained therein, does not constitute any advice (such as but not limited to investment advice, tax advice, financial, economic advice) and is not intended as recommendations (whether personal, in general, or otherwise) to invest in companies, products, services. Any investment and purchase made, or action(s) taken based upon (information in) the Service may and will involve significant risk (such as, but not limited to loss, total loss). Past “performances” (e.g. values, ratings, etc.) of products (e.g. bottles, casks) and companies (e.g. distilleries) listed in the Services are not indicative of, nor are guarantee of future results.

Before making any decision (e.g. purchase, investment) whatsoever based on the Service you should consider obtaining third party professional/expert advice on the matter, and you should consider whether such the decision is suitable and feasible with respect to (inter alia) your financial status and situation, your particular knowledge/experience on the matter (e.g. products, companies) involved.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, we expressly disclaim all warranties and representations with respect to the Services, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, lack of viruses, accuracy or completeness of responses or results from use of the Services, that the Services will meet specific requirements, that the Services will be available or uninterrupted, secure or free of errors. You acknowledge and agree that the Service is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis.

Neither Whiskybase nor any of its group companies (including any subsidiary, affiliate or holding company), directors, officers and employees shall in any way be liable or responsible (whether directly, indirectly, consequential) for any costs, claims, damages, liabilities and other expenses, including any consequential loss, suffered by you resulting from your use of the Service.


We may, but are not under any obligation, to release new functionalities and tools or other features for the Service every now and then. Any new functionalities, tools and features shall be part of and governed by the Terms from the moment they are launched and/or available. Further, we reserve the right to modify, change, discontinue the Service, add or remove features, update the Service, change its appearance, temporarily and permanently, at any time, in whole or any part thereof.

We may change or update the Terms from time to time. You will be notified of any changes through the Service and/or by email. Your continued use of the Service after any such changes or updates take effect will constitute acknowledgement and (as applicable) acceptance of those changes or updates.

We may sell, license, transfer, assign or in any other way dispose of the Service (including Members) to any third party without any notification to you, e.g. (but without limitation) in connection with any reorganization, restructuring, merger or sale, or other transfer of assets.

If any provision of these Terms is held invalid, the remainder of the Terms shall continue in full force and effect.

If we decide not to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms, such decision shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

No partnership, joint venture, agency, or employment relationship is created as a result of your use of the Service.

Unless mandatory applicable law provides otherwise, your use of and membership to the Service are exclusively governed by Dutch law. We shall first try to settle any dispute over a dram of whisky. Disputes that cannot be settled over multiple drams of whisky shall be solely submitted to the court of Amsterdam, The Netherlands unless mandatory applicable law provides otherwise.

About Whiskybase and contact details

Whiskybase B.V. is the Dutch private limited liability company, having its statutory seat in Rotterdam, The Netherlands and its office at Zwaanshals 530, 3035 KS Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Whiskybase B.V. is registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under no. 52072819.

Any questions, requests and inquiries may be directed at:

[email protected]

Whiskybase B.V. attn. Customer Service Zwaanshals 530 3035 KS Rotterdam

The Netherlands

Version 2.0, July 2022

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Common questions, visit campus.

Michigan Union with a welcome banner

Join us for a 75-minute walking tour of Central Campus, led by one of our current U-M student tour guides. The majority of this tour will take place outside, so we strongly encourage you to check the local weather forecast and dress appropriately.

All in-person visits are by appointment only. Due to strict tour capacities, registration is required and walk-ins cannot be accommodated. In the event of cancellations or if additional dates become available, the registration page will be updated to accurately reflect tour availability.

Information sessions — where you will receive an overview of U-M and the admissions process — will generally be held each day a tour is offered (except Saturdays). To attend an information session, you'll need to be registered for a campus tour and indicate your interest when you sign up. Attending an information session is not factored into our review process if you apply to U-M. If you're unable to attend an information session in person, you can  view a recorded session online, which covers the same information.

Things to Know Before You Register

  • Your party cannot exceed four total people.
  • If you arrive more than 10 minutes after your tour is scheduled to begin, your tour will have departed and you will be provided a self-guided walking tour map.

When you register, you will have the opportunity to inform us of your mobility-related accessibility needs. We will do our best to accommodate you.

Registering for a Tour

  • Register for a tour for prospective first-year students
  • Register for a tour for prospective transfer students

Before You Arrive on Campus

The health and safety of our visitors, students, and staff is our highest priority. The following information will be helpful to know prior to your visit:

  • Stay home if you are sick: Do not come to campus if you are ill. Instead, please utilize our  virtual programming and  campus tour videos .
  • Tours will be led by current U-M students and may be stopped at the discretion of the tour guide if proper protocols are not being followed.

The tour will be led by current student tour guides and will last approximately 75 minutes. Guests must stay with their tour guide at all times and may only enter buildings included as a part of the tour route.

A model room located in a residence hall is included in our tour, although dining halls are not. Guests are welcome to  purchase a meal in one of our dining halls outside of the tour.

Due to university policy, registered students are only permitted to bring a maximum of three guests. We are not able to make exceptions to the guest capacity, tour capacity, or the late arrival policy. Parties with more than three total guests will be asked to reschedule or be provided a self-guided walking tour map.

We encourage you to attend one of our live Virtual Post-Information Session  Q&As , led by an admissions counselor, where you’ll be able to ask any questions you may have.

College of Engineering

The College of Engineering offers prospective student tours on Mondays and Fridays.  Register for an engineering tour .

Ross School of Business

Visit the Ross admissions website to find  Ross prospective student events .

School of Music, Theatre & Dance (SMTD)

Visit their website to register for an  SMTD prospective student tour .

Stamps School of Art & Design

Visit their website to browse virtual and in-person  Stamps prospective student events .

Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning

Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning offers prospective student tours one Friday a month.  Register for an architecture or urban technology tour .

Current visitor policy varies greatly across campus units and departments. Please contact the  office or academic unit you wish to meet with before making plans to come to campus.

If you are unable to come to campus, you can take a  Virtual Tour .

UFC Fight Pass

Cam Smotherman’s Revenge Tour | UFC Fight Pass

For any up-and-coming fighter, getting the call to compete on Dana White’s Contender Series is a dream come true. UFC Fight Pass Fighter to Watch Cam Smotherman was given the opportunity after rolling through his opponents in Fury FC.

Contender Series 2023 set the stage for Smotherman to make his well-deserved step into the UFC. Matched up with CFFC alumnus Charalampos Grigoriou, Smotherman was on the wrong end of a “blink of an eye” first-round TKO.

Subscribe To UFC Fight Pass Today!

“Really, what happened was, in my head I thought that the guy was super-fast, and he would throw super hard,” Smotherman explained. “When the fight started and he threw the first couple of shots, it was way slower than I thought. Then I checked a kick and I was like, ‘Oh I didn’t even feel that,’ and I thought to myself, ‘I got this.’ As soon as I dropped my guard for that one split second, that’s when he landed.”

Get Ten Dollars Off UFC 301: Pantoja vs Hill

Obviously, the results are final, but anyone familiar with Fury FC or Smotherman knows that the unfortunate result of his DWCS bout was not an accurate representation of what the Fight Pass Fighter to Watch could bring to the UFC.

With six professional KO finishes to his name, it’s hard to imagine even the who’s who of the UFC aren’t familiar with one of the most feared bantamweights outside of the UFC. He just didn’t happen to put it together in August of 2023.

“It is what it is, but I feel like if I fought him again or if I fought him nine more times, I would win all nine,” Smotherman said. “That’s why we love sports, though, you never know what can happen.”

After the loss, Smotherman was deterred from competing in MMA for a short period.


“I thought that maybe it’s not in my destiny,” Smotherman confessed. “Then I thought, no, I’ve done too many great things.”

Ten fights in two years is undoubtedly an outstanding accomplishment and is a clear testament to why Smotherman made the Fight Pass Fighters to Watch list. Smotherman’s first fight after Contender Series came less than three months later, with a flying knee finish at Fury Challenger Series 10.

Next stop on the Cam Smotherman revenge tour has landed him a matchup with Ryan Kuse. With an impressive resume of his own, the “Third Street Savage,” is looking to make his own case for Contender Series.

A late notice fight for both Smotherman and Kuse, the Fury FC 89 matchup promises to be electric and might just be what both fighters need to get a call for Contender Series 2024.


Smotherman has been slated to be on the card for months and has seen several fighters drop from his matchup. Kuse was quick to take the matchup, and Smotherman was all for it.

“I’m not necessarily picking smart fights when I’m fighting, I’m just trying to f*****g fight,” Smotherman explained. “That’s part of the reason why I have a chip on my shoulder; I don’t think people understand how good I really am.”

Fury FC 89 is stacked with high-level matchups that any MMA fan would love to see. When the weekend ends, Smotherman vs Kuse might just be a Fight of the Year candidate. What will prove to be a test for both fighters will undoubtedly be nothing short of a dog fight.

Will we see Smotherman make another case to return to Dana White’s Contender Series?

Fury FC 89 is LIVE on UFC Fight Pass this Sunday!

The new UFC Official Fight Glove 3EIGHT/5EIGHT


New Glove Engineered for Fit and Function, with Improved Ergonomics and Updated Technology for Maximum Protection

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UFC 117 Fight Between Anderson Silva And Chael Sonnen…

Epic Bout To Be Added To UFC Hall of Fame’s ‘Fight Wing’ As A Part Of The Class Of 2024

UFC Hall of Famer Mark Coleman Talks To Backstage At UFC 300: Pereira vs Hill On April 13, 2024 

Mark Coleman Backstage Interview | UFC 300

UFC Hall of Famer Mark Coleman Talks To Backstage At UFC 300: Pereira vs Hill On April 13, 2024 

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Myrtle Beach Classic – PGA Tour Event

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Description About Myrtle Beach Classic – PGA Tour Event

The Myrtle Beach Classic, a new PGA Tour event, swings into action this May, bringing elite competition to the Grand Strand. Mark your calendars for May 9-12 and witness 120 PGA Tour players battle it out for glory at the prestigious Dunes Golf and Beach Club.

The Robert Trent Jones-designed course boasts a rich golfing history, having previously hosted the Charles Schwab Cup Championship and PGA Tour Q-School Finals. With its stunning oceanfront setting and challenging layout, the Dunes Club is poised to provide a dramatic backdrop for the competition.

A variety of ticket options are available. General admission ($35-$65/day) provides access to the tournament grounds. Children 15 and under enter for free with a ticketed adult. For a premium experience (limited availability), consider the Club 17 – Shared Hospitality ticket ($325/day) for panoramic views and inclusive food and beverages.

Witness World-Class Golf

The Myrtle Beach Classic promises to be a thrilling addition to the PGA Tour calendar. Don’t miss this chance to witness elite golfers showcase their skills and vie for the coveted championship title. A portion of the proceeds goes toward supporting local charities.

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*Note: This is an all-day event. Contact organizers or visit event website for further details on times for specific activities. All dates and times are subject to change.

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Related More Myrtle Beach Sporting Events

Here's a look at even more Sporting Events you may be interested in checking out:

The World’s Strongest Man Competition

The World’s Strongest Man Competition

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Cost: $55.00

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Myrtle Beach Classic – PGA Tour Event

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Friday, May 10, 2024

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Sunday, May 12, 2024

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Back to the Beach Giveaway

One grand prize winner will receive a 3-Night Stay at Landmark Resort Plus an Amazing Prize Pack!

Four-Day/Three-Night Stay at Landmark Resort

One YETI Roadie Cooler

JBL Flip 5 Speaker

4 Tickets to The Carolina Opry

4 Tickets to the Iconic show at Alabama Theatre

4 Tickets to Brookgreen Gardens

2 Tommy Bahama Beach Chairs

Enter by June 30

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M. Night Shyamalan is getting so good that even his new trailers have twists

Trap has the best trailer we’ve seen in years

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M. Night Shyamalan has long been known for his twists , but those twists are normally reserved for the ends of his movies , not the trailers. But it seems like he’s branching out into unexplored territory with his new thriller Trap , which has a first trailer that feels worthy of the Shyamalan name.

The trailer starts out with a daughter (Ariel Donoghue) rushing her father (Josh Hartnett) into a stadium where his favorite pop star (played by M. Night’s daughter Saleka Shyamalan) is about to perform. The concert has all the hallmarks and visual signifiers of an Eras-style mega-tour . But when the dad takes a break from the singing to go to the bathroom, he suddenly notices that cops and S.W.A.T. teams have the entrances to the building locked down, and things start to spiral into some very surprising directions. But you’ll have to watch the trailer to get the full effect.

In M. Night’s presentation of the trailer at CinemaCon 2024 , he said he developed the idea for the movie over several years with his daughter Saleka, who is a real-life concert pianist. Over the years, M. Night and Saleka frequently discussed how to combine their love of music and thrillers into one movie, and Trap finally helped them hit on just the right idea.

Of course, even with all the details that the trailer gives away, it’s likely that there are plenty more surprises in store for the rest of Trap — after all, M. Night wouldn’t give up his only twist in the trailer. But we’ll have to wait until Trap hits theaters on Aug. 9 for the full story.

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RBC Heritage

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Trio tapped to handle 2024 Olympic women’s golf broadcast from Paris


THE WOODLANDS, Texas — With less than 100 days until the first round of Olympic golf is played in Paris, the first three Olympic golf broadcasters have been selected. An NBC spokesperson confirmed to Golf Digest that Karen Stupples, Morgan Pressel and Tom Abbott will broadcast women's golf for NBC Sports in August. Stupples and Abbott worked both the 2016 Games in Rio and the postponed 2020 Games in Tokyo, held a year later, while this marks Pressel's debut.

"[The Olympics are] a great celebration of sports," Abbott said. "So for golf to be involved is a big thing for the game, right? It's part of that celebration. And then for me personally to be involved is a great thrill."

It's no surprise NBC called Stupples, 50, and Abbott, 42, for the Olympics. The veteran broadcasters have already been on air at Le Golf National, the venue for this year’s Olympics. The duo was on the telecast at the 2018 Ryder Cup, where Europe won 17½-10½. They could only imagine the energy at the stadium-style course should Celine Boutier, the Frenchwoman who drew massive crowds in France when she won last year’s Amundi Evian Championship contend for a medal.

"When I was asked, I'm like, ‘Yes, put me in. Put me in coach,’" Stupples joked.

More From Golf Digest

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RELATED: Here are the current projections for who will qualifying to play in the Paris Olympics

Pressel, 35, never dreamed of making the Olympics growing up, with golf not being part of the Summer Games until 2016. Even without envisioning herself competing, she still loved tuning into the Olympics each year, watching them for two weeks like they were appointment viewing.

The Olympic broadcasting assignment is another stepping stone in Pressel's television rise. Since the 2007 Kraft Nabisco Championship winner joined Golf Channel's on-air talent team covering the LPGA full-time in 2022, Pressel has worked in all five of the LPGA's majors, the Augusta National Women's Amateur and the U.S. Open .

"I guess I never really thought I'd go to an Olympic Games and here we are," Pressel said. "It's going to be really cool."

The 60-player women’s becomes final on June 24, the day after the finish of the KPMG Women's PGA Championship. The first round of the 72-hole Olympic competition runs from Aug. 7-10. The men finish three days before the women's competition starts on Aug. 1-4.

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    This round tour takes you along the beautiful banks of the Main to the "Bavarian Nice" Aschaffenburg, across the wide Bachgau to the half-timbered Großostheim and through the Odenwald Mömlingtal back to Obernburg, starting at the Obernburger-Stern-Info-Point at the Anna-Kapelle in Obernburg. Crossing the pedestrian bridge over the Main river from Obernburg-Elsenfeld railway station, follow ...

  4. Bachgau-Tour Outdoor map and Guide

    We drive from Niedernberg down the Main, past the Seehotel and the Honisch Beach (1) on the officially signposted Main cycle path through Großwallstadt, which is famous throughout Germany for handball. The cycle path leads us along the banks of the Main to Obernburg (passing the Roman Museum (2)). We cross the Mömling, drive under the B 469, direction Eisenbach. On the right side flows the ...

  5. Bachgau-Tour

    Die Radtour führt durch die Orte des Bachgaus, am Main und der Mömling entlang. Route 1 in "Die schönsten Radwege unserer Region." Diese Tour kann auch mit dem Handbike befahren werden. Wir fahren von Niedernberg mainabwärts, vorbei am Seehotel und dem Honisch Beach auf dem offiziell ausgeschilderten Main-Radweg durch den Ort Großwallstadt ...

  6. Bachgau-Tour

    Bachgau-Tour . Start: Niedernberg. Tourbeschreibung. Die Radtour führt durch die Orte des Bachgaus, am Main und der Mömling entlang. Wegbeschreibung: Wir fahren von Niedernberg mainabwärts, vorbei am Seehotel und dem Honisch Beach (1) auf dem offiziell ausgeschilderten Main-Radweg durch den Ort Großwallstadt, der durch den Handballsport ...

  7. Spessart Main Bachgau Tour

    Start Bahnhof Aschaffenburg über Obernau, Sulzbach am Main, Kleinwallstadt, Elsenfeld auf die andere Mainseite nach Obernburg. Von hier aus Richtung Mömlinge...

  8. Wartturm Schaafheim

    From here you can plan your tour further or simply climb the tower, which is always open and enjoy the view. translated by • View Original. August 5, 2017. Ingo Müller Trail Jäger Scout. This waiting tower is mega because you can see the whole Main, Bachgau and Odenwald Thal.

  9. Die Odenwald-Bachgau-Tour Outdoor map and Guide

    You drive from Obernburg (from the cycle path bridge) along the Mainanlage upstream and leave the Main valley after crossing the Mömling and passing through the underpass of the B 469 in the direction of Eisenbach. A service road follows until Eisenbach. After passing through the village, you continue on the cycle path - past the Neustädter Hof, where the ruins of a late medieval moated ...

  10. Buy tickets

    Children under 6 years of age may enter the MAIN TOWER free of charge when accompanied by an adult guardian. Children and school pupils under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult guardian. ... Purchase tickets for larger Groups For questions about and advance reservations for larger tour and school groups, we would kindly request ...

  11. Guide to Bach Tour

    Main Page. The Guide to Bach Tour is a section of the Bach Cantatas Website (BCW), which contains information about every place associated with Bach: [L] = Places J.S. Bach lived in · [V] = Places Bach visited · [F] = Bach family places. The Guide can also be used for planning a Bach Tour.

  12. Tour Dates

    The official tour dates for The Maine. Get updates on new shows, new music, and more.

  13. Tourentipp: Main-Bachgau-Tour Entdecke mit der Main ...

    140 likes, 3 comments - spessart_mainland on March 22, 2024: "Tourentipp: Main-Bachgau-Tour Entdecke mit der Main-Bachgau-Tour malerische Landschaften auf zwei ...

  14. Tour

    Tour. bach on the road. Apr 26 Fri. Summer Breeze 2024 @ 7:00pm São Paulo, Brazil Tickets RSVP Apr 27 Sat. Tork n' Roll @ 7:00pm Curitiba, Brazil Tickets RSVP Apr 28 Sun. Vivo Rio @ 7:00pm ...

  15. THE 10 BEST Moscow City Tours (Updated 2024)

    5. Bridge to Moscow. 454. City Tours • Cultural Tours. Basmanny. By Charito1967. Our tour guide was the best, very knowledgeable and lots of patience and caring to explain and to help us in all we r... 6. Go Russia Travel Company.

  16. Top 10 Moscow Tourist Attractions

    The majestic capital of Russia, Moscow is the perfect destination for those seeking to explore the culture, history, and architectural heritage in the country.An extensive Moscow tour is arguably the best way to get acquainted with the one-of-a-kind city, as there is an abundance of sites to visit, such as the Kremlin, the Red Square, the State History Museum, Zaryadye Park, numerous churches ...

  17. Moscow City Museum & Observation Deck

    The museum was founded by the PJSC "City" in conjunction with the Museum of Moscow. Open to the public since July 2017. You can visit the museum on your own or order an English-speaking guide in advance. The price starts at 3 500 rubles for a group up to 20 people. Please call +7 495 775 36 56 for more information.

  18. Visit us at the University of Maine

    Destination Orono. There's no better way to learn about UMaine than to experience it for yourself. We offer a variety of tours and events throughout the year for you to see our stunning campus, view our state-of-the-art facilities, meet with faculty, students and admission representatives, and learn about student life and campus services. We ...

  19. bachgau-Destille

    Whiskybase General Terms and Conditions Introduction Whiskybase B.V. ("Whiskybase", "we" or "us", company details below) offers a whisky enthusiasts online platform that provides its members access to the most comprehensive, transparent and trusted resource of whisky bottles and allows and stimulates its members to contribute information about whisky bottles to the platform ...

  20. Visit Campus

    Join us for a 75-minute walking tour of Central Campus, led by one of our current U-M student tour guides. The majority of this tour will take place outside, so we strongly encourage you to check the local weather forecast and dress appropriately.All in-person visits are by appointment only. Due to strict tour capacities, registration is required and walk-ins cannot be accommodated.

  21. Ozanam Scholar Finds Growth and Adventure at St. John's

    April 18, 2024. Delaware native and Interdisciplinary Business major Gabe Torres came to St. John's University looking for an immersive New York experience, and his selection to the Ozanam Scholars program cemented a decision he has never regretted. "The opportunity to be part of the Ozanam Scholars program ultimately led to my decision to attend St. John's," he recalled.

  22. Mutua Madrid Open 2024: Draws, Dates, History & All You Need ...

    Here is what you need to know ahead of the Mutua Madrid Open, the ATP Masters 1000 tournament held in the Spanish capital:. When is the Mutua Madrid Open? The 2024 Mutua Madrid Open will be held from 24 April-5 May. The clay-court ATP Masters 1000 tournament, established in 2002, will take place at the Caja Magica in Madrid, Spain.

  23. Cam Smotherman's Revenge Tour

    Cam Smotherman's Revenge Tour | UFC Fight Pass By Austin Morales • Apr. 18, 2024 For any up-and-coming fighter, getting the call to compete on Dana White's Contender Series is a dream come true.

  24. Visit Penn State

    Visitors. Welcome to Penn State. Students, faculty, and staff from all over the world study and work at Penn State campuses across Pennsylvania and the World Campus. We invite you to learn more about studying, teaching, researching, and working with us. Whether you're visiting virtually or in person, come experience all Penn State has to offer.

  25. Nick Hardt, the Dominican dreaming in Barcelona

    A dream two weeks for Nick Hardt hit new heights Monday at the Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell.. The 23-year-old rallied past fast-rising #NextGenATP home favourite Martin Landaluce to triumph on his ATP Tour main-draw debut. With his first-round victory in Barcelona coming just eight days after Hardt won his maiden ATP Challenger Tour title in the same city, it has turned into quite a fortnight ...

  26. 2024 Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour

    The 2024 Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour is the third edition of the global elite professional beach volleyball circuit organized by the Fédération Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) for the 2024 beach volleyball season. Since March 2022, the Tour comprises three tiers: Future, Challenge and Elite 16. The season ends with The Finals featuring the 10 best teams in the world.

  27. PGA Tour Event

    About Myrtle Beach Classic - PGA Tour Event. The Myrtle Beach Classic, a new PGA Tour event, swings into action this May, bringing elite competition to the Grand Strand. Mark your calendars for May 9-12 and witness 120 PGA Tour players battle it out for glory at the prestigious Dunes Golf and Beach Club.

  28. M. Night Shyamalan's new thriller trailer has a twist only ...

    The concert has all the hallmarks and visual signifiers of an Eras-style mega-tour. But when the dad takes a break from the singing to go to the bathroom, he suddenly notices that cops and S.W.A.T ...

  29. Moscow

    🎧 Wear headphones for the best experience.In this video, we will walk along the famous tourist routes of Moscow, take a walk along the renovated embankments...

  30. Trio tapped to handle 2024 Olympic women's golf broadcast from Paris

    use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our visitor agreement (updated 1/6/23), privacy and cookies notice (updated 3/27/24). golf digest may earn a ...